Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 187 Hired A 12 And A Half Yuan Powerful Assistant——Zhang Zhiwei, The Old Celestial Master


Knowing that there is a ghost king here, Zhang Mei and the others didn't stay for long. After explaining that Zhang Wei was in charge, Zhang Mei set out to make arrangements to take the hotel staff away together.

If there was no ghost king before, with them there, the hotel does not need to close down, but it will be different if there is a ghost king.

Zhang Mei and the others deserved to be professionals in the Department of Health and Dao, and they rectified them in a short time.

Just when they were about to leave.

"Hey, look, why is the moon red today?"

In front of the hotel lobby, a security guard pointed to the night outside the door.

The hotel staff gathered at the scene looked along:

"Wow, it's really red."

"The red moon is so beautiful, what kind of astronomical spectacle is this, who of you know, let's learn about it."

It was a female receptionist who spoke, and she took out her mobile phone to take pictures as she spoke.

But before she picked up the phone.

"This is a spectacle of ghosts coming, and it's a prehistoric spectacle of the ghost king coming. There are scientific research results. Ordinary people can report to Lord Hades after watching it once. Just ask if it's miraculous."

Female front desk: "????"

security guard:"???"

Everyone present: "????"

Break in and fetch the words.

The hotel staff present were stunned, and they all looked towards the source of the sound.

It was a handsome young man, and the female receptionist recognized him. She was the one who registered him in the hotel, and she still remembered that his name was Zhang Wei.

In the spotlight.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Mei came from not far away and brought the last batch of hotel staff.

Zhang Chao looked towards the night outside the door, and changed his playful smile to a dignified expression:

"Ma De, did you come so fast? Tell me! Did you inform the ghost king?"

He looked viciously at the tilted-headed ghost caught by Zhang Wei.

The corner of the tilted ghost's mouth twitched, I thought, the key is that I have to be able to tip off the news.

But it didn't wait for it to speak.

Zhang Wei strangled the crooked head ghost to death with his hand. Since the king of ghosts has come, it is useless to keep it. Then he said:

"It didn't report the message. It doesn't have the ability to report the message under my nose. This is the ghost king's new den. It's normal to come here."

"Zhang Chao, sister Mei and others will protect the citizens with us."

Regarding Zhang Wei's conversation, the women at the front desk looked blank. They had no idea what Zhang Wei and the others were talking about. They were just ordinary people. The reason why they listened to Zhang Wei's words was because the management told them that these people were the police. They left, also saying that they wanted to test the hotel.

out of curiosity.

The female receptionist couldn't help opening her mouth, she wanted to ask Zhang Wei what they were doing, and she said some incomprehensible words, about the ghost king coming to protect them.

However, he didn't wait for the words to be asked.

A scream broke the noise in the hall and attracted everyone's attention.

That was the previous security guard.

I saw his 1.87 meter tall guy, who was so frightened that he fell to the ground at the moment. There was no security guard looking fierce, his face was pale with fright, and he looked outside the hotel door in horror.


The female receptionist and the others couldn't help but look out the door, and there were screams of panic in an instant.

Outside the hotel door, there were a lot of people, looking carefully, those 'people' were either covered in blood with their intestines exposed, or their bodies were twisted like strange species, and their skin was as pale as four people. In particular, some of them still had their feet off the ground.

Even if I didn't understand it before, I understand it now.

"Ghost, ghost, ghost..."


"There is a ghost!"

The female receptionist and the others were terrified. If Zhang Wei hadn't shouted and raised a yellow talisman that shone with thunder, covering the crowd, and Zhang Mei and the others had helped, the scene would have been in chaos.

But even so, they are still afraid, there are too many ghosts, and they are very dark, just by looking at them, the number is at least half a hundred, and there are many more people than them.

"Ghost King."

While keeping everyone steady, Zhang Mei looked outside the door, to be exact, on a ghost.

Whether it's the terrifying yin energy emanating from it, or the surrounding ghosts and stars surrounding it, it is enough to prove its identity. It is the ghost king that the tilted head ghost said.

Not only Zhang Mei.

Zhang Chao and the others also noticed the ghost king.

Immediately, Zhang Chao quickly motioned to Zhang Wei, and motioned Zhang Wei to look at the ghost king with his eyes:

"Zhang Wei, don't stand still, it's time for you to perform, the ghost king has appeared, come on! Break the ghost king's head off! Come on, fucker! I'll support you from behind."

To this.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"I'm not in a daze, Zhang Chao, have you forgotten what I just said?"

"What did you just say?"

Zhang Chao was taken aback for a moment, remembering what Zhang Wei said just now, he couldn't help but twitched his mouth and asked a question:

"Come with us to protect the citizens?"

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally:

"I wanted the ghost king's head, but I didn't say I would kill it."

"Your sister, if you don't kill him, who will kill him, Mr. Willow?"

"The old man is not here. He should still be making rice noodles in Sanxiang Province at this moment."

"...Then tell me who to kill." Zhang Chao couldn't laugh or cry, looked around, trying to find someone around Zhang Wei who could deal with the ghost king, but there was nothing.

But before Zhang Chao looked around.

Zhang Wei did not make a fool of himself, and said bluntly:

"Don't worry, in order to deal with the ghost king, I hired a strong assistant."

Then under the dull eyes of Zhang Chao and Zhang Mei.

Zhang Wei took off a keychain from his waist. It was a keychain given to Zhang Wei by Qiu Xiaolin when Zhang Wei was protecting Qiu Xiaolin's "Green Arrow Gum". The key chain of the old Tianshi doll.

He pointed to the q version of the old master doll and said:

"Look, this is the powerful assistant I invited. He is the sixty-fifth generation celestial master of Longhushan Tianshifu. One of the top ten men in the human world, Master Zhang Zhiwei."

"How about it, is it a powerful assistant? The old heavenly master was recognized as a top master decades ago, the ceiling of the alien world, and the strongest existence currently alive. Put it here, that is the proper real dragon guard There is wood."

Zhang Chao and the others: "..."

Zhang Chao's cheeks twitched violently, and he pointed to the q-version keychain doll and asked unwillingly:

"Where did you get this? Longhu Mountain has been opened, right?"

"No, Xiao Mantou bought it for me at the S shop, it seems to have cost 12 and a half yuan." Zhang Wei grinned.

His words come out.

Zhang Chao rolled his eyes, turned his head and said to Zhang Mei and the others:

"Sister, life insurance, I remember that we have all done it, it seems that my parents will be able to get my huge life insurance money tomorrow, it's great~"

Zhang Mei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and ignored Zhang Chao's nervousness:

"Zhang Wei is not the time to be joking, you better go up and deal with the ghost king, don't make trouble, this is an anime character, and the character can't get out of the ceiling even if it is fierce... Hah! Oh my god!!!"


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