Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 166 Tailor: Do You Want To Join Sen Luosi?

at the same time.

After Fatty finished talking with the tailor, Zhang Wei and Li Junfei went back to the dormitory and watched the match with Fatty.

Zhang Wei took the headset:

"Brother Fat has been waiting for a long time, here we come."

The fat man in a good mood heard the words and said:

"Brother Wei, 50 minutes, I have been waiting for you for a full 50 minutes, do you know how I spent these 50 minutes?"

The words just came out.

Zhang Wei immediately replied:

"Slag and Zhahui's playful Blue Moon."

"Fuck, I picked up this meme for you. I have long since stopped playing the blue moon. It's a game of cheating money. Damn it, I even bought a double-month card."

The fat man cursed and said:

"With that money, I might as well buy a figurine. By the way, "Cross-dressing Dolls Fall in Love" has been released recently. Is Brother Wei interested in buying it together? I see there is a group price over there. Let's make one."

"Still buying? Fat brother, I have known you until now, you have bought at least fifty figures, right? This is excluding other peripherals."

It was Li Junfei who spoke.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Fat Brother to answer, Zhang Wei answered:

"So that sentence is correct, a handmade wall in a dead house can buy a villa."

To this.

The fat man laughed and said:

"You may not believe me, but I actually borrowed money from my friends to buy the handicrafts."

"Really? Brother Fat, does your friend still lack friends? Brother Wei and I are very happy to be friends, the kind who borrow money and don't pay back." Li Junfei joked.

The fat man was stunned for a moment, thinking of the relationship between Zhang Wei and the tailor, he smiled in his heart and said:

"My friend is afraid of life."

"It's okay, I'm acquainted, your friend is afraid that I can get to know him well, even if he is my enemy, I can chat with him as a friend." Zhang Wei answered casually.

Fat Brother was stunned again, then the corners of his mouth raised into a half-smile, and he murmured:

"Indeed, Brother Wei, you are very good at chatting."

"Brother Fat, is your friend a boy or a girl?" Li Junfei asked at this moment.

Words come out.

The next second, Fatty's voice came from the headset:

"My a girl, and she's a little girl now."


the other side.

Northeast, inside a building in the night market.

at this time.

The tailor stood in front of the window, watching the bustling night market outside the window.

After talking on the phone with Fatty, she did not leave and chose to stay here not only because of what Fatty said before, but also because she was waiting. The villain is highlighted above.

Not long.

As if feeling something, the tailor leaned backwards.

The room he was in was dim, and the lights were not turned on. The corner of the wall behind him was dark and dark, like a passage leading to darkness. If one looked closely at the dark corner, there would always be a ghost hand sticking out from the corner at any time.

The moment she leaned forward.

In the dark corner, a trace of terrifying Yin Qi overflowed, and a terrifying figure stepped out.

This is a fierce ghost who has just been promoted to the king of ghosts. It is holding an arm in its hand. Look carefully at that arm, which is dripping with blood. It is also holding a mahogany sword in its hand. It is obvious that the owner of that arm is a ghost exorcist. .

"Meet the tailor."

Ghost Dynasty bowed slightly to the tailor, with a look of awe in his eyes.

Although he was promoted to be a ghost king, his strength did not need to be strong, but in front of the tailor, he didn't dare to make mistakes. Without the prestige of being a ghost king, he had a kind of respect like a dog's leg.

"Are you being followed by ghost exorcists?"

The tailor didn't care about the awe of the other party, and those lolita eyes glanced indifferently at the arm he raised.

Ghost King nodded lightly:

"Yes, but please don't worry about the tailor. I have already dealt with the ghost exorcist. My whereabouts have not been noticed by the Northeast Guardian Department. At most, they only know that a ghost has recently been promoted to the ghost king."

The tailor nodded slightly, staring at the ghost king in front of him and slowly said:

"You want to join Sen Luosi?"

in words.

The tailor recalled an incident not long ago. She was the person responsible for the Northeast incident. Recently, as usual, she drove ghosts to make troubles in the Northeast, so as to attract the attention of the Northeast Defense Department and prevent the Northeast Defense Department from finding out. The real purpose of their trip to the Northeast is Sen Luosi.

But this time, the ghosts were driving the ghosts to make troubles. One of the ghosts grew from a red-clothed ghost to a ghost king after continuous troubles, killing people, killing ghost exorcists, and even swallowing ghosts.

The ghost king in front of him was the red-clothed ghost who had grown into a ghost king.


After it became the ghost king, it took the initiative to contact the tailor, wanting to join Sen Luosi.

In the past, if there were ghosts who wanted to join Senluosi, the tailor would ignore them. After all, Senluosi was so powerful that many ghosts wanted to join, but the purpose of her trip to the Northeast was not to recruit ghosts, and she did not intend to And disrupt the plan.

But the ghost king is an exception.

You must know that no matter where the ghost king is, it is a terrifying existence that is worthy of attention.

No ghost exorcist or ghost organization would be unwilling to have a ghost king-level existence join their organization.

That's why tailors are here.


Facing the tailor's question, the Ghost King nodded in response.

"Reason." The tailor looked at the ghost king.

"Sen Luosi is very powerful. You have turned the Northeast upside down, making it difficult for the Department of Defense, and I have killed too many ghost exorcists and ghosts. grow stronger."

The ghost king threw the ghost exorcist's arm on the ground, and said noncommittally:

"This is the arm of a Qilin guard from the Department of Health and Dao. In fact, I was attracted on purpose. I want the tailor to know the purpose. This is my signature."

"I know that Sen Luosi is powerful. Even if I become the ghost king, I may not be able to join you just by saying I join, so my arm is my vote certificate, which proves that I have the qualifications to join you."

As a ghost.

It is still a ghost driven by Senluosi to make troubles in the northeast, how could it not know Senluosi, especially after growing into a ghost king, it is more aware of Senluosi's horror, and has learned a lot about Senluosi.

Sen Luosi is the only wanted organization that can compete with the Department of Health and Dao so far, and it has not been destroyed in the siege of the Department of Health several times.

This alone is enough to prove that Sen Luosi is terrifying and powerful.

He glanced at Qilin Wei's arm on the ground.

The tailor raised his head slowly:

"not enough."

Although there were only two times, the meaning was beyond words. With this Qilin guard arm alone, he was not qualified to join Sen Luosi.

To this.

The ghost king seemed to have expected it, and was not angry. Instead, he grinned and raised a ghost finger:

"I don't know enough, so in addition to this nomination certificate, I have plans to prepare another nomination certificate."

Let's talk.

It slowly said:

"I don't know if I'm going to kill one of the heirs of Longhu Mountain and the future young master Lu Lianfeng of the Xiangxi Exorcism Sect, and hang his head at the gate of the Department of Defense. Is it eligible to join the Senluo Division?"


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