Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 189 Why Design Such An Invincible Anime Character

As soon as the terrible words came out.

The ghost king and other ghosts were all in a daze, and then they were afraid of being strangled to death by the ghost king.

Ghost King: "????"

Ghosts: "?????"

Without exception.

They subconsciously looked towards the golden light ahead, like an old god-like old master, feeling the strength of the opponent, the corner of the ghost king's mouth twitched, wishing to slap the ghost's head away with a slap now:

"Are you kidding me? Are you sure it's an anime character?"

Although I would like to refute.

But the ghost king couldn't find a place to refute. First, it saw clearly before. When it was close to the hotel entrance, it saw the old celestial master. Appeared.


Perhaps it felt the anger of the ghost king, especially when it glanced at the other ghosts who called out "Old Heavenly Master". Li Gui also took out his mobile phone and showed the ghost king his information on Baidu's old master.

Looking at the information and appearance of the "under one person" old master on Baidu, it is hard for the ghost king to believe it or not.

【Ding! The ghost king is in a daze, am I blocked by an anime character? 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

【Ding! The ghosts are so confused, we were invited by the exorcist to kill us with anime characters? 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

But I didn't wait to think about it.

An old voice sounded.

Seeing that the old Tianshi was invited out by Zhang Wei, as the light of the old Tianshi's whole body slowly restrained, and his whole body was covered with golden light, he seemed to be alive, and looked towards Zhang Wei.

The two looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Wei grinned at the old Tianshi, and the old Tianshi responded with a smile.


The old heavenly master stepped out of the hotel door, blocked the door alone, looked at the large number of ghosts ahead with a smile, and said slowly:

"I'm sorry, old man, I was invited to deal with you. I don't know if you came up together to beat me up in groups, or if I singled you out alone."

Follow the words for a moment.

Its last foot landed and came to the door.

boom! !

I saw thunder from the feet of the old celestial master, accompanied by the deafening roar of thunder, his feet burst into lightning and thunder, and the thunder and lightning were like a dragon made of thousands of thunderbolts, extending through the ground in a blink of an eye, spreading to the ghost king and them in front of them.

This scene is shocking.

Under the red moon night, an old man stepped out, and thunder burst out from his feet. Thousands of thunder and lightning rushed out to surround the group of ghosts in front, forming a thunder and lightning barrier, sealing and imprisoning the ghosts like a cage.

"Fuck! This, this, this is the thunder prisoner of the old heavenly master! Boss, you see, I am not lying, he is really the old heavenly master!"

The one who had recognized Li Gui earlier shouted, his ghost eyes filled with excitement.

Ghosts: "..."

Ghost King: "..."

Gan Linniang, are you sure now is the time to confirm that he is an old celestial master? Open your two-dimensional eyes and see, we are trapped now.

Feeling the thunder and lightning cage covering them, its thunder light is moored, exuding a majestic righteousness.


A ghost who also recognized the old heavenly master touched the thunder and lightning out of curiosity, and screamed in surprise in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, under the shocking gazes of everyone and the ghost, the ghost was instantly engulfed by lightning and turned into a cloudy atmosphere.

【Ding! Ghosts are frightened]

[Host obtains system points +130]

Can't help but think about it.

The Ghost King's face was solemn, and he eagerly asked the previous ghost:

"Tell me quickly, what is the strength of that old celestial master, what skills does he have in exorcising ghosts, and whether he has any weaknesses. Tell me quickly, or we may all die here today."

【Ding! The ghost king was nervous and relieved, this anime character is so strong, but fortunately it is an anime character, I can know myself and the enemy, and find out how to deal with it. 】

[Host obtains system points +140]

in words.

The ghost king did not forget to ask the ghosts present to do the same to help him delay time and obtain information from the old master.

Although the excitement is really an old master, but seeing a ghost die, the ghost also realized the seriousness before and hurriedly said:

"Boss, the old celestial master is very powerful. He can use the Golden Light Curse, which is almost equivalent to covering the whole body for defense. He can cover and protect himself at 360 degrees without any dead ends. Then his ability is Thunder Prisoner, and..."

The words are not finished yet.


The shrill screams startled.

Hearing the sound, the ghosts looked around, and saw that they were attacking the ghosts in groups, besieging and killing the old heavenly master. He raised his hand calmly, and a terrifying thunder burst out from his palm. The thunder danced like a dragon, and shot out in an arc. At the same time, the ghosts were pierced by thunder like strings, and their bodies were evaporated like water in the blink of an eye, turning into steam and dying.

Seeing this, Li Gui immediately pointed at the old heavenly master and said:

"The old heavenly master can still do that palm thunder. Don't be touched. If you touch it, you will be burned to evaporate water and die. But now it should be evaporated."

His words come out.

The ghost king's mouth twitched:

"It's up to you to tell me about it. It's not that I can't see it. I want you to tell me about my abilities or weaknesses that I don't know about, not for you to give me a live explanation, huh? Talk, what are his weaknesses? what."

"Uh...Boss, it's not that I don't want to say it, but that the old master is invincible. He is too strong, his combat power is at the ceiling, and he has no weaknesses. If he insists on saying it, he is old."


The Ghost King was silent, feeling his eyelids twitch.

【Ding! The King of Ghosts wanted to yell, draft, why did he design such an invincible anime character. 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

But it can't help scolding too much.


The shrill screams continued.

Facing the siege of the ghosts, the old heavenly master stood there, waving and raising his hands like a stroll in the courtyard, watching the movements seem to rise randomly, but every time he swung and raised, an attacking ghost would be blown away , ranging from being seriously injured, to being smoked to ashes in severe cases.

In less than ten seconds, more than a dozen ghosts died, including the powerful ghost in red.

The ghost king couldn't sit still any longer, and went straight to meet the old heavenly master.

Since the old celestial master has no weaknesses, let yourself take action, besiege with other ghosts, and take the opportunity to find out the flaws that the old celestial master showed.

But just rushed up.

Boom! !

Taking advantage of Huangquan's advantage, the ghost king approached behind the old Tianshi, and wanted to sneak attack from behind when the old Tianshi was raising his hand to slap the two ghosts away.

It stretched out its ghostly hand, radiating terrifying yin energy, and went straight to the heart of the old Tianshi's back.

But before touching the back of the old master, two golden long whips suddenly appeared, one whip was whipped on the ghost king's hand, preventing him from moving, and the other was whipped on the ghost king's body, its power is so great that even if the ghost king is Was also drawn out.

It crashed to the ground.


The earth was sunken, the ghost king was pumped heavily on the ground, a huge deep pit was sunken in the concrete floor, cracks in the cement spread for several meters, and ghost blood spurted out of the ghost king's mouth for free.

Also at this moment.

The ghost king heard the voice from the previous ghost, and it shouted:

"Boss, you have to be careful! The golden light curse of the old celestial master can not only protect the whole body, but can also be compressed into two whips. That's why I said that the old celestial master is invincible."

【Ding! The ghost king desperately wants to scold his mother, invincible damn it, fuck it! 】

[Host obtains system points +150]


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