Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 177 I Now Understand Why Adcs Like To Crit

at the same time.

When Zhang Wei explained to the monks how to use Barrett.

Daxia, on Mount Wutai.

Wu Nian was walking on the mountain road of Wutai Mountain, and he wanted to go down the mountain to arrange things for Master Kong Jing according to the instructions of his uncle and the others.

Beside him, there is a girl wearing navel shorts. Her bold and fashionable dress, coupled with her middle-class beauty, attracted the attention of many pilgrims who went up and down the mountain.

no way.

The scene in front of me was too strange.

A handsome young monk, followed by a beautiful girl, walked side by side, chatting down the mountain.

This scene.

People can't help but look sideways.

As the glamorous girl took the initiative to hold Wu Nian's arm, Mount Everest squeezed towards Wu Nian until Wu Nian clasped his hands together and recited Amitabha Buddha.

Unable to help, a young pilgrim said enviously:

"It's great to be a monk now, and I can be accompanied by beautiful women. I also want to become a monk."

The companion beside him gave him a white look:

"Come on, then you have to have that appearance too. Look at how handsome that little monk is. To be fair, if Fa Hai looked like this in the Legend of the White Snake, Bai Suzhen would have fallen in love with Fa Hai a long time ago, so she just went crazy with her." Fa Hai breeds."

Wu Nian didn't hear their conversation, and talked with the beautiful girl beside her:

"Amitabha, Xia Mei's benefactor, the little monk said, don't use it to help, and it's a sin if a man and a woman don't kiss each other."

The glamorous girl named Natsumi winked:

"If I don't listen, I'm going to hold it back. Hehe, who told you that you want to train disciples of Mount Wutai? I came here specially to see it, but I didn't see it. I can't make a trip in vain, so I followed here."

"By the way, Wu Nian, you can't train those disciples, so what should you do? Are Liang and the others over there? This is not like you."

Put your palms together without thinking:

"The little monk has asked others to train him."

"Aren't you afraid that they won't train well?" Xia Mei said.

"Amitabha, no, that's one of the little monk's best friends. He also helped with the training. You know that person, Zhang Wei."

Mentioning Zhang Wei, Wu Nian's paralyzed face seldom smiled:

"The little monk believes that Zhang Wei can train the brothers and sisters well."


the other side.

That night.

Wanling's apartment in Luxia City.

"Xiao Pei, aren't you afraid?"

Wanling was sitting on the sofa in the living room, leaning closely beside Xiaopei, holding the pendant on her chest tightly with one hand.

Although Xiaopei came to accompany Wanling in person for Wanling not to be afraid.

Moreover, she turned on the lights at home, and the living room was brightly lit. However, she was still afraid, especially when she looked up and saw the electronic clock showing that the time was 11:50, which was getting closer and closer to midnight. According to folklore, midnight It is the time when ghosts like to haunt.

Xiaopei clapped his hands:

"Wanling don't need to be afraid, with Brother Wei here, nothing will happen, and he said that he is nearby."

"Really? Is that brother Wei really that powerful?"

"Yes, Brother Wei is really..."

Xiao Pei hasn't finished speaking yet.

They saw the TV in front of them, the screen was like an old-fashioned TV, with snowflakes appearing on the screen, accompanied by the sound of fizzing from the TV, all the lights in the house seemed to be short-circuited, flickering suddenly and continuously.

The sudden and strange situation made Wanling, who was already nervous, scream out in fright.


Even Xiaopei was frightened, and lost his previous calmness.

next second.

All the lights in the house, like dominoes, went out one after another, and the living room was plunged into darkness, only the moonlight outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room was left to shine.

Also this moment.


Wanling and Xiaopei screamed in horror, with panic written all over their faces.

The moment the lights were turned off, five furry figures appeared around them without any warning. The death-spotted skin and the warmth radiating from their faces all proved that they were not human beings, but ghosts.

Looking at the silly smiles on their dead faces.

Wanling was terrified to the extreme, and held up the amulet in a panic, hoping to force the lecherous ghosts to fade away:

"Don't come, don't come!"

To this.

Not only were the perverts not afraid, but they smiled even more:

"It's useless, your amulet has been eroded by our Yin Qi slowly, and it can no longer protect you."

One of the ghosts said, glanced at Xiaopei beside Wanling, and couldn't help licking his lips with his rotten tongue:

"Hehe, I didn't expect it. Not only can I do one tonight, but now I have an extra one as a bonus. We have some fun tonight. I want to shoot as much as I can."

in words.

The lecherous ghosts approached Wanling and the others, and the previous lecherous ghost couldn't wait any longer and stretched out his hand to grab Wanling.

Just when its hand was about to approach Wanling's body.

[Blessing Barrett sniper rifle 8000 system points]

The system prompt sounded for a moment.

bang bang! ! !

Two gunshots were fired, and there was a sudden sound of shock. Two meteor-like bullets pierced the darkness of the night, and the explosion struck.

Ghost blood splashed like fireworks.

The pervert reached out to Wanling's hand, and was shot by one of the bullets. In an instant, the hand was shot off, drawing a parabola in the air, and the severed hand fell to the floor.

The pervert was stunned.

Looking at his bloody severed hand.

【Ding! The pervert was stunned, what happened, my hand was broken? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

The other ghosts were also stunned. The unexpected situation made them lose their minds. They didn't understand what happened. It seemed that something was shot at them, and then their companion's hand broke off.

Can't help it.

They looked at the smoking area on the floor, and they could see that it was a bullet hole with a bullet head inside.

【Ding! The perverts were stunned, bullets? Someone is shooting us with a gun? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

The perverts changed their colors. Although they didn't know why bullets could hurt them even though they were ghosts, they knew that there was an ambush and someone was shooting them nearby with a gun.

【Ding! Perverts change color, damn, we didn't shoot first, but we got shot first? 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

However, they didn't wait for them to find out where the ambush was.


There was a terrible scream.

They followed the sound and saw that it was the pervert whose hand had been shot off earlier. It was clutching its crotch and screaming. It could be seen that its crotch was dripping with blood.

【Ding! The pervert realized later, felt the pain in his crotch, and found that not only was his hand shot off, but he was also raped. 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

Intense pain, and where the wound was, the pervert knelt on the ground and screamed heart-piercingly.

【Ding! The pervert screamed, chicken, ah! ! ! my dick! ! ! my dick! ! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

at this time.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Gunshots rang out one after another, bullets pierced the sky, and each shot precisely hit the pervert who was in pain and clutching his crotch.

Even if that pervert writhes in pain.

Even if the pervert gets up to run away.

But without exception, they were still hit with precision.


Heart-piercing screams resounded through the room.

This scene.

The other perverts looked stupid and terrified.

Before they had time to think about where there was an ambush, what happened to their companions, etc., they turned around and ran away.

【Ding! Perverts are afraid, run! ! run! ! There are snipers, there are snipers! ! ! 】

Along with the system prompt sounded in my mind.

On the rooftop, Zhang Wei, who was in the gun, murmured:

"Now I kind of understand why ADCs like to play critical strikes, because violent chickens are really cool."


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