Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 186: There Really Is A Ghost King, Hehehe

"You won't let me go? Are you sure?"

Facing the words of the head tilting ghost, Zhang Wei froze for a while.

"Yes, my boss will definitely not let you go, my boss attaches great importance to us, because he wants to form a ghost force that is not weaker than Sen Luosi, so in our force, revenge must be revenge..."

Halfway through the speech, the voice stopped abruptly.

Originally thought that Zhang Wei was afraid, so the Tilt-Tou Ghost explained very hard, hoping to use the strength of the ghost king to frighten the other party, but while talking, the Tilt-Tou Ghost realized something was wrong.

"You... what are you laughing at?"

The tilted head ghost was stunned and found Zhang Wei smiling.

That smile is like what it read in its diary. When the little sister heard that Zhang Wei wanted two, her face burst into a smile, and now Zhang Wei's smile is like this.

"Sorry, you saw my micro-expression."

Zhang Wei restrained his smile and patted his face to reveal a serious expression.

Crooked head ghost: "..."

【Ding! The tilted head ghost wants to swear, micro-expression your sister, what the hell is that micro-expression? The corners of your mouth are almost smiling like a slit girl, and you still have a slight expression. 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

Tilting your head, who knows, is a micro-expression.

Micro-expressions, that is, when people express different emotions, they will unconsciously show subtle changes in facial expressions for a moment. This kind of expression is the most real expression of human emotions, and it is difficult to hide. It is often used by modern criminals and interrogators Micro-expression observation.

It is precisely because of this that although Zhang Wei is not a micro-expression, he also confirmed that he read it correctly. The young man in front of him was really smiling when he said that the boss is the king of ghosts.

Isn't he afraid of the ghost king?

But if he is not afraid, he is not afraid, why is he laughing.

this moment.

The tilting head ghost had an incredible idea, feeling that his threat seemed to have had the opposite effect. The ghost king didn't make the other party afraid, but... very excited?

Just haven't waited for it to think more.

As if feeling something, Zhang Wei already grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted him towards the door.

"You, what are you doing?"

The tilted head ghost was terrified, and struggled hard to grab Zhang Wei's hand that was pinching his neck.

"Take you to meet my colleagues."

Zhang Wei said with a grin:

"It's the colleague who took me to find Miss Sister."

In the hotel, not only Zhang Wei is exorcising ghosts, but also Zhang Chao and the others. If this is really a haunted den, and there are ghost king-level ghosts, Zhang Wei doesn't intend to stay here, so he has to tell Zhang Chao and the others.


Zhang Wei pinched Li Gui and knocked on Zhang Chao's door one by one.

Boom boom boom.

Zhang Wei knocked on the door of Zhang Chao's room, not long after Zhang Chao's voice came from the room:

"Who is it?"

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard the words:

"Hi, I'm room service. Do you need anything from the guest?"

It was just after 11 o'clock in the evening, and Zhang Chao was already sleeping on the bed. Now he was knocked on the door in the middle of the night, and the corners of Zhang Chao's mouth twitched when he was woken up, and he couldn't help but curse:

"Need a ghost, room service in the middle of the night, are you crazy?"

The words fell.

The next second the door was knocked again:

"Okay, distinguished guest, I brought you a ghost."

Being watched continuously, Zhang Chao immediately rushed out of bed angrily, vowing to beat up the person outside the door:

"Bring Nima, can you bring the ghost? Do you think you are...fuck?! Ghost!?"

Looking at the ghost that came into view, Zhang Chao was taken aback. He was about to perform the ghost exorcism on the spot like a stress reaction, but when he glanced away, he saw Zhang Wei smiling at him behind the ghost, and Zhang Chao reacted:

"Gah, so it's you, your sister, I almost thought that the customer service is so introverted now, and they even bring ghost catchers."

in words.

Zhang Chao looked at the ghost in Zhang Wei's hand in surprise:

"Zhang Wei is fine, this allows you to catch the ghost, but you don't have to catch it in the middle of the night to show off to me, it's just a red-clothed ghost, and it's not the king of ghosts, so there's nothing to show off. "

Zhang Wei was taken aback when he heard that, then smiled and said:

"Not to mention, you guessed it right, there is indeed a ghost king."

Zhang Wei didn't make a fool of himself, and told all the things that the tilted head ghost said.

With the tilting head ghost also replying in the affirmative.

Zhang Chao's expression changed:

"Fuck!? There's a ghost king?! Damn it! If you didn't say it earlier, hurry up, let me call my elder sister, my life is important."

