Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 185 Ghost: Don't Kill Me! My Boss Is The King Of Ghosts

As Zhang Wei wrote, the young lady's face burst into smiles, and I saw that Zhang Wei hadn't stopped writing.

There was also a smile on the face of the tilted ghost, revealing a wretched look.

【Ding! The tilted head ghost is excited, I, Cao, can't do it! I've decided, don't kill this kid for now, I want to see the follow-up! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

【Ding! Tilting the head ghost was excited and sighed, here it is, here it is, the feeling of chasing novels and urging updates has come again. 】

[Host obtains system points +35]

With excitement, Tilted Head Ghost stared at the content written by Zhang Wei:

Seeing the smile blooming on the young lady's face, and she nodded with a smile and said "Okay", I immediately regretted it, quite regretted it, why I just said two instead of three.

【Ding! Tilting the head ghost hates iron but not steel, fuck! That's right, why don't you say three, so angry. 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

Same time.

The tilted head ghost stared at Zhang Wei with undisguised envy on his face.

【Ding! The tilted head ghost is envious, I also want the 36e hole to be warm, alas, why did I die so early, draft it! ! I really want to live again! 】

[Host obtains system points +40]


The tilted head ghost had the idea of ​​reincarnation.

After being reincarnated, you can pursue the happiness of 36e. After all, although it is a ghost now, it can also kill the young lady of 36e, but it is forced. .

Thinking of this...

【Ding! The tilted-headed ghost looked at himself, then at the host, and sighed. They are also creatures with dicks. Why are you so dick? I have no use for dicks. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

Feeling inferior, the tilted head ghost continued to look at Zhang Wei's diary:

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in history, so there is no way, I can only have two.

But I didn't leave with my young lady right away.

Because this is my first day at work today, although I am out now, but I still have the heart to fight, after all, I am just a temporary worker, alas, I have to show myself well, try to impress the people in the subsidiary company, let them know , Temporary workers can also make outstanding performance, which also makes the head office look different.

So I still need to go to work, so I can only make an appointment with the young lady for another time.

As the tilted head ghost saw this, it could be seen that the smile on his face froze.

Also at this moment.

There are constant reminders in my mind.

【Ding! The tilted head ghost is angry, so go to your sister's class! At this time, I still have to go to the eighth class, let the young lady go to class first! 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

【Ding! The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and it was all because of that company! That's right, if you give him a regular job, he won't need to go to work now! I can see the follow-up. 】

[Host obtains system points +35]

【Ding! The tilted head ghost is very angry, fuck! Just go and dismantle that company now, so that he doesn't have to go to work, and I can even see the follow-up of the scene. 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

【Ding! The tilted head ghost was furious, no! Even the head office was demolished! Prevent him from being transferred to the head office! Matt, come on! Quickly tell me, boy, where is your head office, I will tear it down]

[Host obtains system points +50]

at this time.

When the tilted head ghost was angry, it glanced at Zhang Wei and found that he was still writing in his diary, so he couldn't help but look over again:

I made an agreement with my little sister, and I went back to work with my colleagues. I just went to work until the evening and returned to my residence.

This is my full and beautiful day.


By the way, I forgot to write it down. After I returned to my residence at night, another thing happened. When I was writing my diary, I found an idiot standing behind me, watching me write my diary and getting angry for a while Laughing for a while, it made me want to laugh.

When he saw this, the tilted head ghost was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards.

It found that Zhang Wei was turning his head, looking at himself with a smile on his face:

"Hey guy."

Its voice sounded.

The tilted head ghost also came back to his senses, furiously pinched Zhang Wei, it knew it had been tricked.

【Ding! Crooked head ghost is furious]

[Host obtains system points +60]

However, the next second.

Boom! !

Zhang Wei slapped him, and the Tilted-Head Ghost seemed to have been hit hard, his whole body was thrown out, and his face was sunken by the slap.

"Ghost exorcist?!"

Before he could manage the severe pain on his face, the head tilting ghost stared at Zhang Wei in horror.

Without any hesitation, it turned around and was about to run.

Facing Zhang Wei's terrifying power, even though he was a red-clothed ghost, he knew that he couldn't defeat the monster in front of him. He could seriously injure it with just one slap. This young man was no ordinary ghost exorcist at all.

It was also at this moment that it finally understood what the company in Zhang Weiqi's diary was, and it was the Department of Defense!

Thinking of this, it almost swears.

Qilin Wei?

Gan Nima, a Qilin guard is a temporary worker? ? The Secretary of Defense is crazy.

It just didn't wait for it to get up and run away.

At some point, Zhang Wei had already appeared in front of it, pinching its neck with both hands.

for a while.

A strange scene occurred in the last room of the hotel where someone died.

A person is strangling a ghost tightly, and the ghost is pressed on the bed by him. No matter how the ghost struggles, he can't break free. As time goes by, the ghost is almost dying of being strangled.

"Let go, let me go... let go... please, please don't kill me, I was wrong."

The ghost hoarsely used the remaining strength:

"Let me go, I, I was wrong, I don't dare to do it again..."

To this.

But Zhang Wei didn't care, and prepared to use violence to control violence, strangling this ghost to death, let it experience the pain of the person killed by it, until...

"Don't kill me, I can exchange a secret with you, please let me go."

Perhaps because of the feeling of death, the tilted head ghost was afraid, so he didn't dare to ink, and said bluntly:

"I'm not the only ghost here. There are many ghosts. We all belong to the same ghost force. If you kill me, our force will know about it. Our boss is the king of ghosts."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei frowned slightly:

"Ghost King? Are you sure?"

He didn't choose not to believe what the ghost said, because when he came to the hotel, he noticed from his sky eyes that there was more than one ghost in this hotel.

What the tilting head ghost said now just verified his conjecture that this is a haunted den, or a haunted den of ghost forces.

The tilted head ghost nodded repeatedly, thinking that Zhang Wei was scared, and said quickly:

"Really, I didn't lie to you. My boss is really the ghost king. Although it hasn't been long since he became the ghost king, you belong to the Department of Health and Dao. Even if you are a temporary worker, you should be able to check the files of the Department of Health and Dao. Know."

"My boss was promoted to the ghost king half a year ago. He was promoted to the ghost king in Jinguan City, two cities away. You can find out after checking."

"So if you kill me, or kill me on our territory, my boss will definitely not let you go."


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