Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 174 One Of The True Dragon Guards, The Buddha's Head Is Empty And Dead

the other side.

While Xiaopei and Wanling were talking.

Luxia University, Zhang Wei's classroom.

at this time.

Zhang Wei listened to the class and secretly checked the Ministry of Health forum with his mobile phone.

Click on the forum.

Zhang Wei habitually browses the main forum page of the Ministry of Health, wanting to see if anything has happened recently.

Entering the first post on the forum, Zhang Wei was stunned.

[Special column: Zhang Wei, one of the top ten new stars, I burst into tears! 】

Look at this post.

Zhang Wei: "????"

I can understand blowing, what the hell is this crying?


Zhang Wei glanced at the person who posted the post, and was stunned for a moment. The person who posted the post was none other than Xiaoxuan, the person who posted the new star list.

Out of curiosity.

Zhang Wei clicked on the post to read.

The content of the post is about Xiaoxuan’s introduction to Zhang Wei. For Zhang Wei, Xiaoxuan created a special post to introduce Zhang Wei in detail. As for the reason, Xiaoxuan also wrote it in the post. He knew that Zhang Wei recently rescued Zhang Wei. Master Qiu.

【I'm so moved. In order to save the old man, Zhang Wei didn't hesitate to fight for his life with God. All old iron folks, you don't know that Xiaoxuan burst into tears when he found out about this! Moving! This is our Daxia ghost exorcist, who will go through fire and water for the heroes of Daxia!

Knowing about this matter, I feel that the matter of Zhang Wei should not be buried, it is worthy of our praise and learning, so I specially opened this post, not only me crying, I also want everyone to cry together, let Everyone knows how good Zhang Wei is, this is the ghost exorcist we should have in Daxia! 】

Zhang Wei scrolled down the post to read the comments.

I couldn't laugh or cry in the next second.

can be seen.

There are many comments on the post because of Zhang Wei’s saving the old man’s revenge, and Zhang Wei crazily blows up Zhang Wei, and even some older generation ghost exorcists reposted, saying that they are role models for the younger generation of ghost exorcists, and you should learn more.

There are also older ghost exorcists who said that Zhang Wei's fearless spirit made him ashamed, and his behavior of robbing people with God is admirable, and we should respect Mr. Zhang Wei and so on.

Although there are many jealous Zhang Wei and sour Zhang Wei's comments in the comments.

But Zhang Wei saw it.

These comments were quickly sprayed hundreds of floors.

Looking at the comments on the post, even Zhang Wei's thick skin made him blush:

"Fuck, this Xiaoxuan overwhelmed me."

Li Junfei also read the comments and said with a smile:

"Haha, Brother Wei, this Xiaoxuan is fine, I feel that you are very valued by Xiaoxuan, people are almost blowing you up."

Zhang Wei gave Li Junfei a middle finger back.

After glancing at the post for a few times, he didn't care about it, clicked to close the post, and was going to look at the trading area.

However, when he closed the post and returned to the previous forum homepage.


Zhang Wei frowned.

The title of a top post attracted his attention.

It was a post that had just been posted, and it would be posted when he saw Xiaoxuan's post.

[Big news! Master Kong Jing, the Buddha head of Wutai Mountain, did not survive the deadline after all, and sat down in Wutai Mountain this morning. 】

Mount Wutai.

Isn't that the school of no-mind?

Although he doesn't know Master Kong Jing, Zhang Wei knows what the 'Buddha head' represents.

The head of the Buddha, as the name suggests, is the head of the Buddhist sect, which is the highest title of the Buddhist orthodoxy, and represents the strongest existence of the Buddhist orthodoxy.


This Buddhist orthodoxy does not refer to just one Buddhist orthodoxy, but... all Buddhist orthodoxy.

And obviously.

Master Kong Jing is called the head of the Buddha, and his identity is already clear. He is the head of the contemporary Buddhist orthodoxy.

