Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 16 The Novel-Like Protagonist, The Little Monk Wu Nian

"The protagonist of the novel? True or false, don't lie to me as the monitor, I don't read much."

"Pfft, you still don't study much, Zhang Wei, you both go to the same university as me, and you are still the first in your grade."

Lu Lianxue laughed jokingly, pretending to respond seriously.

Immediately afterwards.

She said:

"Little Monk Wu Nian is what we call him in the ghost exorcism circle. He is actually about the same age as us."

"His power is well-known in the entire ghost exorcism circle."

"One is because he comes from Mount Wutai, which is a famous Buddhist family."

"The second is his own talent and strength."

"And then the most important third point."

"Although he is young, he has done many brilliant deeds. He is no different from the protagonist of the novel. He can definitely be written as a novel."

"There are rumors."

"He was born in a rural family. He had a relic in his mouth when he was born. There were magpies hanging on the branches, and the cranes were singing in the Buddhist courtyard."

"Attracted experts from various famous Buddhist schools to fight for their heads."

"In the end, because of his infancy, the little hand grabbed Wutai Mountain to host, and he became a disciple of Wutai Mountain because of his predestined relationship with Wutai Mountain."

"When I was five years old, I discussed Taoism and Dharma with eminent Buddhist monks. Not only did I win, but I also made eminent Buddhist monks call me a teacher."

"When I was eight years old, I went down the mountain with a feeling. I met the famous Mr. Hu San from the Chumaxian family. With a few words of advice, Mr. Hu was awarded the title, and his strength went further. Mr. Hu was grateful and willing to become his little fox. Protect him for ten years."

"Even if the ten-year period has passed and Mr. Hu has left, he still tells all the disciples of the Hu family that if they encounter Wu Nian, they will receive them with the highest courtesy and help them if they need help."

"When I was ten years old..."

Lu Lianxue talked eloquently.

He continued to talk about some deeds of the little monk Wu Nian.

Zhang Wei couldn't help being amazed.

"These deeds, if you take any one out, it's a story where the protagonist pretends to slap your face in the face."

Lu Lianxue nodded in agreement:

"That's right, I feel the same way, I feel like I can publish a novel, it's called "My name is Wu Nian, it's hard not to be famous"."

"I think it's more appropriate to call it "I'm Not Weaker Than Anyone in My Life Without Thoughts"."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei took a sip of Coke and said in shock.

"Then here comes the question, is there no black material for Wu Nian who is so aggressive?"

"Squad leader, aren't you from Longhushan? You are also a famous school. Is there any gossip about Wu Nian?"

The words fell.

On the phone, Lu Lianxue chuckled.

"Zhang Wei, you think the same as I do. I was shocked when I heard about the little monk Wu Nian."

"Then I came up with an idea, that is, I don't allow Wu Nian to be so awesome, too good, how can he be so good, I need some black material to comfort me."

Just talking.

Lu Lianxue sighed and spread her hands.

"Unfortunately, Wu Nian has no black material."

"He doesn't go whoring, doesn't smoke, doesn't take drugs, and he doesn't worry about being blackmailed when he crosses the road to help the old lady. He is really a good young man."

"If you insist on pulling out a shortcoming."

"It can only be said that he is famously simple."

"Oh? Simple? How do you say it?" Zhang Wei asked after taking a bite of the skewers.

Lu Lianxue responded.

"Simple in the literal sense, very simple in character."

"He was accepted as a disciple of Wutai Mountain since he was a child, and he devoted himself to practicing Buddhism. Although he went to school, he was devoted to his studies and Buddhism."

"So apart from some common sense, he doesn't understand anything. He has never been in a relationship or played a game."

There is the topic of the little monk without thoughts.

Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue talked on the phone for a long time.

Until a long time.

Zhang Wei ate a bunch of roasted kidneys and looked up.

The shop is not far from the street.

The two walked towards their barbecue restaurant.

Both are male.

They don't look very old, they are all in their twenties.

One person is dressed in hip-hop, I don’t know if it’s pretend, or he really likes to listen to music, with headphones hanging around his neck.


It was another person who attracted Zhang Wei.

Beside the hip-hop man, there is a bald young man with a delicate and immature appearance and a fair face. In ancient times, his appearance must have been a handsome son-in-law.

Along the way.

Even though the bald young man was bald, he still attracted the attention of many girls on the road. They whispered to each other, and many of them came up boldly, wanting to increase the prestige of the bald young man, but the bald young man clasped his hands together and rejected them one by one.


