Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 188 Invite The Strongest Person Under One Person, Old Master Zhang Zhiwei

Not only Zhang Mei screamed out in shock, Zhang Chao and everyone present were stunned.

Just a second ago.

Including Zhang Chao and Zhang Mei, they all thought that Zhang Wei was joking, and even another colleague thought that Zhang Chao was crazy. Just kidding, you can barely understand if you say to make it with a hand, and then ask an old celestial teacher to come out , it should be regarded as a figurine enshrined by gods.

But what the hell are you taking out a keychain doll?

However, as soon as the idea came out, they froze in the next second.


Before Zhang Mei could finish speaking, Zhang Wei went straight to the hotel entrance, and then placed the q-version doll of the old master on the key chain on the ground.

Then, under the stunned expressions of Zhang Mei and the others

Zhang Wei bowed to the q version of the old master and said:

"I invite the strongest under one person, Master Zhang Zhiwei."

【Ding! Bless the q version of the old master key chain system point 22000]

[The back pattern of the ghost is displayed, part of the strength of the old man Liushu is borrowed, and the keychain of the old master of heaven is given to the q version]

The words fell.

boom! ! ! ! ! ————

The monstrous golden light blooms, bursting out from the keychain of the puppet.

this moment.

The ghost king's ghost land in the dark night of the red moon, with the entrance of the hotel as the center, is like a rising sun, and the night is as bright as day.

"I'm Cao! I really called out!?"

Zhang Chao and the others were blinded by the dazzling eyes, but when they closed their eyes, they could see the light clearly, and many people who had watched "Under One" recognized the light from the keychain. That light is exactly the same as the golden light curse of the old heavenly master in "Under One Man".

The light stays soft and gentle.

Everyone, including the ghost in front, saw it.

At the entrance of the hotel, an old man stood in the golden light.

The old man is tall and straight, with long beard and long eyebrows, narrow and long eyebrows, and his face is sometimes gentle and sometimes calm. He is dressed in a black celestial master suit, dressed as a Taoist priest, and his eyes are restrained, like an old fairy.

Looking at the figure of the old man, Zhang Chao and the others were dumbfounded.

"Old, old, old Heavenly Master."

"Damn it? It's really an old celestial master!"

They recognized the old man, not only the Golden Light Curse, but also the temperament, appearance, etc. of the old man were exactly the same as the old heavenly master who was 'under one person'.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Zhang Mei and the others finally came back to their senses.

A moment of recovery.

Looking at the old heavenly master in front of him, Zhang Meiqi's pretty face was full of astonishment, and she couldn't help but look towards Zhang Chao:

"Zhang Chao... are you sure you are going to the airport today... to pick up Zhang Wei? Not Zhang Chulan???"

The colleague beside him also spoke:

"Zhang Wei is a temporary he signed under the one-person temporary worker contract? Fuck, this..."

Zhang Chao didn't answer Zhang Mei and the others. He was a little confused at this moment, especially after Zhang Mei's words sounded, he was even more confused, looking back and forth between Zhang Wei and the old brother? Zhang Wei? Zhang Chulan?

at the same time.

Not to mention Zhang Chao's side, even the ghost's side was stunned.

Not long ago, under the stampede of the ghosts such as the tilted head ghost, the king of ghosts decided to use this hotel as his new stronghold, and brought all the ghosts here tonight. As soon as he arrived at the hotel, the king of ghosts felt the breath of Zhang Mei and the others .

Knowing that there are ghost exorcists in the hotel, it is obvious that the ghosts did not do a good job, and let the ghost exorcists discover the hotel, but the ghost king is not afraid, it can feel that there are only a few ghost exorcists in it, and their strength is not strong , it can handle it casually.

【Ding! The ghost king sneered, it seems that these exorcists didn't know that there was a ghost king here. 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

So the King of Ghosts did not hesitate to pull the hotel into his ghost domain, intending to kill the exorcists, and at the same time tell the other ghosts about the exorcists in the hotel.

The ghosts were very happy when they heard about the situation. Although they might not be as strong as Zhang Chao and the others, with the King of Ghosts around, they don't have to worry about death, and they can even eat Zhang Chao and the others to improve their strength.

【Ding! The ghosts were excited, and a ghost exorcist ate it! I want to eat the head of the exorcist, eat the hand of the exorcist...]

[Host obtains system points +150]

for a while.