As one of the top orthodoxy of Daxia, Buddhism has a pivotal position in Daxia. The enthronement of the Buddha's head is enough to be a major event in the entire world of exorcising ghosts, a big earthquake! Absolutely comparable to the fall of the True Dragon Guard!

Do not.

maybe even...

Master Kongjing, the head of the Buddha, is a true dragon guard.

How can someone who can become a Buddha head in Buddhism be poor in strength? It is precisely because of this that since the establishment of the Department of Defense, almost all the Buddha heads of all dynasties have occupied the seat of the True Dragon Guard.

"No matter how strong a person is, they will not be able to survive the years."

Zhang Wei clicked on the post and looked at it.

as predicted.

It is said in the post that Master Kong Jing is the head of the contemporary Buddha and one of the twenty-three true dragon guards. Today, when the deadline is approaching, he failed to survive and sat down on the top of Mount Wutai.

"I don't know what happened to Wu Nian. Master Kongjing is an eminent monk of Wutai Mountain. He passed away, which has dealt a big blow to Wutai Mountain."

Zhang Wei grunted.


The moment the get out of class bell rang, Zhang Wei picked up his mobile phone and called Wu Nian.

Just getting ready to fight.

Zhang Wei just received a WeChat call from his female companion Wan Xiaopei.

Pick up the phone.


Zhang Wei learned about Wanling's haunting from Xiaopei.

Xiaopei said:

"Di...Brother Wei, I watched Wanling's video. When she covered Yuyu with a quilt, a ghost appeared. Could it be that the ghost is related to Yuyu? Is there something wrong with Yuyu? Wanling has a talisman , Yuyu doesn’t have any”

Zhang Wei nodded and said:

"It may be related, Yuyu will be fine, he has my transformation device."

Originally, after the Sisi incident, Zhang Wei thought that the ghost on Yuyu was caused by Sisi's husband. After all, Sisi's husband also attacked his child, but just in case, he did not take back the Ultraman Transformer The system points to prevent Yuyu from accidents.

Thinking that Yuyu is haunted by a ghost, and the ghost Wanling provoked is not sure if it is the same one, Zhang Wei will go to see the situation later.

Have to hang up the phone.

Zhang Wei was not idle, and went to the counselor again to ask for leave for the afternoon class.

He called Wu Nian.

Unfortunately no one connected.

Thinking about it, Wu Nian should be busy with Master Kong Jing's affairs, after all, he is a little eminent monk in Mount Wutai.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei called Zhang Chao, and it didn't take long for the call to connect.

Zhang Wei was blunt:

"Zhang Chao, is Wu Nian by your side? I couldn't get through to him just now."

"Wu Nian is not with me, he has returned to Mount Wutai."

Zhang Chao paused and continued;

"Actually, I was about to call you just now. I didn't expect Zhang Wei to call you first. Zhang Wei, Wu Nian's Master Kongjing from Wutai Mountain has passed away. You know Master Kongjing, he..."

Zhang Wei interrupted:

"I know, I just found out that Master Buddha Kongjing passed away, so I called Wu Nian, but I didn't get through."

"It's normal that you didn't get through. Wu Nian went back to Mount Wutai yesterday because of Master Kongjing's affairs. Now he is probably busy with other eminent monks on Mount Wutai to deal with Master Kongjing's affairs."

Zhang Chao said again:

"That's a real dragon guard. Now that he's passed away, the Department of Defense is busy, so we have to fill in the vacancy of the real dragon guard as soon as possible. After all, I heard from my sister that there must be twenty-three real dragon guards in charge. .”

"By the way, Zhang Wei, Wu Nian went to Mount Wutai to deal with Master Kong Jing's affairs, and probably won't be able to return for a while."

"Then the Northeast side dispatched staff from the Department of Health and Dao to support me. In a short time, I'm afraid I will have to deal with supernatural events alone. How dangerous it is. Do you have the heart to see your brother with the same surname suffer?"

"So hey, Zhang Wei, why don't you come over and be my temporary partner, and I'll treat you to Sichuan cuisine."


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