Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 178 The Truth Is Everywhere Within Range

at the same time.

While Zhang Wei murmured.

The monks behind him seemed to be petrified, with their mouths slightly open, staring at the opposite building, the pervert who was lying on the ground and kept screaming in pain, and continued to be beaten precisely by Zhang Wei. It can't be closed, and it's unknown when it's split.

Although they are different from Zhang Wei, they are from the orthodox ghost exorcism force, and even come from the powerful Wutai Mountain, but after joining the Ministry of Health, they uphold the humility of monks and humbly seek advice from Zhang Wei.

Therefore, they did not dare to neglect Zhang Wei's teaching today, and kept their eyes on the whole process, for fear of missing the teaching process, which is why they clearly saw Zhang Wei sniping and exorcising ghosts throughout the whole process.

this moment.

They finally understood.

Why is Zhang Wei not guarding Wanling's benefactor, but still in the opposite building, why should he be condescending.

Because Zhang Wei wants to use a sniper rifle, because...there is a motto for using a sniper rifle "high hits low, hits a fool", so Zhang Wei chooses to be at a high place.

Also finally understand.

What is the fastest and most effective way to exorcise ghosts.

Thinking about it, it is true. The so-called martial arts in the world can only be broken quickly. How can people be quicker with guns and ammunition?

And it turns out so.

Those ghosts didn't react, and they couldn't even find Zhang Wei's location. After being fatally beaten, they acted as if they were chickens and fled. Isn't that what Zhang Wei said to exorcise ghosts with as little damage as possible? .

And... the effect is remarkable.


They couldn't help but look at the pervert who fell to the ground. The night wind blew past. While feeling the chilly legs under the cassock, a thought involuntarily came to their minds... Could this be, to kill the devil from a distance of 800 miles? .

"Amitabha, sin is sin."

A monk clasped his hands together, but his eyes never left Zhang Wei, and there was fire in his eyes.

Just ask.

Which boy can resist the temptation of powerful arms, which man doesn't like firearms, this is the same as liking Gundam, which boy has never dreamed of carrying a machine gun, even a monk is no exception.

Especially in the last second.

With a bang, they saw that those perverts chose to run away after seeing their companions in misery. In response, Zhang Wei fired a shot, and the bullet pierced the night like a shooting star, shooting at one of the perverts who was running away. head of.

Ghost blood overflowed.

The bullet pierced the brow of the pervert, and Zhang Wei shot him in the head!

The pervert suddenly fell to the ground and died.

【Ding! Perverts fear. 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

This kind of feeling of shooting a gun is still the feeling of a headshot, just looking at it makes people's blood spurt.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei said slowly:

"Everyone, what do you think of my presentation this time?"

The monks nodded, and one of the monks put his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Teacher Zhang, the little monk understands. Now that the times are advancing with the times, we exorcists should not indulge in chanting mantras, mahogany swords, and chicken blood to exorcise ghosts. We should improve with the changes of the times. For example, your hand today, exorcising ghosts. The speed and effect of ghosts are faster and more ruthless than ordinary methods of exorcising ghosts."

Other monks also echoed one after another:

"The little monk thinks so too."

"Teacher Zhang, are you trying to tell us that the only thing that can't be broken in martial arts in the world is fast?"

"Amitabha, the poor monk has a different view from them. The poor monk thinks that Teacher Zhang is trying to tell us that we monks should not rely on our own golden body of Buddhism to be arrogant and hard steel with ghosts. We can also use powerful magic weapons to drive out ghosts. .”

in words.

They looked like I realized it.

However, the next second.

Zhang Wei shook his head and said:

"Wrong, I just want to tell you that you monks like to reason with ghosts, and you should be compassionate, but you'd better have a gun, so that ghosts can listen to you."

At this point, Zhang Wei grinned and showed a mouthful of white teeth:

"Because to put it simply, with a gun in hand, the truth is everywhere within the shooting range. To put it simply, it is... within a range of 2,500 meters, I am your father! You have to listen to me."

