Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 170 Mirage? Paper Man Carrying A Sedan Chair In The Night Sky

at this time.

They were also stuck in traffic on the highway.

There are rows of cars parked on the road all around, and they are also stuck in traffic, located in front of an overpass.

Looking out the car window.

They found that the sound of the car was gone.

You must know that when there is a traffic jam, there are always some old drivers who are impatient to wait. Once the car moves forward, they will frantically honk the horn to let the car in front drive quickly.

However, there is no sound of car whistle outside the car window now.

The opposite of.

Many car doors around were opened, and everyone in the car got off, looking in one direction, pointing and talking, as if something attracted them.

"Uncle, what are you looking at?"

Cao Yu leaned out the car window and asked the driver who got out of the car beside him.

The driver pointed in that direction after hearing the words:

"There's a mirage over there, it's really fun, you can come out and have a look, young man, don't miss the spectacle of the mirage."

While talking, the driver picked up his phone and took pictures in that direction, trying to capture the mirage.

Mirage? ?

Cao Yu and Lu Lianfeng looked at each other in doubt, and couldn't help getting out of the car curiously, wanting to see what it was or whether it was a mirage that attracted everyone to get out of the car.

Immediately afterwards.

They got out of the car and followed everyone's gaze.

It was a night sky full of bright stars. Stars of different sizes dotted the dark night, accompanied by a silver full moon. The moonlight swayed and reflected the night sky brightly.

watch carefully.

Dimly visible, there are five figures in red clothes in the night sky. They are human-shaped, and their faces are too far away to see, but it can be seen that the four 'people' are carrying a black sedan chair. They carried them around, the black sedan chair swayed, the lanterns hung on the four corners of the sedan chair, and the faint lights of the lanterns swayed.

It also moves with the sedan chair.

The curtain of the sedan chair was lifted up, revealing a figure sitting inside the sedan chair.

This scene.

Lu Lianxue's and the others' expressions all changed, especially when they felt the chilly wind blowing from Youyou, they felt hairy and trembling in their hearts.

at this time.


Seeing the uncle driver next to him, pressing the phone to take a photo, and then looking at the photo, he was puzzled. The sky in the photo was completely different from the mirage sky in front of him. The photo showed a very normal night sky.

He scratched his head in wonder, and changed the camera settings several times, but failed to capture the mirage.

"It's strange, why can't I take pictures of the mirage,? ﹏? Haqiu~ It's a bit cold tonight."

The words are not finished yet.

Seeming to have found something, the driver hurriedly waved at Cao Yu:

"Boys, did you see it? Is it my eyesight? Why do I feel that a mirage is... approaching us."

Not only the uncle driver, many people present noticed...

As time goes by, the mirage is approaching here, above the night sky, as the four 'people' are carrying the sedan chair, they and the sedan chair are gradually becoming clearer and bigger, no matter how you look at it, it seems to be Coming towards them.


It was also at this moment that Cao Yu and the others listened to the uncle's doubts and almost felt like cursing.

Where is this horse riding a mirage! ! !

That's just a ghost.

And it's not an ordinary ghost or a ghost in red.

"Ghost King!"

Uncle Lin looked dignified, feeling the chilly Yin Qi blowing to his bone marrow, even though he had the strength of Qilin Guard, his body trembled.

Lu Lianxue and the others also discovered the power of ghosts.

The corners of Cao Yu's mouth twitched violently: "Would it be so unlucky that a ghost came during the traffic jam at this time, and Nima is the king of ghosts."

Without hesitation.

Uncle Lin and the others hurriedly said:

"There is no time, Lianxue, Lianfeng, Cao Yu, please evacuate the crowd, we will try our best to help you restrain the ghost king and buy time."

in words.

The uncle next to Uncle Lin tore off his mask and glasses, revealing his true face. He looked like a zombie who had reached the Qilin guard level. It was Uncle Lin's zombie partner. Exorcising dead bodies is their means of exorcising ghosts.

After Lu Lianfeng heard the words and nodded, he also yelled loudly:

"Little corpse!"

As soon as the sound came out.

Bang bang bang...! !

