Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 173 Female Accompanying Players: Sister, My Friend Dijia Can Help You Exorcise Ghosts

Because the aunt had traded the head of the ghost king with Zhang Wei before.

The Department of Health and Dao asked the aunt to make up for her mistakes and take charge of another ghost king's head transaction with Zhang Wei.

this time.

The aunt was careful, in order to avoid being robbed halfway, even though the ghost king's head was in Sanxiang Province instead of Luxia City, she chose to escort back during the day, and brought a few more Qilin guards.

the next day.

10 o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Wei, who had just finished class, received a call from his aunt.

Because he learned about the situation from Mr. Liushu last night, Zhang Wei thought about it and replied to his aunt:

"Old rules, I haven't decided what I want yet, I'll tell you when I think about it."

Have to hang up the phone.

Li Junfei who was at the side smiled and said:

"Brother Wei, what do you plan to exchange with the Secretary of Defense? I think it's time to change the magic weapon. I heard from the squad leader that a powerful magic weapon can increase the combat power of the ghost exorcist a lot."

Zhang Wei smiled.

Other ghost exorcists need magic tools to increase their combat power, but with the blessing of system points, everything in his hands is a powerful magic weapon, so he doesn't need magic weapons.

Think here.

Zhang Wei responded: "I don't think I need a magic weapon. I plan to change it to something else."

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei came to the classroom for the next class, sat down on his seat, picked up his mobile phone and opened the Ministry of Health forum. He didn't know what to change, so he planned to look for any good things on the forum trading posts, and then told Replace the same or similar ones with the Ministry of Health.


at the same time.

Luxia City, a coffee shop.


As the door of the coffee shop was pushed open, a bell rang at the door, and a gorgeously dressed girl walked in.

That was Xiaopei, the female companion called by Zhang Wei not long ago.


Xiaopei was not ordered to play with him today, but a few sisters called him over for a party.

"Wow, Xiao Pei, you're late again."

Xiaopei walked towards a seat in the store where four girls were sitting. Among them, the girls in the aisle saw Xiaopei approaching and habitually pointed to their watches and complained.

Xiaopei smiled and apologized:

"Hee hee, I'm sorry, isn't it late for makeup? By the way, can you help me order a cappuccino?"

"Order, here you are."

The girl in the aisle moved Xiao Pei's buttocks to make room for him, and handed him a cup of coffee.

Xiaopei happily took the coffee and scanned the girls:

"That's right, why don't you have time to get together today? You are usually very busy, especially Wanling. Didn't you say that you have become a kindergarten teacher recently?"

She said and looked at the time:

"Today is Monday, during working hours. Why are you here? Hoho~ You said you wanted to be a good teacher, so you just asked for leave after only a few days of work, huh? Wanling, what's wrong with you? Why are you so lifeless today?"

Xiaopei noticed the girl sitting on the other side of the aisle, whom he called Wanling.

Wanling was not like this in the past, she was the liveliest among them, but today she seemed depressed, she just kept her head down, staring at the coffee cup in a daze.

Probe to look at Wanling.

Xiaopei found that Wanling didn't wear makeup, went out without makeup, and looked tired.

It was not Wanling who answered Xiaopei, but other girls, and they explained with each other:

"Actually, we came out to the party today because of Wanling."

"Xiao Pei, you don't know that Wanling's mental state is not very good recently. She always said that she encountered ghosts in the kindergarten. How can there be ghosts in this world? I think Wanling just became a kindergarten teacher and took care of those naughty children. I'm so tired, I'm hallucinating."

"It may also be a child's prank, teasing Wanling, but Wanling is timid in the first place, so she took it seriously."

"Today Wanling asked us to come out. We saw that Wanling's spirit was not very good, so we just came out to get together and give Wanling a little fatigue."

They are talking.

But at this time, Wanling who was in a daze seemed to have recovered, and heard their conversation, she couldn't help but raised her head and said:

"I really saw a ghost. Really, if it wasn't for the amulet my grandma gave me to seek in the northeast, I might have been killed by a ghost."

Wanling knew that her friends didn't believe her, because she had told them a lot in the past two days, but they didn't believe her.

Can't help it.

She picks up the phone:

"I know you don't believe me, but I really saw a ghost. I called you here today to prove it to you. I'm not kidding. Watch this video. I saw a ghost yesterday."

Xiaopei and the others looked closer at the phone.

can be seen.

A video is playing on the phone.

In the video, it is in a kindergarten lounge. It is estimated that it will be during the afternoon break. The kindergarten children are taking a nap in the lounge, and Wanling is covering the children with quilts.

And just when Wanling passed by a child who was taking a nap at noon.

A strange scene appeared.

Behind Wanling, a blackened hand appeared. That hand seemed to be that of a dead person soaked in water for a long time. neck.

Seeing that Wanling was about to be pinched by the black hand, the black hand suddenly touched the rope of an amulet pendant on Wanling's neck, and she shrank back in fright.

This scene.

Unspeakably weird, inexplicably creepy.

"This... Wanling, are you sure this was taken by you? Isn't it a special effect?"

The girl in the aisle looked horrified. She clearly watched the whole process. There was only a sleeping child behind Wanling, but those black hands were the size of adults, and there was no adult behind her.

Dang Wanling affirmed again and again, vowing that the video is not a fake.

for a while.

All the girls present were silent.

"I took this video yesterday. Believe me, there are really ghosts in this world."

Wanling said bluntly.

His words come out.

Just when the girls in the aisle were about to respond.

Xiaopei, who hadn't spoken before, suddenly spoke up:

"Wanling, I believe in you."

Seeing that someone believed in her, Wanling was overjoyed. Just about to say something, she saw Xiaopei pointing to the video, and she said to Gaizi's child:

"Wanling, is this kid called... um, Yuyu."

"Huh? How do you know?"

Wanling was stunned for a moment, but she still replied:

"Yes, that's Lin Yu, his family likes to call him Yuyu, Wanling, do you know Yuyu?"

Feeling the gazes from all the girls, Xiaopei couldn't laugh or cry:

"It's not just acquaintance, I was with him a few days ago... I saw a ghost, but the ghost was dealt with later, otherwise I guess I wouldn't be here today."

The words did not fall.

Xiaopei looked at Wanling:

"Wanling, you must have really encountered a ghost. How about I ask my friend to help? He can drive out ghosts. He helped to deal with ghosts last time. But he doesn't drive out ghosts for free. He asks for money. Shall I call him?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter how much money you have, just call your friend."

Wanling said eagerly.

at the same moment.

The other girls looked over curiously. They were good sisters with Xiaopei, and they knew most of Xiaopei's friends.

They couldn't help being curious:

"Xiao Pei, who is your friend? Do we know each other?"

Xiaopei was taken aback when he heard the words, covered his mouth and smiled and said:

"Yes, you know him, but he doesn't know you."

"Huh? Who is it?"


"What the hell??????"


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