Seeing Zhang Chao's fiery reaction, he was stunned by Zhang Wei holding the tilted head ghost in his hand, subconsciously looked at Zhang Chao, and then at Zhang Wei.

The cold system prompt sounded instantly.

【Ding! The tilted head ghost is excited, look, this is a normal reaction to hearing that there is a ghost king! 】

[Host obtains system points +40]


Zhang Chao and the two went to the room where Zhang Mei and another colleague were staying.

Without exception.

When they learned that there was a ghost king, their faces changed.

【Ding! The tilted head ghost was very excited. Sure enough, the strength of the ghost king can make people frightened. Look at your reaction before, laugh? Laugh at your sister, scare me quickly! 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

A system prompt sounded in my mind.

Zhang Wei couldn't help grinning at the ghost with the tilted head: "It seems that there really is a ghost king, hehehe."

Crooked head ghost: "..."

Zhang Wei's voice was not loud, but Zhang Chao and the others were beside him, and they all heard it.

Zhang Chao seemed to have thought of something, and joked:

"Zhang Wei, don't you think you've taken a fancy to the ghost king in this haunted den, and want his head? Why, are you addicted to trading the ghost king's head with the Department of Defense?"

Although the ghost king was encountered in the hospital last time, Zhang Wei dealt with the ghost king, but Zhang Wei told him that the hair ability is not good enough to activate again, but Zhang Chao doesn't think Zhang Wei can't deal with the ghost king, because Zhang Wei still has Mr. Liushu.

Zhang Wei smiled hehe:

"It's not an addiction, it's just that people send it to my door for free. I don't take advantage of this advantage. Isn't it a bit cheap?"

His words speak out.

Zhang Mei raised her eyebrows and looked confused:

"What are you talking about? What ghost king is addicted to his head?"

Zhang Chao didn't give a shit, and told Zhang Mei about Zhang Wei and Mr. Liu Shu killing two ghost kings and holding their heads.

Zhang Mei and her colleagues were all stunned.

Same time.

The tilted head ghost was also stunned.

It felt like its mind was about to turn a corner, especially when it heard Zhang Chao’s smiling face, talking about how easily Zhang Wei broke the ghost king’s head. The young man is... a ghost king-level exorcist? !

Think about it.

The tilted head ghost finally understood why Zhang Wei laughed when he found out that his boss was the king of ghosts, and the system prompts kept ringing...

【Ding! The tilted head ghost is sluggish, what the hell am I doing? I, I, I actually wanted to strangle a ghost king-level ghost exorcist just now? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

【Ding! The tilted-headed ghost stared at the host, haha, temporary worker, is this a temporary worker? Hahaha, I'm not crazy, come and tell me from the health department, I'm not crazy. 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

Also at this time.

Knowing that Zhang Wei has the ability to deal with the ghost king, Zhang Mei said:

"Then I'll leave it to you. We're not strong enough to deal with the Ghost King, so we won't cause you trouble."


Zhang Wei nodded and asked:

"By the way, Sister Mei, if I kill the ghost king, does the ghost king belong to me, or to your Department of Defense?"

Faced with Zhang Wei's question, Zhang Mei chuckled. She might not have known what Zhang Wei meant before, but when she learned that Zhang Wei was dealing with the Department of Health, she understood:

"Of course it's yours. After all, you are a temporary worker, not an official member of the Department of Health and Dao. The ghost king is at your disposal, and you can trade it with our Department of Health and Dao. The head of the ghost king, we are happy to trade with the Department of Health and Dao."

When the words fell, Zhang Chao beside him patted Zhang Wei:

"I'll leave it to you, the ghost king, our strongest temporary worker, don't be polite to us, you have to wring the ghost king's head off."

"It's easy to talk about."

Zhang Wei responded with a smile.

They were talking and laughing and joking around with their boss's head, while the Tilt-Head Ghost listened in a daze, and the system notification sounded again.

【Ding! Listening to the host's words, the tilted head ghost felt guilty in his heart, boss, I'm sorry for you, I shouldn't use you out to threaten others. 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

【Ding! The more you think about it, the more you feel guilty, you want to cry, boss, I'm sorry, I hurt you! 】

[Host obtains system points +40]

【Ding! The tilted head ghost struggled violently, let me go, I'm going to report to the boss, boss, don't come back! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

【Ding! The tilted head ghost struggled to no avail, his face was ashen, leaving behind a drop of regretful tears to fall to the ground]

[Host obtains system points +60]


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