The ghosts couldn't wait to rush to the hotel, but before they arrived at the hotel, a sudden change occurred, and a golden light burst out. The light was too dazzling, and it also exuded an aura of incomparable strength that made their souls tremble.

They stopped for a moment.

【Ding! The ghosts were stunned, what the hell? ! what's the situation? 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

As the light dissipated, looking at the old heavenly master not far away, except for the ghosts, the king of ghosts changed color.

【Ding! The ghost king changed color, fuck, I made a mistake in judgment, there is a strong one. 】

[Host obtains system points +160]

The powerful aura of the old master, the terrifying golden light, and the Dao uniform of Longhu Mountain all showed how powerful the comer was.

Just don't wait for the ghost king and the others to change color.

In the group of ghosts, many ghosts seemed to have seen some frightening scene. They stared at the old master with wide eyes, rubbed their eyes hard to confirm, and let out a shrill ghost scream:

"Oh my god! I don't have eyesight. Is that the old master?!"

Its sound was not loud, but it seemed like thunder exploded among the shocking and silent group of ghosts.

"Hiss! Old Heavenly Master?? You mean the old Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain?"

"Fuck, don't make such a joke, have we met the old master of Longhu Mountain?"

Not to mention ghosts.

Rao even the ghost king looked over, his face suddenly changed.

"What did you say? Old Heavenly Master?!"

Although they didn't know who the visitor was, they knew his identity and strength just by hearing the word 'Old Heavenly Master'.

Celestial Master, that is the name given to the sect leader by the top Taoist "Longhushan" in the ghost exorcism world, but can one be a weak person to become a Celestial Master? The answer is obvious, impossible! However, this person in front of him is not only a celestial master, but also an old celestial master.

To be called an old celestial master is only the successive masters of Longhu Mountain who are still alive, not to mention the strength of such an immortal existence, and beating the ghost king is probably as easy as beating a grandson.

Think here.

Including the ghost king, all the ghosts were terrified.

【Ding! The ghosts were terrified, my God, let's go back to a new home, so we don't send Longhushan's "carriers" over to wipe them out. 】

[Host obtains system points +180]

【Ding! The ghost king changed color, wouldn't it be so, I'm just a ghost king who has been promoted for half a year, and send an old celestial master to fuck me? 】

[Host obtains system points +160]

Can't help it.

The ghost king grasped it with his hand, and caught one of the ghosts that had yelled earlier:

"Are you sure that person is an old heavenly master?!"

Being stared at fiercely by the ghost king, Li Gui, who was already in a daze, was even more frightened, and nodded:

"Boss, yes, that is the old heavenly master."

"Tell me, which old heavenly master is that, Zhang Qi? Or Zhang Yi, or someone else?"

The ghost king asked, you must know that it is a ghost king, even if you have never seen the old celestial master of Longhushan, you have heard of the name of the old celestial master of Longhushan, such a Taishan-level existence of exorcising ghosts, how can it be a ghost king? would not know.

"Boss, he is Zhang Zhiwei's old celestial master."


The ghost king was stunned when he heard that:

"Zhang Zhiwei? Why haven't I heard of it? What's his Taoist name?"

"His Dao name is Tiantong."

"Huh? Tiantong?? What dick are you talking about? Why don't I remember that there is an old celestial master named Zhang Zhiwei in Longhu Mountain called Tiantong?"

The ghost king was puzzled, he had never heard of this name before, he couldn't help asking:

"Are you sure there is such an old celestial master in Longhushan? Tell me, the detailed information of that old celestial master, hurry up!"

"Okay, okay, boss, don't get excited, I said, that old celestial master is really the celestial master of Longhu Mountain, and he is also the strongest in Longhu Mountain, and he is also one of the ten guys. The ultimate is a ceiling-level existence."

Ghosts: "?????"

Ghost King: "????"

The ghost king was stunned, frowning and looking at Li Gui:

"What are you talking about, what are you talking about, top ten, what kind of ghost titles are these? I haven't heard of any of them."

Facing the ghost king's questioning, Li Gui replied weakly:

"Boss...I didn't lie, that old celestial master is really the information, but...he is not the celestial master from Longhu Mountain that you know, but from another Longhu Mountain."

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about, another Dragon and Tiger Mountain? Why didn't I know there was another Dragon and Tiger Mountain? Tell me! Where is that Dragon and Tiger Mountain? If you can't tell, I'll strangle you to death."

" the anime 'Under One'."

His words come out.

Ghosts: "..."

Ghost King: "..."


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