Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 184 Is This The Live-Action Shooting Of \"Death Note\"?

at the same time.

When Zhang Wei found the tilting head ghost, the tilting head ghost also found Zhang Wei, and a piercing smile appeared on his face.

Unexpectedly, this time I ate meat again.

But what is that young man doing?

Due to the problem of perspective, the Tilted Head Ghost was at the window behind Zhang Wei, and it could only see a young man sitting at the table with his head down, as if he was writing something.

Although he didn't know what the young man was writing in front of him, the tilted head ghost didn't intend to let go, and walked behind Zhang Wei with silent steps.

next moment.

It slowly stretched out its pale hands and leaned towards Zhang Wei's neck, trying to strangle the young man in front of him to death just like it killed those residents last time.

in its gaze.

The young man in front of him is the same as the previous residents, he can't feel his own existence, and he is still writing hard over there.


Out of curiosity, the tilted head ghost glanced at what the young man wrote.

【Ding! The tilted head ghost is excited, so cool, and wants to strangle another one, huh? journal? 】

[Host obtains system points +20]

It found that the young man in front of him was writing a diary.

Look to the content:

On May 19, 2022, the weather was fine.

Today is my first day at work. This is the first time I have gone to work since college. Even though I only signed a temporary job, I am still very excited.

My colleague is very kind to me. In order to clean up my troubles, he took his sister's money and took me to play in an indescribable store.

The ladies and waitresses in that store are great, not only has a pretty face, but also has a great figure. I remember one of them deeply, so I wrote down her information, 83, 61, 89, these are her measurements, I believe I will never forget her information until I die, including her pair of 36e.

Glancing at the content written in the diary, the pale hands stretched out by the tilted head ghost stopped for a moment, and stood there with wide eyes.

【Ding! The ghost with the head tilted was startled, I, Cao? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

Looking at the contents of the diary, the tilted head ghost was stunned, feeling the violent shock.

What kind of fairy colleague is this? Are office workers so nervous when dealing with interpersonal relationships? They don't hesitate to use my sister's money to bring new colleagues away.

When it sees the young lady's information written by Zhang Wei.

【Ding! The tilted head ghost nodded there, I agree, even with 36e and this figure, I will never forget it until I die. 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

Can't help it.

The tilted head ghost came over to read the follow-up content written by Zhang Wei:

That young lady is not only good-looking, but also very heart-warming. I told her that when I was in high school, I was chatting with the school bully’s girlfriend. Just because of chatting, the campus bullied me throughout high school, and beat me when I saw me. , Also tore up my homework.

The little sister listened to my high school experience and gave me a loving hug, which made me feel so warm, and the young lady was so heartwarming.

【Ding! The tilted head ghost looked at the content of the host, and couldn't help but look at the host's cold gaze softened. It turned out to be a poor person who was bullied by the campus. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

Perhaps out of sympathy for what happened to Zhang Wei, or perhaps because he wanted to continue reading what Zhang Wei wrote, the Crooked Head Ghost silently withdrew the hand that was stretched out to pinch Zhang Wei's neck, and subconsciously withdrew it.

Just retracted for a second...

When it continues to look at the journal content:

The little sister not only gave me a hug, but also comforted me, and also condemned the school bully, saying that the school bully is really hateful, it is just chatting with my girlfriend without doing much, and actually bullying me throughout high school.

I also think it's disgusting, isn't it because I told the school bully's girlfriend, "It's winter, it's so cold...", and the school bully actually bullied me throughout high school, it's abominable! anger!

【Ding! The tilted head ghost wants to yell, draft, you deserve to be bullied. 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Seeing the hand that the tilting head ghost withdrew one second, suddenly stretched out the next second, with that ferocious expression, he wished he could strangle Zhang Wei to death right now.

【Ding! The tilted-headed ghost wants to kill people, those who ride horses, beasts! I'm going to strangle you to death for the people! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

When the crooked head ghost was about to strangle Zhang Wei to death, Yu Guang flicked his hand and stopped again.

it sees:

It’s just that before I could recall my anger, the young lady curiously asked me what I had said to the school bully’s girlfriend. Why am I flirting with other people's girlfriends.

Then I refuted the young lady, saying that the young lady wronged me, how could I know that it was molesting, my father taught me that, my father said, if you meet a good-looking girl you like, you can say that , if the girl agrees, then we are boyfriend and girlfriend.

And my dad also told me that this is how he chased my mother back then, he said similar things to my mother, and then my mother beat me up and beat me for love, scolded me for love, and we got together like that.

I still remember that my dad seemed to say "..." to my mom.

【Ding! The tilted head ghost was stunned, Zhuo! Daringly, you are not a beast, the beast is your father]

[Host obtains system points +65]

【Ding! The tilted head ghost said with emotion, now I understand what it means to be a child who does not teach his father. 】

[Host obtains system points +65]

Think here.

The tilted head ghost couldn't help but look at Zhang Wei.

【Ding! The tilted head ghost was thinking with emotion, should I kill him now, hey, I suddenly want to see his dad get sick, and then he pulls his dad's oxygen tube, he will definitely pull it out]

[Host obtains system points +50]


Tilting Head Ghost discovered that Zhang Wei had written some more content, so he couldn't help but leaned over to read it again.

at this time.

It was 11pm.

No one noticed that in the room at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor of the hotel where someone died, even though there was no bloodshed, the scene inside was still weird...

A young man is writing a diary at the desk, but behind him stands a creepy ghost.

And the ghost leaned forward and looked at the contents of the diary written by the young man.

This scene.

Unspeakably weird.

People who don't know will definitely think that it is the live-action version of the anime "Death Note" when they see it.

at the same time.

The ghost is still looking at Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei is still writing in his diary:

Facing my crying, the young lady embraced me again, used her 36e to soothe my wounded heart, and told me 'I blamed you', I immediately felt that the young lady was so heartwarming and understanding Satisfactory, and I also....

But I didn't do that, although the young lady told me secretly later that it would be night after she got off work, and the weather would be cold..., and she gave me a look of "you understand".

To this.

I strongly condemned my sister and told her, who do you look down on, just one is enough? Give us both!

Then I saw it, and the young lady had a smile on her face.


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