Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 179 Fire Exorcising Ghosts + Physical Superpower = Monk Special Forces?

the other side.

Wanling's apartment is the downstairs resident.

In the living room, a young boy is sitting on the sofa with a girl watching TV.

That girl is the boy's love interest. Today the boy mustered up his courage and told the girl that he bought a three-dimensional cinema projector at home. He knew that girls like to watch movies, so he invited the girl to come to his house for this reason.

well known.

If you invite girls to watch a movie at home, it must be a horror movie.

The young boy was no exception. He played the horror movie and let it play. With a scream in the movie, the girl leaned towards the young boy in fright, clutched his arm tightly, and said bluntly:

"Sun Bo, the three-dimensional theater in your home has a great picture quality, and the sound quality is also great!"

"That's right, I bought this for thousands of dollars, and it's equipped with three-dimensional surround sound." The young boy said proudly.

"Oh~ So it's a three-dimensional surround sound. I just said how it's so real. When I heard the heroine screaming in the movie, it sounded like it was coming from your upstairs. It's so real."

The girl praised him, but she still pulled the boy's clothes:

"But this horror movie is so scary, let's watch something else."

At the girl's request.

Young boys replaced the movie with a gunfight movie. The gunfight movie has all kinds of blood and flesh flying everywhere, and it can also scare girls into approaching them.


Watching and watching, a gunshot rang out, it was Zhang Wei driving Barrett from the roof, and then the gunshots continued, and the screams of ghosts continued.

The young boys were amazed:

"Fuck, I feel like my theater is worth buying. The sound of the sniper gun is so real, it really feels like it was shot from the opposite side."

The girls nodded repeatedly:

"That is to say, the sound of this projector is worth buying. It's really like a theater. You can see the fight between the protagonist and the dozen or so gangsters. It's so immersive. It's like shooting near us. The sound of the gun is so good. reality."

"Haha, I also think it's worth buying. You can't only hear the gunshots, but also the screams. The sound quality is almost non-destructive. When the sound is played, I almost thought that someone next to me was screaming and being beaten."

The girl nodded in agreement when she heard the words.

To this.

The young boy took the opportunity to suggest:

"Haha, why don't you come to my house tomorrow and continue watching movies, or let's rent together. It just so happens that your rent is about to expire. Are you looking for a share? Let's share."

Finally, under the sound quality of the hail of bullets and screams, as well as her affection for the young boy, the girl agreed:



at the same time.

Upstairs in the apartment, Wanling's home.

at this time.

Under the guidance of Zhang Wei, the monks performed physical transcendence on the coloring ghosts.

As the lecher was passed away, the system notification sounded in his mind, and every wool of the lecher was exhausted. Zhang Wei nodded with satisfaction, and was about to say something...

Jingle Bell.

The phone rings.

Pick up the phone and look at the caller ID - Captain Lin Tong.

After picking up the phone, Lin Tong's voice came from the phone:

"Zhang Wei, have you slept yet?"

"I haven't slept yet. Team Lin is still leading newcomers to exorcise ghosts."

"Haha, are you still bringing it? I thought the ghost exorcism was over. Zhang Wei has worked hard for you. I will treat you to dinner sometime. By the way, how are you bringing the newcomer? Are you tired?"

"Not tired, they are quite enlightened, as expected of being from a famous family."

"Hahaha, of course, they are from Mount Wutai, then... Zhang Wei, have you taught them physical supernatural powers?"

Mentioning that he was still teaching, Lin Tong asked the question he wanted the most.

Hearing this, Zhang Wei subconsciously glanced at the monks.

can be seen.

The monks are chanting sutras with folded hands facing the dead perverts. If their hands, especially the phalanxes of their hands, are not stained with blood, the picture will appear compassionate.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei smiled and said:

"Captain Lin, I'm just finishing teaching them physical strength, and they've learned well."

His voice is not loud, and everyone in this living room can hear it.


The monks did not hear.

After saving the perverted ghosts, they were gathering together, discussing in a low voice what they had gained today, and listening carefully, it seemed that they were still discussing about going to the Department of Health to apply for the purchase of guns:

"Brothers and brothers, sins and sins, I found that this physical transcendence seems to be very suitable for our Buddhist golden body, sins and sins, Buddha, please forgive my delusions."

"Buddhism's golden body can fight ghosts hand to hand. This fit is normal. In fact, compared to this, should we apply what we have learned to exorcise ghosts with firearms as Teacher Zhang said? Although it is very effective, we are monks."

"Well, actually, brother, you are too worried. I remember that the last time brother Wu Nian went back, he told us that Teacher Zhang saved his life. It seems that he summoned a Gatling Bodhisattva."

"Amitabha, brother, I think we can give it a try. Although monks seem to use this kind of cruelty, didn't the master tell us to learn more."

"Actually, you can apply for the purchase from the Department of Health and Dao. You may not know that Brother Wu Nian is also researching weapons to drive away ghosts. After the Gatling Bodhisattva saved his life last time, he got a Gatling He was tinkering in the room, and I accidentally saw it."

"Really?! Since Brother Wu Nian is using it, let's try it too, but I won't buy Barrett anymore, I don't think it's suitable for me, I like light weight, I'll go get a pistol, I think it's wan Benefactor Ling and the others seem to have a good sense of fighting."


next morning.

Luxia City, the resident of the Department of Health and Dao.

Lin Tong got up early today and opened the store door. In the past, he might have slept in late, but today is the day to teach the newcomers in the Ministry of Health, and he has to set a good example.

Not long.

The monks from Mount Wutai came to the door of the shop.

After greeting them briefly, Lin Tong said with a smile:

"Masters, what Zhang Wei taught you yesterday, how are you doing? Is your physical strength very good? It can perfectly make the Buddha's golden body fully displayed, which is quite refreshing."

"Amitabha, yes, Captain Lin, that physical supernatural power can indeed fit perfectly with the Buddhist golden body."

One of the monks said, and handed Lin Tong a list of shopping lists:

"Amitabha, Captain Lin, I heard that the newcomers of the Department of Health and Taoism can apply for magic tools and other things like the Department of Defense for newcomers. We are still in the training stage, so I don't know if we can apply."

"It stands to reason that it is impossible, but I can make an exception and apply for you."

These are a group of good seedlings with physical supernatural powers. Lin Tong cherishes them very much, and he does not hesitate to make an exception and use his own funds to apply for them.


He took their list:

"Let me see what you are applying for, knuckles, knuckles... what the hell? What is this???"

Lin Tong was stunned, staring straight at the list and almost thought he was dazzled.

I saw a row of names of munitions on the list.

[Application: 5 Barrett sniper rifles, 100 127mm bullets, 20 Desert Eagles, 4 Gatlings, 1 98k, 2 submachine guns...]

"What's the situation, have you been hired to fight in Iraq Krypton? Are you sure the list you gave me is correct?"

After repeatedly confirming that there is no problem with the list, I learned the situation from the monks.

Lin Tong was stunned.

Ghost exorcist?


Muscular monk?

Monk Special Forces? ?


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