Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 171 Is This Old Willow Tree Very Kind?

The old figure echoed in my ears.

Lu Lianxue and the others were all stunned. The next moment, looking at the old figure standing in front of them, Cao Yu suddenly widened his eyes and cried out in shock:

"...Master Willow??!"

He recognized the comer.

Isn't this the ghost king-level old man Liushu whose father didn't hesitate to invite Chief Sheng to join the Department of Health and Dao before?

Not only Cao Yu, Lu Lianxue also recognized the old man Liu Shu, and his pretty face suddenly showed surprise:

"Master Liushu, why are you here!"

Upon hearing this, Old Man Liu Shu turned his head to Lu Lianxue, with a kind smile on his face:

"Miss Lu, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'll catch up with you later. I'll help you deal with the troubles in front of you first."

in words.

When the old man Liu Shu stared at the ghost king in front of him, he glanced at the vehicles around him.

At this moment, with him as the center, the surrounding vehicles have already been pushed to the side of the road or overturned. For a while, a vacuum zone was formed around this traffic jam.


Mr. Liu Shu slightly apologized to the passers-by who were still in shock:

"I'm sorry, I haven't made a move for a long time, and I didn't stop all of a sudden. I caused trouble to you, sorry."

Accompanied by the voice lightly.

The old man lightly lifted the crutch he was leaning on, and tapped the ground lightly with a bang.

next moment.

A shocking scene appeared.

On the ground where the crutch lightly touched, thousands of willow branches surged out of the sky, and one after another, like emerald green dragons, soared into the sky. They danced their dragon bodies, spread from the ground, and extended all the way to every vehicle around them.

Then the dragon soared into the sky, wrapped the vehicles one after another, grabbed the vehicles weighing several tons, turned them over and corrected them to the ground.

This scene.


Dozens of vehicles, including a large container truck, were all picked up by willow branches, danced and flipped in the air, and landed steadily and slowly.


Not only these.

At the same time, the ghost king who was blocked also came back to his senses, his ghost eyes were full of coldness:

"Who are you?"

The ghost king didn't hide the shock in his words, he didn't expect that the one who stopped it from killing was actually a ghost king like himself.


What shocked him the most was not Mr. Liu Shu's identity as the ghost king. What really shocked him was the words of Mr. Liu Shu, that Lu Lianfeng knew the ghost king, and he was also the friend of the ghost king's master, master? ! It heard it right...

That is a ghost king, what kind of existence can make a ghost king subjugate and recognize others as masters.

It's a pity that the current situation does not allow the ghost king to think too much.

I saw that when the ghost king asked the words, the Yin energy in his body erupted like a volcano, soaring into the sky, condensing into cold and pale ghost hands, grabbing Lu Lianfeng.

There are tens of thousands of pale ghost hands, and the large number makes people suffer from intensive phobia.

However, none of the ghost hands caught Lu Lianfeng.

call out!

At the moment when the ghost hand stretched out.

The emerald green was surging, and willow branches shot up into the sky one after another, all blocking thousands of dense ghost hands.

The sight was too shocking.

Tens of thousands of ghost hands stretched their teeth and claws, like a dragon from the abyss, rushed out, but were stopped by the emerald green willow branches.

The ghost hand collided with the willow branch, and a fierce spark-like yin energy burst out. The sound was deafening, as if it was not the collision of the ghost hand and the willow branch, but the collision of a bell and a tripod. It was deafening, and the bang resounded through the area.

Its momentum is great.

Those who didn't know thought that this place was being baptized by shells, and there were constant roars.


Just tap the ground with crutches.

The willow branches were flying all over the sky, the willow old man not only stopped the ghost king's attack, but also put all the overturned vehicles on the ground.


Uncle Lin's heart beat wildly when he saw it. There was nothing wrong with it. The kind old man in front of him was...another ghost king! !

Boom boom boom——

this moment.

The loud noise continued.

The old man Willow is like the center of the world, standing in the willow branches all over the sky, and the willow branches around him are like dragons. Even if the ghost king makes a fierce attack, the old man Willow will still stand still and cannot be shaken. His old figure is like an old willow in the sky. Indestructible.


After holding on for a while, the ghost king was blown away by the willow branch and landed on the black sedan chair. Wood chips flew across the sedan chair, and smoke and dust billowed up.

Wait until the smoke dissipates.

Everyone saw that there was a bloodstain of a willow branch with willow leaves printed on the ghost king's face.

To this.

Old Man Liu Shu said with a smile:

"Little guy, don't blame the old man for being rude, who told you to take the life of my master's friend, I won't allow the old man to be rough."

The ghost king's face was gloomy, and he greeted him with a roar.

The cloudy blizzard was like a tenth level, and the overpass behind him shook violently:

Facing the ghost king, he came to kill him head-on.

The old man Liu Shu was fearless, he never took a step back or moved a step from the beginning to the end, when he met the ghost king, he did not forget to turn his head to Lu Lianxue and the others kindly reminded:

"Miss Lu's side is dangerous, please evacuate the crowd and stay away, lest the old man will hurt you when he gestures with that little guy."

Not long.

Wait until Lu Lianxue and the others evacuate the crowd.

The old man Liu Shu, who was fighting fiercely with the ghost king, was relieved now, and looked at the ghost king with a kind face:

"Little guy, since you insist on sharing life and death with this old man, this old man will not hold back."

The words fell.

Old Man Liu Shu's mighty strength exploded.

Its aura is stronger than before, not a little stronger than before. If the strength of the old willow tree before was compared to a century-old willow tree that will not fall down, then now, it is a thousand-year-old willow tree that stands for a thousand years.

boom! !

The ghost king changed color, for the first time panic appeared on his face, he turned around and was about to run, no matter what he voted for.

Grandpa Liu Shu smiled as he watched the Ghost King's actions.

He tapped the crutch in his hand lightly, making a crisp knocking sound.

next moment.

The willow branches all over the sky condensed into a big emerald green hand, which grabbed the fleeing ghost king's feet, and then turned the big hand, smashing the ghost king hard to the ground, the whole ground was smashed and sank, stirring up dust all over the sky.

What happened next.

There was a unilateral sling.

The ghost king was unilaterally hanged and beaten by the old man Liushu, and was pressed down on the ground by Liuzhi's big hand and hammered fiercely.

Its hanging degree.


Stones flew from the depression on the ground and shot at a citizen. The old man Liu Shu still had time to cast a willow branch to block the citizen and push the stone away.

Then Mr. Willow apologized:

"Sorry, I didn't hurt you, did I?"

the sight.

Even Uncle Lin was dumbfounded, let alone Lu Lianfeng and the others.

Lu Lianfeng lost his mind and slowly turned his head to Lu Lianxue. After swallowing his saliva, he pointed at the old man Liu Shu who hadn't moved a step in front of him:

"I'm sorry, sister! Who is this handsome grandfather Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto, the captain of the Shinigami 1st Division? This, this is too fierce. Do you know his master?"


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