Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 182 The Strongest Temporary Worker, Zhang Wei

Zhang Chao laughed: "Yes."


On the way to the resident of the Department of Health, Zhang Chao was not idle, and explained to Zhang Wei the haunting of the hotel:

"About three days ago, there was a male guest staying in a private hotel. Because it was not the peak season, and it was Monday, it was not a holiday. He was the only guest on the third floor of the hotel where he stayed."

"But after the guest checked in that night, he called the front desk of the hotel in the middle of the night, and he said that there seemed to be someone in the room."

"The front desk of the hotel thought it was a thief or something, and sent security guards to check it out. However, the room was searched and no one was found."

"The monitoring was adjusted in the back, and no one passed by before and after the point in the corridor on the third floor. The front desk thought that the residents were more sensitive and timid, so they changed him to the second floor. There are residents on the second floor, so I said no. Make sure you stay at ease."

"However, after the replacement, Aunt, the cleaner, went to clean the room the next day. When he went in, he found that the guest was dead inside. The cause of death was strangled to death."

in words.

Zhang Chao did not forget to take out a stack of documents from his backpack and hand them to Zhang Wei.

That's the death photo of the deceased about the haunted hotel, and the information about the deceased:

"If only one guest died, the hotel might think it was a thief who entered the hotel to steal things, but instead saw his face and chose to commit murder to avoid being caught by the police afterwards."

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement.

Although the monitoring did not capture anyone, it does not mean that no one entered the guest room. The monitoring has blind spots, so maybe the thief entered through the window.

Zhang Chao continued:

"But not only one guest died, besides that guest, there was also a male guest who lived on the fourth floor."

"The state of death is exactly the same as that of the guest who died in front. He was strangled to death."

"It was the death of this guest, and the case was defined as a supernatural event, because this guest was not only dead, but also weirder. He didn't stay in the hotel alone, but with his colleagues."

"Two people were under the same roof, but one of them was strangled to death, and the other didn't know about it. It was too weird. After all, he was a man. There would definitely be struggles when he was strangled to death. It's impossible for colleagues not to notice the movement. "

Zhang Wei couldn't help but look away from the file photo:

"It's indeed a bit weird, but it's not enough to be judged as a supernatural event. The possibility that the surviving colleague is the perpetrator cannot be ruled out."

"There should be other basis for judgment."

Facing the question raised by Zhang Wei.

Zhang Chao nodded and said:

"Yes, the reason why this is a supernatural event is that apart from the fact that the resident was strangled to death, but the roommates didn't know about it, there is also the most important factor. Zhang will show you their room numbers."

Zhang Wei looked at the document, the room number of the deceased.

It didn't feel weird at first.

But when checking the layout of the hotel, Zhang Wei's eyes lit up, and he suddenly understood the situation:

"Their room is at the end of the corridor."

Since ancient times, there have been many taboos among the people. Even today, some relatively old rural areas follow some folk taboos, and even some older generations are the same now. In their view, these taboo behaviors are easy to attract dirty things.

There are many taboos, such as not sticking chopsticks into the food when eating, or someone telling you not to look back in the middle of the night.

And among them.

There is a can't live in the last room at the end of the corridor when you stay in a hotel or guest house.

The two dead guests lived in the end room of the corridor between the second and fourth floors, and according to the front desk records on the document, the first guest lived on the third floor, which was also the end room.

You must know that there were not only the two of them living in the hotel that day, but there were many guests on the second floor, but there were only two dead people at the end of the hotel, and when they lived in the end of the third floor, they saw "people".

"Now I know why it is defined as a supernatural event."

Zhang Chao laughed.

Zhang Wei nodded:

"Whether it is Feng Shui or folklore, there is a saying that the end of the hotel is not suitable for people to live in. After all, that place is at the end of the corridor, where the sun is least exposed, and it is very cloudy."


Zhang Wei turned his head and smiled:

"So, the hotel we're staying in tonight is going to be in Oma."

Zhang Chao grinned and nodded:

"Yes, the restaurant has four floors, so counting my cousin and another colleague of mine, we live in the end of the first floor alone. For the sake of having the same surname and coming here as guests, Zhang Wei will give you a special choice. You Choose the room first, and see which floor you want to live in at the end."

Words come out.

Without even thinking about it, Zhang Wei replied bluntly:

"Let's live on the fourth floor. Since ancient times, the word 'four' is unlucky. If you count the tail, the two dangers are added together, and the negative is positive."


Not long.

The Department of Health and Justice where Zhang Chao is located is the 'Seven Days Hotel'.

"Old sister, sister, Jiejie, jiejie, we are back, hurry up and greet you."

As soon as he entered the hotel, Zhang Chao shouted loudly.

next second.

Zhang Chao felt his eyes blur, and a figure rushed towards Zhang Chao like an arrow, throwing Zhang Chao over his shoulder.


The figure cursed in a mouthful of the Sichuan language:

"You are yelling at the hammer, fetal god."

For this move, Zhang Wei smiled at the figure:

"Long time no see, Miss Mei."

Zhang Wei recognized the identity. It was the former captain of Zhang Chao's Department of Health and Dao, Zhang Chao's cousin, Zhang Mei.

"Long time no see Zhang Wei. Hey, you look pretty good. The last time I saw you in Northeast, your complexion was not as good as it is now. It seems that you have become much stronger just like Wu Nian."

After Zhang Mei stepped on Zhang Chao's face, she said with a bright smile on her face.

His words just came out.

Zhang Chao, who was trampled under his feet and his hand was still being strangled by Zhang Mei, spoke first:

"He is nourished by love and let go of Lao Tzu."

For two people fighting.

Zhang Wei silently moved up from Zhang Chao's face and looked at Zhang Mei's clothes. She was wearing a miniskirt, a white vest and a short-sleeved jacket.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Mei led Zhang Wei to visit their health department's residence, and met another companion who went to the hotel together tonight, also a girl, who was a member of the health department with Zhang Mei's partner.

"How about it, our station is not bad."

Zhang Chao sat in the lounge of the station, crossed his legs and smiled.

Zhang Wei was about to speak when he heard the words.

But at this time.

Zhang Mei took a notebook and a form and handed it over:

"Here, Zhang Wei, fill out this temporary form. I know your information, and I'll fill it out for you. You just need to sign your name."

"As for this notebook, I don't know if you know it. Our Department of Health and Dao needs to write reports during ghost hunting. This is for you to write diary reports every day, so that the Department of Health and Dao can record supernatural files."


Zhang Wei took the note and nodded. Captain Lin Tong went back to write a report on Mr. Qiu's matter before.

Follow Zhang Wei to sign the name of the form.

Zhang Mei smiled and reached out to Zhang Wei:

"Then welcome Zhang Wei, a three-day temporary employee of the Ministry of Health."

Zhang Chao was also working on the side, stretching out his hand and saying to Zhang Wei:

"Congratulations Zhang Wei, you have become the strongest temporary worker in our Department of Health and Dao's resident, but it's a pity that we don't have Sister Baoer, but we have Sister Meier."

Then, amidst Zhang Mei and Zhang Chao's slapstick, they went to the haunted hotel.


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