Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 165 Who Am I? I Am The Strongest Villain

Words for fat people.

It was rare for the tailor not to hate the fat man, and following the fat man's last two words, she couldn't help recalling the incident when Sen Luosi rescued the zombie who sealed the door.

Even though she kept scolding Fatty for being useless, it didn't mean she didn't recognize Fatty's strength.

In fact.

When Sen Luosi planned to rescue the door-closing zombies, she was the one who suggested Fatty to save them. In her opinion, Fatty was the only person Sen Luosi could save the door-closing zombies, and the facts proved this to be the case.

Even though Fatty failed to rescue the door-closing zombie in the end, he still escaped unscathed.

If it is another ghost.

Let alone being rescued, he would definitely be arrested by the Department of Health and Dao at that time. It is absolutely impossible to escape unscathed if he fails to save the ghost.

Once caught at that time, the Department of Health and Dao can use interrogation to ask more information about Senluosi, and destroy Senluosi in one fell swoop. It is also because the fat man was not arrested, and only some other ghosts of Senluosi were arrested, avoiding Sen Ross exposes more information.

Can't help it.

The tailor seemed to have the same idea as the fat man, and the forehead responded.

"It is true that the Department of Health and Dao will not let us save it, otherwise the Department of Health and Dao would not have sent those forces to guard it."

"Without that combat power, you should be able to rescue it with your fat man's strength. It's a pity."

As soon as the words came out.

Hearing that the tailor rarely praised him, the fat man was as proud as a student who was praised by the teacher:

"That is, who am I, I am the strongest villain."

"Actually, if I change the guard with another combat power, I can really rescue that zombie. After all, Shengxuan hadn't joined the Department of Defense at that time, and he hadn't become the strongest true dragon guard in the Department of Defense, and that force was the highest combat power at that time. "

"And I still save people. Saving people is much more difficult than killing people."

"Of course, if I change to my current strength to save, with that force, I can also save. Today is different from the past."

The tailor's immature face twitched:

"That's enough, that's enough. I'll praise you for breathing. With your current strength, you can't save me."

"Who said that? It's because you don't know that I'm stronger again." The fat man retorted.


The tailor frowned, noticing the meaning behind the fat man's words:

"What? Have you improved your strength? With your current strength, how can you say that you are diligent? What have you done, fat man?"

The fat man replied with a casual smile:

"I got a ghost king's head from Wei Daosi. The ghost king's soul still remained in that ghost king's head. Not long ago, I ate a half-step ghost baby that was about to become a ghost king. You said I ate a whole ghost king. Half-step ghost king, plus I'm stuck in the bottleneck, do you think I can't become stronger..."

The words are not finished yet.

The fat man heard the growling voice of the tailor:

"Damn fat man!! You really didn't concentrate on killing Zhang Wei, you still have time to trouble the Department of Defense, you damn fat man, return the money to me! Immediately!!"

"Damn it, the money I gave you is for you to kill Zhang Wei. It's fine if you don't kill Zhang Wei for me, but you're sneaking up on the Department of Health for me."

The fat man shrank his head and immediately apologized with a smile:

"Hey, don't be angry, don't be angry, I really concentrate on killing Zhang Wei, you heard that, didn't I send you a message before, saying that Zhang Wei killed a ghost king, and I sent you a video to prove it."

"After I sent you a message, I was thinking, Zhang Wei is so strong, I can't kill him, but I can't just watch for nothing, I have to create some stumbling blocks for Zhang Wei."

"So I went and snatched the ghost king's head that Zhang Wei gave to Wei Daosi."

"First, it will cause some trouble for the Department of Health and Dao, and let the Department of Health and Dao divert some attention from the northeast, and pay attention to a ghost king coming out of Luxia City."

"Secondly, create some stumbling blocks for Zhang Wei. After all, Zhang Wei is your enemy. You can't make Zhang Wei feel better. I have to get some wool out of him."

That's all for words.

The fat man grinned and said:

"Tailor, I haven't finished refining the ghost king's head. I still have half of it. I'm planning to give it to you in two days. Isn't it your birthday in the next two days? It just happens to be your birthday present."

"How about it, my birthday present is a great gift."

birthday present?

The tailor was stunned, his eyes brightened and he said in a deep voice:

"Fatty man, how do you know my date of birth, where did you get it! Are you investigating me?"

The tailor looked sullen.

She is very clear that she has never told anyone the date of her birth, even if the fat man is her companion Sen Luosi, it is impossible for her to know.

To this.

The fat man didn't give a damn, he was embarrassed and replied:

"Hey, what, because I saw you sneaking out to buy a birthday cake one day last year..."


The fat man recalled the 15th day of the fourth lunar month last year.

That day, when he went out to buy handicrafts, he accidentally found the tailor. Seeing the tailor sneaking around, out of curiosity, he followed him secretly. He saw the tailor walking into the cake shop, and the tailor came out with a cake not long after.

After that, the fat man saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

He saw the tailor take the cake, find a place where no one was around, unpack the cake, insert and light the candles, and blow out the candles for himself:

"Happy birthday to myself."

That's what a tailor looks like.

The fat man could see clearly, and the tailor smiled, which was the first time he had seen a tailor smile.

It was also after that time that the fat man learned that the tailor's birthday was April 15.

Count the days.

Two days later, on May 15th, which is April 15th in the lunar calendar, the fat man planned to give the half of the ghost king's head to the tailor as a birthday present.

This wasn't decided by Fatty's impromptu cunning, but he had thought about it long ago.

Feeling the silence on the phone, there was no tailor's voice.

The fat man couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, and asked cautiously:

"Well, are you still there, the tailor? I didn't mean to see it. It's just a coincidence. You know the coincidence. Don't be angry. It's better to say that the birthday present I gave you is wrong."

"Hey, it's my first birthday gift, I don't know about it, that's right, how can I give a head, or half a head as a birthday gift, I'll change it..."

The words are not finished yet.

The tailor's voice came through the phone.


Although there were only two words, the fat man was stunned for a moment, scratched his head shyly and grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, and replied:

"You're welcome."


Northeast, bustling and lively night market streets.

A shop upstairs.

The tailor finished talking with Fatty on the phone, this time she called Fatty, it was not for nothing, but Sen Luosi also learned about the deal between the door-closing zombie and the Department of Health, and they discussed taking advantage of the deal to rescue the door-closing zombie .

She called to make Fatty ready to rescue the door-closing zombie at any time.

at this time.

The tailor hung up the phone and stood quietly in front of the window overlooking the night market street downstairs.

On the street, people come and go, men and women, old and young, they are lovers or families, parents are holding their daughters, the scene is lively and prosperous.

Watching this scene.

Her eyes were moving, and no one knew what she was thinking at the moment.

for a moment.

She murmured:

"A birthday present..."


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