Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 181 Triggering Special Rewards—Becoming A Demon And A Buddha In One Thought

Looking at Zhang Chao's information.

Zhang Wei was surprised.

The purpose of Sen Luosi's establishment is to suppress something for the real dragon guard? This purpose seems to be nothing, just like robbers forming gangs to rob banks, but the key is that Sen Luosi has been established for at least hundreds of years.

Zhang Wei remembers clearly that Captain Huang Qingshan told him the first time he knew Senluosi. At that time, the other party said that Senluosi traced back at least three hundred years ago.

What kind of 'robbers' have formed a gang for three hundred years in order to 'rob banks', and the organization has survived for three hundred years.

What kind of 'person' is worth them to spend more than 300 years to grab it.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei sent a message to Zhang Chao with a smile.

[Zhang Wei]: It took more than 300 years to establish Senluosi for a "person". I would like to call Senluosi the best persistence of the year. This is more steadfast than love.

To this.

Zhang Chao also smiled when he saw the message, and immediately replied a message.

[Zhang Chao]: Hahaha, what Zhang Wei said to you, how can it be said that he is more steadfast than love, in case Sen Luosi is for love, then the 'person' is Sen Luo Si's lover, hilarious smile jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Haha, that can be called the modern version of Wangfushi, laughing and crying emoji jpg

【Zhang Wei】: But it's not impossible. The reason is that Zhang Chao opened his mouth.

[Zhang Chao]: Do you think I am the child of luck? Say whatever you want, haha, but when it comes to the child of luck, I think Wu Nian is the one.


Zhang Chao sent a message.

[Zhang Chao]: I was just kidding with you, and I almost forgot to tell you. This time Wu Nian went back to Wutai Mountain to attend to Master Kong Jing’s funeral. Not only did the big bosses gather, there was another event.

[Zhang Chao]: It is said that Master Kongjing left his last words before he was enthroned, and that he would give Wu Nian the relic after his enthronement.

Zhang Wei frowned.

Regarding the relics, according to folklore, the relics are the most precious treasures of Buddhism. It is said that only some eminent monks have them, and they are usually condensed after death.

In fact, relics are not only popular among the people, because there are many cases of eminent monks who passed away and gathered relics.

For example, in the Xuyun Pagoda courtyard of Zhenru Zen Temple in Daxia today, the relics of Zen Master Xuyun are enshrined, and there are also museums in the Sakura Kingdom, which are said to have brought relics for Jianzhen. Master Jianzhen, that is recorded in The history of the Buddhist masters of the Tang Dynasty in the history textbooks has been widely spread to this day.

[Zhang Chao]: The relic is a thing that condenses what people have learned all their life. I have no intention of getting it. This is the same as getting the lifetime skills of an expert in martial arts novels.

[Zhang Chao]: I'm afraid Wu Nian is about to hang up, and his strength is about to improve by leaps and bounds. Zhang Wei, you have to be careful. If you have a hang up, hurry up, or Wu Nian will catch up with you, haha.

【Zhang Wei】: Okay, I will try my best to switch on the phone.

After Zhang Wei sent the message, he murmured:

"Wu Nian is really the protagonist of a novel. I really doubt that if he jumps off a cliff, he will encounter a cave. There are secret books left by the strong after his death or something. Why don't we just find a chance and let Wu Nian jump off the cliff?" Give it a try."

"But I can't just sigh with emotion, I have to work harder, otherwise Wu Nian will really catch up."

Immediately afterwards.

The two had a conversation.

Zhang Wei put away his phone and boarded the plane until the boarding sound sounded in the terminal.

for a moment.

Enter the cabin.

Taking advantage of the fact that passengers are still boarding the plane one after another, and there is still some time before take-off, Zhang Wei is not idle. Before switching his phone to flight mode, he plans to look at the Department of Health Forum and find the post that Zhang Chao said before analyzing the establishment of Sen Luosi .

But at this time.

A WeChat message came from his mobile phone.

Click to see.

