Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 176 How Many Ghosts Are There? Don't Be Afraid, Suppress Fire


Luxia City, in front of a kindergarten.

at this time.

Xiaopei and Wanling were standing at the bus stop not far from the kindergarten, waiting for Zhang Wei to arrive.

Not long ago, Zhang Wei called them and made an appointment to come later and bring some ghost exorcising friends there.

"Xiao Pei, Zhang Wei, the Dijia human body you mentioned, hasn't come yet. Could it be that he is still passing the security check at Nebula 78." The girl who was sitting in the coffee aisle before teased.

The other girls giggled too.

They have already learned about the matter from Xiaopei, including Wanling, without exception, no one believes it, just kidding, Ultraman Tiga transformed? What about trouble? It wasn't until Xiaopei took them to find Yuyu, who was in the kindergarten where Wanling was, and saw with his own eyes that the transformation device burst into light with special effects, and Zhang Wei's figure of light appeared in it.

Faced with a toy that looks ordinary, but looks like a light bulb with a battery, they believe it with such a strange light, but only a little bit.

Xiao Pei gave them a white look.

Just as he was about to say something, he glanced at the stopped bus from the corner of his eye, and his pretty face beamed with joy:

"Here we come! Brother Wei is here."

His words come out.

Wanling and the others looked at the bus one after another, and were stunned for a moment.


In sight.

A handsome boy came down, and they recognized him, it was Zhang Wei, and Xiaopei had shown them a photo of himself and Zhang Wei before.

However, they didn't wait for them to become a little nympho.

After Zhang Wei got off the car, more than a dozen monks came down one after another behind him.

Seeing Zhang Wei chatting and laughing with them, those monks still shouted "Tutor Zhang" respectfully to Zhang Wei, they were all stunned.

Don't say it's them.

Even Xiaopei was confused.

Xiaopei: "????"

Looking at the scene in front of her, she was stunned for a moment, and only one thought was left in her mind... Did Di Jia become a monk? ! Also became a Buddhist master? ?

They can see it.

Those monks have excellent temperament, they are not the fake monks who eat meat, drive a car in contemporary Shaolin Temple, and need a degree to enter Shaolin Temple, they are real monks.

Can't help it.

The girl in the aisle was dumbfounded and said in a daze:

"What's the situation? Xiao Pei, are you sure the person you're talking about is Dijia, not Shakya??"

Another girl heard the words and joked:

"Either Xiaopei was wrong, it was Sakyamuni, or Dijia felt that killing too many monsters made him a sinner, and he became a monk. I choose the latter."

Words come out.

They coincidentally remembered a picture of Tiga Bodhisattva that was very popular on the Internet before. It was a picture of Tiga wearing a monk's uniform and sitting cross-legged on a golden lotus.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei was communicating with the monks behind him.

"I'll take you to a kindergarten later. There are ghosts there. You can try to feel the ghost's yin energy to judge the strength of the ghost. The most important thing for us exorcists is not to exorcise ghosts, but to learn how to save your life."

"If you can't even save your own life, how can you drive away ghosts, so you have to learn to judge the strength of ghosts, so as to know whether you can deal with that ghost. If you can't deal with it, don't be brave."


Zhang Wei looked at the monks:

"I know that you monks have the dedication and compassion of cutting meat to feed the eagles at any time, but if you can't beat it, you can't beat it. It's useless to rush to the west to see the Buddha. Going there will only increase unnecessary population in the west."

The corners of the monks' mouths twitched, although what Zhang Wei said was very fucking, it did make sense.

"Amitabha, I will remember it, thank you Teacher Zhang for your guidance."

They clasped their hands together.


Zhang Wei met Xiaopei and the others, and under their leadership, entered the kindergarten.

Since the kindergarten is still in class, it is not easy to disturb, Zhang Wei and the others just stand outside the classroom and look in from the window.

"Brother Wei, did you see anything?"

Wanling asked nervously.

"The ghost you and Yuyu met are not the same ghost, there should be four or five." Zhang Wei said, waving back to Yuyu who found himself waving at him.

in words.

Zhang Wei withdrew his gaze and glanced at Wanling.

Through the eyes of heaven.

He found that there were five different ghost yin qi remaining on Wanling's body. Obviously, five ghosts entangled Wanling, and one of them had the same yin qi as the ghost yin entangled with Yuyu. Protected by the amulet, Wanling has become weaker like Yuyu.

Immediately after inquiry.

Zhang Wei made a rough inference that Wanling recruited five ghosts from nowhere, and after Wanling came to kindergarten, it may be because Wanling is beautiful and Yuyu is very attached to her, and Yuyu is cute and cute. People like it, and Wanling is also very kind to Yuyu.

Because of this, Yuyu provoked one of the ghosts who was entangled with Wanling.

"Everyone, how do you exorcise ghosts in this situation?"

