Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 172 Is Zhang Wei Wholesale By The Ghost King?

Facing Lu Lianfeng's words.

Before Lu Lianxue could answer him, Cao Yu spoke first, with a wry smile on his face:

"Lianfeng, you actually know Mr. Liushu's master."


Lu Lianfeng was stunned, with a blank expression on his face:

"How is this possible, when did I have such a crazy friend."

As he spoke, he looked at the ferocious Old Man Willow, and said bluntly:

"With this kind of friend, no matter how forgetful I am, I can't forget it. This is a ghost with a ghost king level. Why don't I remember having such a friend."

Lu Lianxue listened and looked over, covered her mouth with a smile and said:

"Xiaofeng, Cao Yu didn't joke with you, you really have this kind of friend, no, to be precise, you still consider him your big brother."

"Huh? Sister, what are you kidding, I let him be the big brother? I just let him be the big... ah!!"

It's halfway through.

Lu Lianfeng was completely stunned, his eyes were bigger than the eyes of a cow, and he finally understood who Cao Yu said his "friend who hangs on the sky" was:

"Sister, that handsome old man who exploded is the ghost of my elder brother Zhang Wei?!"

Seeing Lu Lianxue and Cao Yu nodded one after another.

Lu Lianfeng was stunned in place, already so shocked that he didn't know what to use to express his emotions, so he could only vent his feelings non-stop.

For a long time.

Only then did Lu Lianfeng calm down, looking at the old man Liu Shu who crushed the ghost king in front of him:

"Haha, I knew my elder brother was amazing. He was really amazing. He was so powerful that his elder brother even subdued ghosts at the king level."

At this moment, Lu Lianfeng was as excited as a child, and kept telling the surrounding citizens:

"Little sister, is that old man very handsome? To be honest, he was called by my elder brother to protect me. Is my elder brother very powerful, hahaha?"

"Did you see this old man? That old man who is as old as you but ridiculously stronger than you is my elder brother's ghost."

He was so excited that he almost told the citizens next to him one by one, looking like he wanted the whole world to eldest brother Zhang Wei is invincible.

If it wasn't for Lu Lianxue who couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly pulled Lu Lianfeng's ears over to stop his children's behavior, it is certain that Lu Lianfeng would definitely finish talking one by one.

But Lu Lianfeng still didn't stop.

When Lu Lianxue came back with her ears pulled, she looked at Lu Lianxue and clenched her hands into her chest with excitement:

"Sister! Speaking of which, you have been telling me about your eldest brother these days, do you like your eldest brother? I think this can be done."

Lu Lianfeng gave a thumbs up to Lu Lianxue, shining a mouthful of white teeth:

"Sister, I agree with this marriage, let's change my eldest brother into a brother-in-law."

Lu Lianxue blushed, and patted Lu Lianfeng on the head:

"Is there anyone who sells your sister like this?"

Although she likes Zhang Wei, she would blush no matter how bold she is when her younger brother speaks out about it in such a public manner.

Lu Lianfeng grinned and said:

"Didn't I look at big brother's high-quality stock? I feel that it's better to be cheaper than others. Besides, sister, you are in the same class as big brother. This is an advantage. I think this grass is on the edge of the nest. You can eat it quickly, sister,"

"And I think it's pretty good, big brother is amazing, sister you are not bad, you are well-matched, I'm right, Uncle Lin, Cao Yu."

Asked what he said.

Uncle Lin turned his head and looked over, and asked without answering:

"That... Lianfeng, Lianxue, Cao Yu, is that ghost king Zhang Wei's ghost?"

Although Lu Lianxue had replied to Lu Lianfeng before, they still couldn't believe it. It was the ghost king. As Qilin guard-level ghost exorcists, they knew better than Lu Lianfeng how powerful the ghost king was.

However, it is such a powerful existence.

It turned out to be the ghost of a young exorcist, this...