There were several sounds, and the lock of the suitcase in Lu Lianfeng's hand was slammed open, and a head and two hands rushed out of it.

at the same moment.

From the trunk and inside of the Wuling Hongguang car, things flew out one by one. They were the feet, bodies and other parts of corpses. They seemed to have spirituality. They flew out and pieced together in front of Lu Lianfeng. corpse.

The corpse was tall, dressed in a suit, with a black mask and pitch-black eyes. It was Lu Lianfeng's Xishuangbanna bronze armor corpse 'Little Corpse'.

Cao Yu was not idle either, and quickly took out a motorcycle from the trunk and rode it on. Turning the handlebar, the motorcycle started, and the headlights lit up with divine light.

at the same time.

as they act.

As the black sedan approached, many people on the road realized that it was not a mirage, especially when they saw the ghost king's furry figure seeping inside the sedan chair, even if they didn't know ghosts, they all understood that it was a ghost.


Before they could move, the ghost king in the black sedan chair looked down at the commotion on the road below, and his eyes fell on Lu Lianfeng and the others:

"Want to run? It's too late."

Sen Han Gui's voice sounded.

boom! !

With a wave of the Ghost King's hand, the cloudy air surged all over the sky, centered on the sedan chair, and invisible darkness spread, covering the road in an instant.

in an instant.

No matter how the people on the road ran out of the road, they all seemed to be hitting the wall like ghosts. After running out, they would return to the road in an instant. They couldn't get out of this road at all.

"Damn it, this ghost king's ghost domain is too tough."

Cao Yu crashed into the edge of Huangquan with his motorcycle, and fell off the car, but still failed to break away from Huangquan.

The whole road is in chaos.

It was windy.

When the four sedan chairmen dropped the black sedan chair to the ground, opened the sedan chair curtain, and the ghost king came out, everyone screamed in fright.

"It's really a good time to come. Not only can you kill Lu Lianfeng, but you can also have a good meal later."

The ghost king swept across the panicked citizens on the road, and finally set his sights on Lu Lianfeng.

It does not intend to disguise the purpose of this trip.

Anyway, it was originally intended to give Sen Luosi's "Certificate of Voting", the bigger the trouble, the more valuable this "Certificate of Voting" will be, and it will be highly regarded by Sen Luosi, and Lulu will be killed later Lianfeng, hang his head on the resident of the Department of Defense, it is destined that there is no need to cover up this trip.

His words were also heard by Lu Lianxue and the others, and their expressions changed.

Just before they thought about it, why would there be a ghost king approaching Lu Lianfeng, and the ghost king walked towards Lu Lianfeng and the others step by step.


Uncle Lin and his zombie partner looked at each other, and they both saw the decision to die.

Even though they were powerful enough to reach Qilin Guard, they could kill a red-clothed ghost with one hand, but in front of the King of Ghosts, they were completely inadequate, but they still stood in front of Lu Lianfeng.

their actions.

Seeing this, the Ghost King sneered, his Yin Qi surged, and he stretched out his hand to grab Lu Lianfeng.

His hand extended all the way, even if Uncle Lin and Lu Lianxue tried their best to stop it, the ghost hand stretched forward to Lu Lianfeng.

To this.

The Ghost King looked at Uncle Lin and the others and said leisurely:

"You can't overestimate yourself. If it's the older generation of the exorcist faction, maybe it's enough to watch, but you don't have enough to watch."

Lu Lianxue and the others' eyes were tearing apart.

Seeing that the ghost hand was about to approach Lu Lianfeng.


A willow branch appeared, to be exact, a cane made of willow branches.

I saw an old figure who appeared in front of Lu Lianfeng and the others at some unknown time. He raised his crutch lightly and pressed it in front of the ghost hand. The two of them burst out a frenzied wave of Yin Qi like a tsunami, and the surrounding vehicles were all destroyed. Fly up.

in the eyes of everyone in disbelief

The old figure just used the old crutch in his hand to block the ghost's hand.

Also at this moment.

The old figure was leaning on crutches, with a kind smile on his kind face:

"Little guy, it's not good for you to attack the old master's friend."


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