It was a message sent to him by Mr. Liushu, and some photos of scenery and food were taken. Since Zhang Wei taught the old man to take pictures and post them on Moments last time, the old man shared travel photos with him from time to time.

To this.

Zhang Wei transferred tens of thousands of yuan to Mr. Liushu.

[Zhang Wei]: Mr. Liushu eats and drinks more, the scenery in the Xiaxia is very good, and some tourist attractions have good scenery. By the way, you can go to the amusement park and take a ride on the roller coaster. If you don’t have enough money, tell me.

【Grandfather Willow】: I have enough money, a lot of it, so I don’t need to give it to Zhang Wei, how dare I let you spend it.

[Zhang Wei]: You don’t have to be polite to me, old man, it’s only tens of thousands of dollars, just treat it as your reward for beating a ghost king for me, or if you see the ghost king in the future, help me beat more ghost kings, this is an advance salary Divided into, grinning jpg

The old man Liu Shu looked at the message with a smile on his old face.

Although he has stayed in one place for three or four hundred years, he is not stupid. He can see that this is just an excuse Zhang Wei made so that he can take the money with peace of mind.

【Ding! Grandpa Liu Shu was moved]

[Host obtains system points +100]

[Trigger a special reward and gain a one-time ability 'becoming a demon and becoming a Buddha in one thought']

[Become a demon and become a Buddha in one thought:

The host uses this ability to obtain the ability to exorcise ghosts for a period of three thousand years. The specific ability is whether the devil is a Buddha. It depends on the host's own decision, just like the legend... Kneeling in front of the Buddha for three thousand years. In one thought. 】

Accompanied by the system prompt sound in my mind.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a while.

I didn't expect that I would get a special reward for an unintentional act of kindness.

"With three thousand years of cultivation, I don't have to worry about it even if a real dragon guard-level ghost pops into my face."

Zhang Wei rubbed his chin and smiled.

Just when Zhang Wei was thinking about how to use this ability.

The old man Liu Shu sent a message. It was the old man Liu Shu who accepted his transfer and sent a message with a smile.

[Grandfather Willow]: Haha, that’s fine, I’m traveling these days, see if I can find some ghost kings on the way, if they’re bad enough, I’ll catch them, and I’ll pay you the travel expenses.

【Zhang Wei】: ojbk


Sichuan Province, Jinguan City Airport.

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a few days, Zhang Wei, you look good."

Zhang Chao gave Zhang Wei a big hug and said.

His words come out.

Zhang Wei recalled every night of fighting with Qiu Xiaolin these days, and replied with a smile:

"That is, the gardener has a garden and can cultivate it, of course he looks good."

Hearing this, Zhang Chao pointed his finger at his cheek:

"Zhang Wei, look at my face. Is there any tire marks? I feel a car has run over my face."

next moment.

Passers-by at the airport saw the two young men exchanging swords with each other for a while, and left the airport happily.

A little girl pointed at Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei, and said softly to her father beside her:

"Dad, I want those two big brothers, buy them for me, they are so fun."


the other side.

Zhang Wei and Zhang exceeded the airport, they took a taxi.

"Master driver, go to the 'Seven Days Hotel' on Nanhua Road."

The words fell.

Zhang Chao told Zhang Wei:

"Zhang Wei, let's go to our Department of Health's resident first, and report to my sister and the others. You will be my temporary partner."

"Do you still want to report?"

"Yeah, we are a regular department, okay? Even if it is temporary, we need to report it. Don't worry, we won't take your temporary workers as the blame for any accidents like in the news."

"But your place of residence is okay. It's actually a hotel. It's much better than Captain Lin. His mind is all about moving and exercising." Zhang Wei joked.

"My sister suggested that you can earn pocket money and franchise fees, haha."

Zhang Chao said and waved his hands:

"Let's not talk about this, let's talk about something first, we will not stay in the seven-day hotel today."

"Where do you live?"

"Stay in another hotel. We received news that that hotel is suspected to be haunted recently, you know."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei said bluntly: "It's so cool, there is work to do as soon as you come."


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