Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 17 Will The Wonderful Flower Fairy Buddha Be Fooled Out?


Wu Nian had a question mark face.

Zhang Wei moved closer to Wu Nian and spoke slowly.

"It's which Buddha you like more, worship him the most, admire these things the most, and then what do you like about him."

As soon as the words are asked.

Zhang Chao was very interested.


What kind of Buddha does Wu Nian like?

You must know that Buddhas also have women. If Wu Nian likes a female Buddha, it is equivalent to asking what type of women Wu Nian likes.

Knowing that Wu Nian is a boring gourd, the type of woman I like.

How could Zhang Chao not be interested.

Ma Liu came up.

Thumbs up to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei gave Zhang Chao a "you understand" look.

Zhang Chao gave Zhang Wei a "I understand" look in return.

at the same time.

Wu Nian is completely unaware that Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei are "calculating" themselves.

It's just tangled thinking over there.

Which Buddha do I like?


let me see.

After a while, Wu Nian clasped his hands together and replied earnestly.

"I like and admire every Buddha very much. They are the guiding lights for the little monks."

"If you want to choose a favorite among them."

"The little monk chooses Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva."

Zhang Wei snorted, and looked at Zhang Chao.

"It turned out to be Guan~Shi~Yin~Bodhisattva~."

Don't wait for Wu Nian to say something.

Zhang Wei continued to ask.

"Brother Wu Nian, what does Guan Yin Bodhisattva look like in your mind?"

In order to gossip about the little monk without thoughts, the type of women I like.

Zhang Wei also deliberately took out his mobile phone.

Open Baidu.

A bunch of pictures of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva were found.

"Look at these pictures of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, which one matches your image."

He gave out pictures of bodhisattvas of famous ladies.

One is as beautiful as a fairy, with a fairy air, like a pure and green little fairy.

One is mature, like a big sister, full of sisters.

A picture of a junior high school student who looks like a little lolita, who is as cute as the girl next door.

A pure lsp, very turbulent.


"Sister Yu, lolita, pure, domineering and other types are all there."

Zhang Chao said.

He stretched out his elbow and poked Wu Nian.

"Wu Nian choose one, which one matches the image in your mind, and tell me, is the fourth one the image in your mind? If yes, I'm sure you, brother!"

"Amitabha, little monk, take a look."

Wu Nian took Zhang Wei's phone.

Swipe through the pictures one by one.

His expression is always calm.

I am not moved by those photos of Bodhisattvas.

Just glanced at it and then looked away.

Even those girls dressed as Bodhisattvas are all beautiful, especially the fourth Bodhisattva, which is so turbulent, they are swept away and remain unmoved.

To this.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei watched strangely.

Zhang Chao muttered in a low voice:

"Absolutely, did Wu Nian not be moved after reading the fourth picture?"

"If you normally wear handles, when you see this kind of Xiong Yong girl with deep scars, shouldn't you at least take a second look?"

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally.

"It seems that in the eyes of brother Wu Nian, apart from learning and Buddhism, there is no desire or desire in the legend."

Zhang Chao sighed.

"I thought I could ask Wu Nian, a boring gourd, to see what type of girls he likes, but I didn't expect to be completely uninterested in girls. Alas, I suddenly feel sorry for his little Jiji, who can only be used to pee, and has no other use. , It's miserable."

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard this, and was about to say something

But at this time.

"What are you talking about?"

Wu Nian looked over.

He had already finished looking at the picture, and returned the phone to Zhang Wei, with a calm expression the whole time, without any disturbance, which fulfilled what Zhang Wei said about wanting nothing.


Zhang Wei waved his hand and changed the topic.

"Brother Wu Nian, have you finished reading it? How about it? Doesn't one of them match the image of a Bodhisattva in your heart?"

Hearing words without thinking.

He shook his head with a smile:

"Donor Zhang Wei, stop joking, none of these are Bodhisattva images."

"A Bodhisattva doesn't look like that."

His words sounded.

next second.

"Why can't it be a Bodhisattva?"

Zhang Wei spoke seriously and eloquently:

"Brother Wu Nian, isn't there a saying that a bodhisattva has three thousand incarnations, and each incarnation is different, so bodhisattvas naturally have various images. How do you know that bodhisattvas cannot have these cute images?"

"Besides, in the classics and stories of Bodhisattvas, don't they often have Bodhisattvas transforming into ordinary people and entering the world to save all living beings?"

"Then the image of her incarnation may also have the image of a cute little loli, sister Yu."

It's not loud.

But Wu Nian was stunned.

Immediately afterwards.

He pondered slightly, clasped his hands together and responded with a smile.

"Benefactor Zhang Wei, what you said is not unreasonable. It is indeed true that there are three thousand incarnations of Bodhisattvas."

The voice did not fall.

He changed the subject and pointed to a photo of a Bodhisattva in Zhang Wei's hand.