Zhang Wei turned his head at the right time and asked the monks on Mount Wutai beside him.

"Amitabha, I feel that the ghosts should be exorcised as soon as possible. The five perverts are haunted. If we don't solve them as soon as possible, even if the benefactor of Wanling has an amulet, it will damage the yang energy of the benefactor of Wanling over time."

"Amitabha, the poor monk thinks that you can use the Buddhist heart-clearing mantra and set up a formation in Wanling's benefactor's house to protect Wanling's benefactor and at the same time prevent ghosts from escaping and drive away ghosts better."

"The little monk also has the same opinion. The number of ghosts is a bit high, and it is easier to deal with them with the formation."

Zhang Wei nodded upon hearing this.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the monks, he clapped his hands slowly and said:

"Well said, don't say any more in the future."

"Um..." The corners of the monks' mouths twitched.

"Your thoughts are old-fashioned and outdated, laying out formations? Just kidding, if you lay down formations, if the ghost has any sensing ability and detects it in advance, it won't run away, dare not approach Wanling, what if it hides manage?"

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes and continued:

"Pure Heart Curse? You all know that it is a pervert, and you still use the Purity Curse. Perverts don't use their brains to think about problems, and chickens are their bodies. Do you understand? I don't understand. I will watch the movie later and experience it myself. Down."

"How should we exorcise ghosts from that teacher."

Face them with inquiries.

Zhang Wei said bluntly:

"To deal with lecherous ghosts, of course it is to explode their bodies, make them unable to think, become angry from embarrassment, and then take advantage of his illness to kill him."

"As for the problem of their large number, isn't it simple? If there are large numbers, then suppress them with firepower."


Zhang Wei checked the time on his phone:

"Talking too much about theory is not as fast as practice. I will give you a practice drill tonight and teach you the most effective and fastest way to exorcise ghosts."

As he spoke, he patted a guitar bag on his back.


The monks all looked at the guitar bag on Zhang Wei's back, with undisguised curiosity in their eyes.

When they first met Zhang Wei, they saw him carrying such a bag.

Out of courtesy, they want to help Zhang Wei carry that guitar bag.

However, when they picked up the guitar bag, they found that the guitar bag was too heavy, and that weight definitely did not contain the guitar.

A monk asked Zhang Wei.

What's in that bag, a magic weapon?

To this.

Zhang Wei smiled and said:

"Pretending to be the most effective and fastest way to expel ghosts."



After communicating with Wanling, she took Zhang Wei and the others to her home.

That's a neighborhood.

The community is very ordinary, with typical apartment buildings neatly arranged one after another.

After checking the security of the apartment, Zhang Wei said:

"Okay, this apartment is quite safe, let's go."

"Ah??" Wanling and the monks were confused.

"Mr. Zhang, let's go now? Aren't we going to help Wanling's benefactor exorcise ghosts?"

"Yeah, to help her exorcise the ghost, that's why I said go. If we stay here and don't startle the snake, how dare the ghost come out."

"Uh, that makes sense. The little monk went to communicate with the neighbor and let us stay for a few nights."

"Why go to the next door?" Zhang Wei asked back.

"Uh, isn't it what you said, Master Zhang, to scare the snakes, so the little monk thought he was going to the next door. Wouldn't it be convenient to protect the benefactor Wanling without scaring the snakes?"

"It is indeed possible to do this, but it is not enough for timely support. We must be able to observe Wanling's situation at any time, so that we can protect in time. It is inconvenient to be next door, separated by a wall." Zhang Wei shook his head.

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei took them to the rooftop of the opposite apartment building, and pointed to the room where Wanling lived in the opposite building:

"Look how good the view here is. You can see Wanling's room clearly at any time, and monitor whether Wanling is in danger at any time."


The corners of the monks' mouths twitched: one monk couldn't help but say:

"But Teacher Zhang, this place is far away from the apartment where the benefactor Wanling lives. It's an apartment away."

"Don't be afraid, it's better to be far away so that the ghosts can't notice us. As for the support..."

Zhang Wei paused, put down the guitar bag on his back.

Then, while they were watching, Zhang Wei pulled the zipper to open the guitar bag, and took out a Barrett sniper rifle from it:

He eloquently introduced:

"Barrett's 82a1 sniper rifle uses 127mm bullets with a maximum range of 2500 meters. It adopts the principle of short recoil of the barrel and semi-automatic firing method. The new 82 is equipped with a double-bore right-angled arrow-shaped brake. The brake reduces the recoil of nearly 70% , let's quickly snipe."

he said.

Put the Barrett sniper rifle on the roof, aim at Wanling's house, and open the cover of the sniper rifle's high-powered mirror:

"Today I will teach you how to expel ghosts effectively and quickly. Killing ghosts is invisible. Ghosts don't even know who killed them until they die. First, start the first step, find a good position, and then set up a sniper rifle. The cover of the magnifying glass."


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