Seemingly knowing what Uncle Lin and the others thought, Lu Lianxue gave a positive answer again with a smile, Cao Yu echoed and said:

"Uncle Lin, if you don't believe me, you can actually ask my dad. My dad also knows, because..."

In order to convince Uncle Lin, Cao Yu asked Cao Yushan to ask Zhenlongwei to invite Mr. Liushu, and was rejected by the old man. Anyway, there is nothing to hide.

The words came out.

Uncle Lin and the others were stunned and felt dizzy.

The real dragon guards have been invited out? ?

In the end, Zhang Wei took the lead, what a shame.

"This Zhang Wei... is terrible." Uncle Lin murmured.

Seeing Uncle Lin's horrified expression, Lu Lianfeng felt relieved, as if Zhang Wei's achievement was his own, and proudly said:

"Yes, my brother..."

But the words are not finished yet.

An old and kind voice came from ahead.

"My friend, Miss Lu and the others are right, Zhang Wei is indeed the old master."

I don't know when.

Mr. Liu Shu leaned on a cane, with a smile on his old face, and walked towards them with a smile.

watch carefully.

In the other hand of the old man is holding a bloody head, it is the ghost king!

Lu Lianxue and the others were stunned.

While they were chatting, the ghost king was defeated, and was severely injured by the old man Liu Shu, leaving only one head.

Old Man Liu Shu said with a smile:

"This little guy's strength is not simple. He is a ghost king. With this kind of strength, he would not attack Miss Lu for no reason. He should have ulterior motives, so this old man decided to leave this little guy alone."

"Miss Lu, do you want to interrogate or deal with this little guy."


The old man Liu Shu handed the ghost king's head to Lu Lianxue. When he handed it over, hundreds of willow branches flew out and intertwined into a cage, binding the ghost king in it to prevent the ghost king from having a chance to attack Lu Lianfeng and the others.

Uncle Lin and the others are busy thanking the old man.

To this.

Old Man Liu Shu waved his hand:

"It's nothing more than a little effort, Miss Lu, you don't have to be polite, after all, the old man came to see Miss Lu today to catch up on the old days."

The old man didn't hide anything, and said that Zhang Wei knew that he was in Sanxiang Province, so he gave him the address, and he found it all the way.


After some conversation.

Uncle Lin and the others told Mr. Liu Shu, please wait for Mr. Liu Shu in Sanxiang Province for a few days. After they interrogate the ghost king, return the ghost king to the old man. After all, this is what the old man got.

In the end, the old man was a little embarrassed. He came to travel, not to collect ghost kings.

Knowing the situation, Uncle Lin and the others proposed to make a deal with Mr. Liu Shu, and exchange the ghost king's head at equal value, and also learned from Lu Lianxue that Zhang Wei also got the ghost king's head not long ago with the Weidaosi trading company.

Mr. Willow thought it was a good idea.

Immediately afterwards.

After asking Zhang Wei on the phone, Grandpa Liu responded with a smile:

"Mr. Lin, you can ask Zhang Wei for the deal of the ghost king's head. Zhang Wei is an old master. See if he can trade whatever he wants."


As if remembering something, Old Man Liu Shu wanted to kill the Ghost King's head:

"Miss Lu, can I take a photo for the old man?"

Then the old man Liu Shu carried the cage with the ghost king's head up to the height of his face, made a V gesture with the other hand, and asked Lu Lianxue to take a photo and post it on Moments.


Department of Health Headquarters.


The aunt finished the task as usual and returned to the headquarters.

"Huh? Dehao, what are you talking about?"

She came over and saw Uncle Qilin Wei having a lively conversation with other colleagues, she couldn't help leaning over to ask curiously.

And this question.

The aunt was dumbfounded:

"What the hell? Zhang Wei... got the head of a ghost king again, and he killed it now???"

How long is this?

Why Zhang Wei has the ghost king's head to trade with Wei Daosi.

This Zhang Wei, did you wholesale the ghost king's head...


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