"But no matter how incarnated a Bodhisattva is, it won't turn into this. Look at this picture, how can a Bodhisattva hold a hot weapon?"

Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao looked over.

That is the Bodhisattva picture that Zhang Wei was looking for in order to find the type of girl who is a and sassy.

in the figure.

Bodhisattva is very domineering, holding a Gatling in both hands.

He pulled the trigger, and Gatling spewed fire snakes from the muzzle.

That Bodhisattva shape.

Be as aggressive as you want, as much as you want, as much as you want, as much as you want, you deserve the goddess of domineering.


Zhang Wei grinned:

"Why not."

"This is Namo Gatling Bodhisattva."

Zhang Chao was also on the sidelines.

"(⊙o⊙)... Wu Nian, don't you know Namo Gatling Bodhisattva?"

Wu Nian was stunned.

Looking at Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei, doubts appeared on their handsome faces.

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva? Is there such a Bodhisattva?"

At this moment.

Zhang Wei's voice came.

He pointed to Zhang Chao and said:

"Of course there is. You see, Zhang Chao knows that Namo Gatling Bodhisattva is one of the most popular Bodhisattvas in recent years. Many people worship and worship him."

See Wu Nian's suspicious gaze.

Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone and searched for a picture on Baidu.

That is the famous photo of "Namo Gatling Bodhisattva".

can be seen.

The Bodhisattva in the photo is different from the Bodhisattva shown to Wu Nian before. It is not a real person, but a real statue. I don't know whether it is made of bronze or iron. Behind the Bodhisattva, there is a cabinet with many bronze Buddha statues on it.

"Look, Brother Wu Nian."

"There are people who directly enshrine the statue of Namo Gatling Bodhisattva."

"There is also a Buddhist saying of Namo Gatling Bodhisattva below."

Zhang Wei pointed to a line of words below the photo, and read directly:

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, with six pure depleted uranium bombs, 3,600 rotations in one breath, saves the world with great mercy."


Zhang Wei also opened Baidu search.

Search Namo Gatling Bodhisattva directly.

"Many people like Namo Gatling Bodhisattva. The post is much older. This is the image of Bodhisattva they like, and many people enshrine it."

"in addition."

"Except for Namo Gatling Bodhisattva."

"There are also anti-tank Arhats, the Tathagata of Western Heaven Arms and so on."

Zhang Wei searched and showed Wu Nian the Buddhas he said.

For example, the Tathagata of Arms of the West Heaven.

In the picture, Tathagata sits cross-legged on a mechanical lotus flower whose petals are made of missiles. The Buddha ring behind him is composed of thousands of arms, including rocket launchers, AK45, grenades, etc., a Buddha ring composed of arms.

Wu Nian shook his head and clasped his hands together.

"Zhang Wei benefactor, these are just fabrications, not real Bodhisattvas and Tathagatas."

"After all, I have never heard of any Buddhist family who use these Bodhisattvas and Tathagatas to subdue demons and drive ghosts."

"Because these Bodhisattvas and Tathagatas cannot drive away ghosts."

Respond without thought.

It was Zhang Wei who stretched out an index finger and shook his head.

"You're wrong, who said they can't exorcise ghosts."

Seeing no thoughts and doubts.

Zhang Wei grinned.

"Don't you believe me? Brother Wu Nian, you know it well."

"The more 'gods' are enshrined by people, the more powerful the enshrined 'gods' will be able to protect people. For example, City God, they were human beings during their lifetime, and they were worshiped by man-made temples after death. The power of incense has become a god in the eyes of mortals."

"Then Namo Gatling Bodhisattva and Xitian Junhuo Tathagata are the same."

"Many people believe in them, so they naturally have the power of incense, so they can deal with ghosts."

What Zhang Wei said.

Wu Nian froze.

As a Buddhist disciple, how can he not know the power and belief of incense, not to mention that he has met Mr. Hu San of the Chumaxian family, so he knows the power of incense better.

You must know the origin of the horse immortals. In fact, those mountain spirits and monsters allow people to worship them in order to become immortals, and they also help humans do things such as protecting homes and homes, subjugating demons and eliminating demons, so as to accumulate merit and gain incense. Strength and faith, so as to achieve positive results.

Its approach is similar to what Zhang Wei said about the City God.

The City God is the belief in merit and virtue, cultivated into a body of incense, and transformed into an immortal.


There was also a folk saying about belief.

It is said that it is a god in the world, but it is the belief in people's hearts.

Because I believe in God.

Because of the belief in the gods.

Therefore, under faith, gods are condensed by faith.

There is even a saying in modern theology.

If you believe it, you will have it.

For example, the Japanese urban legend, it is said that when people believe in this urban legend, and more people believe in it, then the ghosts in the urban legend will also come true.


Namo Gatling Bodhisattva and Xitian Junhuo Tathagata are believed and believed by people.

And why can't it condense the body of incense, come true, and rank in the immortal class like the traditional immortal Buddha.


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