Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 175 The Fastest And Most Effective Way To Exorcise Ghosts?

For Zhang Chao's invitation.

Zhang Wei thought for a while:

"Okay, but how long will Wu Nian go? If it takes too long, I can't help. I still have to finish my studies."

"It won't be too long. What Wu Nian is holding is not a wedding, but a feast for the whole village. Because it belongs to the Buddha's head, it may take longer than ordinary ones. I estimate that from the burial to the feast and cremation, it will take seven or eight at most. It's almost the end of the day."

Zhang Chao responded with a heartless smile.

Zhang Wei nodded with a smile:

"That's fine. I'll go there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I still have something to do at hand. I'll go there after I'm done."

Zhang Chao was stunned for a while, then patted his head and said:

"That's right, I almost forgot that you and the newcomers from the Department of Health and Dao will help with the training, but that's still helping me share the burden, hahaha."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei was puzzled: "Zhang Chao, are you talking to me, or are you talking to someone else? Why didn't I understand, why do I want to train new recruits from the Ministry of Health?"

Zhang Chao snorted lightly when he heard the words: "Ah? What Zhang Wei said to you about the matter at hand, didn't he mean helping me and Wu Nian train new members of the Department of Health and Justice?"


Under Zhang Chao's explanation, Zhang Wei understood.

It turns out that in the recent incident in Northeast China, the Ministry of Health realized the shortage of manpower, and decided to recruit more people to avoid another shortage of manpower. This is not only the Fumin area, but other areas are also recruiting, including the Sichuan province where Zhang Chao is located. .

As for recruiting personnel, the biggest source is naturally recruiting from various sects, such as Lu Lianxue, Wu Nian, and Zhang Chao.

"Before today, Mount Wutai knew that Master Kong Jing's end was approaching. In order to avoid the loss of high combat power and leave no successors, Mount Wutai selected a group of disciples a few days ago to join the Department of Health and Dao for training to improve the strength of the disciples."

"Wu Nian is from Mount Wutai, so the Department of Health and Dao ordered him to train these newcomers."

"It's a pity that Master Kong Jing passed away in advance. Wu Nian had no choice but to go back. There was no other way to train his disciples. He had to hand it over to other captains. Wu Nian recommended Captain Lin Tong to the Department of Health. He thought that Captain Lin Tong was good. He trained Wutai Mountain disciples to rest assured."

Zhang Chao said bluntly:

"I thought Captain Lin Tong would ask you to help with training. After all, you have a good relationship with Wu Nian, and in fact, Captain Lin Tong knew that it was because of your favor that he was recommended by Wu Nian."

"I dare Zhang Wei to say that you have something to do, not this new trainee."

"It's a good thing that Captain Lin Tong didn't look for you. Zhang Wei, you don't know. Training newcomers is very troublesome. Those who come to the Department of Defense from famous orthodox families, many of them only have the knowledge and ability to exorcise ghosts, but have actually fought ghosts. I'm afraid there are not many, this kind is the most difficult to bring."

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard the words:

"What you said, why do I feel that Captain Lin Tong will fight in the next second..."

Jingle Bell.

The WeChat voice ringtone rang.

Zhang Wei looked at the phone, and the caller ID was - Captain Lin Tong.

Pick up the phone.

Suddenly Lin Tong's voice came from the phone:

"Is Zhang Wei busy, haha, I don't know if you are busy recently, I would like to ask you for a favor, help me train new recruits for a day, that's it, Department of Health..."

Facing Lin Tong, he sincerely invited himself, and he also said that there would be a rich reward.

Zhang Wei agreed:

"Then I'll train the newcomers for a day. By the way, Captain Lin, how should I train them? I haven't trained them before."

Lin Tong seemed to know that Zhang Wei would ask:

"Haha, it's very simple. Zhang Wei, you can drive out ghosts in front of the newcomers as you usually do, and explain how to effectively and quickly drive out ghosts. By the way, I suggest you teach your muscle physics to drive out ghosts. I I think physical exorcism is very good."

In the words, Tong Lin's eyes sparkled, and he did not hide his excitement:

"Actually, the reason why I asked Zhang Wei to help you is because I was recommended by Master Wu Nian. You and Master Wu Nian have a good relationship, so I'm more or less lucky."

"The second reason is that I also have a little selfishness. I want Zhang to teach you physical exorcism to other people, and to promote physical exorcism. Zhang Wei, you can do it."

"After all, if you think about it, the monks who came here this time, they specialize in the Buddhist golden body, and their physique is very strong, this is simply the best seed for physical ghost exorcism!"

Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry.

He was sure that Lin Tong must be very excited now, maybe he was already making up his mind, a group of monks who had cultivated the Buddhist golden body, the whole body was full of Buddhist golden light, blasting the ghost's head with each punch.

He had to hang up Lin Tong's phone call.

Zhang Chao called.

"Fuck, Zhang Wei, why did you hang up on me in the middle of the conversation, tell me, which girl called you, Miss Lu? Little Mantou? Or something else?"

"No, Captain Lin called me."

Seemingly knowing what Zhang Chao would say, Zhang Wei was the first to respond:

"Yes, you guessed it right, Captain Lin called me and asked me to train new recruits from the Department of Health and Dao."

His words come out.

Suddenly, Zhang Chao’s voice came from the phone:

"Damn, is my mouth so evil, hahahahahaha"


Not long.

After talking on the phone with Zhang Chao, Zhang Wei leaned on his hands and pondered.

The new trainees this time are disciples of Mount Wutai, and the head of the Buddha died on Mount Wutai, plus Wu Nian is his good friend and a disciple of Mount Wutai.

Zhang Wei dare not be careless.

Adhering to the principle of either not accepting this job, or accepting it and doing it well, Zhang Wei decided to train these Mount Wutai disciples well.

But he didn't intend to follow what Lin Tong said, just teach Wu Nian and his brothers how to exorcise ghosts physically, because Captain Lin Tong said that training newcomers is to teach them how to exorcise ghosts most effectively and quickly.

So since it should be done.

I have to teach them the most effective and fastest way to exorcise ghosts. In his opinion, physical exorcism is enough for violent aesthetics, but it is not the most effective and fastest way to avoid casualties.


Zhang Wei thought for a while, and called Lin Tong:

"Captain Lin, when will the newcomers come? By the way, I can apply for something from the Department of Health and Dao to train the newcomers."

"Yes, Zhang Wei, you are very enlightened. In fact, the Department of Health and Dao often applies for things to train newcomers, such as some defensive magic weapons. Zhang Wei, tell me what you want, and I will apply now. .”

"I want a pair of knuckles."


Lin Tong was excited when he heard that, and immediately knew what Zhang Wei was going to do, and immediately said excitedly:

"Okay, good enough violence!!! I like it! I'll apply for a knuckle for you immediately, no, I have a knuckle here, I'll bring it to you right away, by the way, besides knuckles, Zhang Wei, what else do you want? "

"I also want a sniper, two desert eagles, and more bullets. By the way, I need a high-power lens, at least an eight-fold lens."


Lin Tong was stunned as Zhang Wei's words echoed in his ears, almost thinking he was hallucinating:

"Zhang Wei, what did you say you want???"


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