The two glanced at Zhang Wei.

The hip-hop youth immediately motioned to the bald youth, and walked towards Zhang Wei together.

As soon as the two sides meet.

"Little monk Wu Nian?"

Zhang Wei spoke first, looking at the bald youth.

The bald young man froze for a moment: "You know me?"

"That's right, forcing Wang Wunian's name is like thunder." Zhang Wei beckoned the two to sit down.

At this moment.

The hip-hop youth pulled the dazed bald youth to sit down.

"Haha, the word "King King" is well said. Finally, someone has spoken my heart. You don't know how much pressure I have to partner with this guy."

"It's far away."

The hip-hop youth coughed.

"It seems that you are Zhang Wei."

"Let me introduce. My surname is also Zhang, and my name is Zhang Chao. He is Wu Nian. We are sent by the Department of Health and Dao to help deal with the zombies."

Have a conversation.

Zhang Chao and Zhang Chao learned about the zombies from Zhang Wei.

When it is learned that the zombie is dead.

He was still beaten to death by Zhang Wei.

The corner of Zhang Chao's mouth twitched, he glanced at Zhang Wei, and then at Wu Nian beside him.

"Come on, pinch, another pervert."

Wu Nian didn't notice Zhang Chao's gaze.

I saw that he was surprised by Zhang Wei's words at first, then he came back to his senses and put his hands together:

"Amitabha, thanks to the benefactor Zhang Wei for solving a problem for us. Next, deal with the cadavers behind the zombies. Let us handle it."

Can save trouble.

Zhang Wei was naturally happy and readily accepted.

"Then after the barbecue, I'll take you to the construction site."

"Whatever you want to eat, you can order whatever you want. I'll treat you. You don't have to be polite with me. No matter how you talk about the zombie, it was entrusted to me by a friend and handed over to you Department of Health. "

"By the way, Brother Wu Nian, can you eat meat?"


Had a barbecue camaraderie.

In addition, Zhang Wei's three-inch tongue, and Zhang Chao have always been familiar with each other.

On the way to the construction site.

Zhang Wei has already hooked up with Zhang Chao, so good that they almost made a blood alliance on the spot, and Taoyuan begged for help.

"Haha, old iron Zhang Wei said it well, Ma Geji, why didn't I meet you sooner."

Zhang Chaoniu took a sip of Coke.

"You don't know, Wu Nian is so forceful, even if you are full of force, you are still like a boring gourd. You have nothing to talk about. Partnering with him is not only stressful, but also boring. I feel like I am a piece of wood. Now It's comfortable to have you by my side, why don't you just join the Department of Health and Dao, and we'll be partners."

Wu Nian seemed to be used to Zhang Chao's teasing, and was not angry at him for speaking ill of him to his face.

Instead, he couldn't laugh or cry:

"Zhang Chao, I have something to talk to you about."

"Come on, what are you talking about with me? You only talk to me about the Buddha's Dharma. How can I talk about it?"

Zhang Chao said and patted Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei, tell me, if Wu Nian talks about Buddha with you, can you go on talking?"

Zhang Wei smiled hehe:

"We can talk."

"Brother Zhang Chao, let me tell you, even if it's a topic you don't like, you can talk about it."

"It's like chasing a girl. When you talk to a girl, you must talk about what she is interested in, such as cosmetics and bags."

"And do you like these topics?"

Zhang Chao shook his head directly.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei continued.

"Right, I don't like it, but if I don't like it, can't I talk about it? I can talk about it. Otherwise, if you don't talk about these things, why are you chasing girls?"

"You just have to find out what you're interested in talking about."

Zhang Chaofeng said: "I understand this truth, but cosmetics are different from Buddha. In terms of cosmetics, I can also talk about cosmetics for acne removal. After all, boys also have acne. They are more or less interested in removing acne. What about Buddhas? All Buddhas are Amitabha Buddhas who save all living beings.”

"Not always."

Zhang Wei stretched out his index finger and shook it.

He turned his head and looked towards Wu Nian.

at this time.

Wu Nian is also looking at Zhang Wei.

Although Wu Nian only focuses on learning and Buddhism, it doesn't mean that he doesn't like to communicate with people, but he is not good at communicating. Now when it comes to talking, he is also interested in coming over to listen.

"Brother Wu Nian, let me ask you a question related to Buddha."

Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Which Buddha do you believe in?"


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