"Ah, this." The corners of the monks' mouths twitched.

As monks, they really want to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, they seem to be unable to find a reason to refute.


Didn't wait for them to say anything more.

They noticed, and those perverts were about to run away.

After seeing their companions being killed by a sniper, the perverts all panicked and fled in all directions.

However, several more shots were fired.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Zhang Wei fired several shots, breaking all the perverts' legs.

Finish these.

He did not forget to say to the monks:

"See if it's within range, I'm your father, I have the final say."

The words fell.

He put away the Bartley sniper rifle, got up and walked towards the stairs.

The monks were stunned, and looked at the three perverts left in Lou Wanling's house, they only had broken legs and were still alive:

"Mr. Zhang, don't you shoot them?"

"No, I haven't finished teaching you guys yet, how can I kill them all."

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a Desert Eagle pistol from his waist with both hands, and said with a grin:

"Let's go, I'll teach you how to let people who are haunted by ghosts overcome their fear and get out of the psychological shadow of ghosts."


Zhang Wei quickly took them to Wanling's home.

In their dumbfounded gaze.

After Zhang Wei said something to Wanling and the others, he started to take out his two guns and shoot wildly at a pervert.

The muzzle flashed.

The sound of bang bang bang continued.

Not long.

I saw that pervert sitting against the wall, looking at the countless bullet holes in his body, tilted his head, and died.

【Ding! The pervert was shot dozens of times and bled to death. Before he died, there was only one thought in his head. Now I know why the law and order in the beautiful country is poor. It is right to ban guns in Daxia. 】

[Host obtains system points +40]


He handed the two guns to Wanling and Xiaopei, and asked them to shoot at the other pervert.

Immediately afterwards.

The monks saw that Wanling and Xiaopei were terrified at first, afraid of the ghost, but under Zhang Wei's reassurance, they fired a shot, and the ghost screamed. , even laughing while shooting, the fear on his face gradually turned into excitement.

Even a fool can see it.

Wanling's exhaustion and fear of being frightened by ghosts these days are all gone at this moment.

After handing over a dozen magazines to Wanling and the others.

Zhang Wei didn't care about them shooting the perverts like crazy, he came to the monks and pointed to Wanling and the others:

"Do you know why they are not afraid, because 'all fear stems from insufficient firepower', as long as they can feel at ease that ghosts are not scary, or let them find themselves scarier than ghosts, they can eliminate their fear."

"You Wanling and the others are smiling so happily."

"Of course, my method is a bit extreme. I suggest not to try it. You can use other methods, such as sealing or killing the ghost in front of the victim, so that they can witness with their own eyes that the ghost disappears under your firepower. , they won’t be afraid anymore, which is much better than you reciting some mantras for calming the mind and calming the mind once and for all.”

The words fell.

Zhang Wei walked to the only remaining pervert, and on the way he took out a knuckle from his pocket and carried it in his hand:

"Next, I will teach you the third lesson. This is what Captain Lin asked me to teach you. I think it is necessary to learn physics to exorcise ghosts. After all, if the firepower is insufficient and all of them are exhausted, it is not necessary to fight hand-to-hand."

As he spoke, he took the knuckles and punched the pervert.

As one punch after another landed on the pervert's face, Zhang Wei said leisurely:

"You have also seen how harmful these ghosts are. I think you are very angry even as monks, so don't hold your breath and vent it to the ghosts."

"We ghost exorcists are also human, and we should vent."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei punched the pervert on the bridge of the nose, and immediately the pervert was dripping with blood:

"And the best way to vent, of course, is to fight ghosts. It's so cool to punch to the flesh."

"Come on, come up and try."

"Hey, that's right, that's the way to hit it. Be strong. Don't be afraid that we will kill it, because ghosts are not bound by the law. If we hit them, they don't break the law and can be as violent as they want. So on the other hand, they do a lot of evil. , have to be punished, and we can only punish them."

【Ding! The pervert did not rest in peace. He never thought that he would be beaten to death by a group of monks. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]


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