Zhang Chao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Zhang Wei to agree so quickly:

"Haha, then it's done, and you can't go back on what you say."

"Will not."

Zhang Wei said with a smile, and continued:

"But you have to pay for the money."

"No problem, isn't it just handmade money? Although I am poor, I can still afford a handmade wall. Besides, it's just a handmade little demon fairy. Let's go buy it tomorrow."

Zhang Chao waved his hand generously:

"But we can't take advantage of you for nothing. After all, the old man is your ghost. You can't let him consecrate me for nothing. I will give you some consecration fees at that time. Then I remember Zhang Wei, you like buying handmade things very much. You can choose one tomorrow." If you buy a figure, I will pay for it."


The next day, early morning.

Haunted Hotel, Zhang Wei's room.

Boom boom boom.

In order to consecrate the Ba La La Little Demon Fairy figure, Zhang Chao went to Zhang Wei's room early in the morning and knocked on the door.

But Zhang Chao had just washed up and got dressed to go out.

Boom boom boom.

His door was knocked first.

After opening the door, Zhang Chao said in astonishment:

"My Cao, Zhang Wei, why do you get up so early? I thought I was early enough. You put me under a lot of pressure. Do you know that as a temporary worker, I work more from nine to five than I do as a full-time employee?"

From Zhang Chao’s point of view, he thought that Zhang Wei got up early because he was now a temporary employee of the Ministry of Health, so he had to work from nine to five.

To this.

Zhang Wei smiled and responded:

"No, no, no, I know that the employees of the Department of Health have free time. It doesn't matter if they sleep until noon, as long as it doesn't interfere with catching ghosts. Sister Mei told me about it yesterday."

"I got up so early because I asked you to buy it."

Zhang Chao heard and said:

"Fuck, you are more impatient than me."

"No, you have to know that for us two-dimensional fans, there is nothing that can make us wake up early, except animation." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"Now I understand why people in Fumin want to chase stars. They can't get up early, but when they say worship Buddha, they get up before the cock crows. Is this the power of faith? I love it."

Zhang Chao said.

Zhang Wei grinned:

"Haha, that's right, but Zhang Chao, you also woke up quite early, so you didn't sleep last night, did you?"

Zhang Wei noticed that Zhang Chao's eye circles were a bit dark, as if he hadn't slept much yesterday.

Face doubts.

Zhang Chao did not hide:

"Hey, you discovered this. I really didn't sleep last night. After the ghost king died, I went back and chatted with the maid from yesterday for most of the night, and I slept for less than 3-4 hours."

He spread his hands and said with a smile, and gave Zhang Wei a look that you know:

"I can't help it, it's because you are my wingman, we can't waste our brother Wei's help in vain, and today is 520, so I thought I would go to the maid girl after I finished buying the figure, last night she promised to talk to me today I'm out on a date."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei gave Zhang Chao a thumbs up:

"Xiao Chaozi can do it, the progress is quite impressive."

"That's not right, isn't it because we have Brother Wei as a wingman, can it be good?"

"I am over-flattered."

After a burst of business exchange, Zhang Wei and the others left the hotel and took a taxi to the nearest handicraft store.

on the way.

Seeing Zhang Chao chatting with the maid girl with his mobile phone, Zhang Wei smiled and picked up his mobile phone. Since he was in Sichuan Province, he sent 520 red envelope messages to Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue.

Not long.

Qiu Xiaolin sent a message.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Happy 520, Xiao Weizi just left the province for a day and misses me.

[Zhang Wei]: Yes, yes, my mother misses me very much. Even though I am in other provinces, I can't help but think of every night I spent with my mother these days.

【Qiu Xiaolin】: cover your mouth and laugh jpg

[Qiu Xiaolin]: I don't believe it, with your temperament, you must have cheated on your girlfriend, maybe you picked up a girl yesterday, my heart is so cool.

【Zhang Wei】: Hahaha, this was all discovered by your mother

[Qiu Xiaolin]: That's not true, I know everything about you.

【Zhang Wei】: Indeed, we have known each other for so long, we must know each other well.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: As long as you talk poorly and drive again, tell me, which girl did you flirt with again.

【Zhang Wei】: A lady maid, but don't worry, we have you and Xiaoxue, so I cruelly declined the lady's kind invitation.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Decline? To be specific, squint your eyes jpg

【Zhang Wei】: I just rejected her yesterday and made an appointment to see her in a few days, hahaha.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Hit you.

【Zhang Wei】: No kidding, I don't plan to go to the appointment, so why don't you look angry.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Because I know Xiaoweizi that you won't go, I believe you, after all you have said it all, I know everything from you.

【Zhang Wei】: Grinning with grin jpg

【Zhang Wei】: The empress sees that I am so obedient, won't you reward me? Like wearing a maid outfit.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: I knew you had no good intentions, but seeing how well-behaved you are, okay, cover your mouth and smile jpg

The two chatted.

Because Qiu Xiaolin still had to go to class, Zhang Wei didn't bother her any more.

But before the chat ended, Qiu Xiaolin sent him a message.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: By the way, Xiaoweizi, I almost forgot to tell you, our Nangong Empress has a surprise for you.

Zhang Wei knew who Nangong was, it was Lu Lianxue.

Qiu Xiaolin didn't hold back and continued to send messages.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Yesterday Xiaoxue said that she had taken care of her brother's affairs. Did Xiaoxue tell you.

【Zhang Wei】: Yes, the monitor told me yesterday.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Then Xiaoxue originally wanted to go back and catch up with the progress. After all, since I agreed to chase you with Xiaoxue, she hasn't officially dated you yet. She thought about going back this time and performing well, but it turned out You went to Sichuan Province.

After seeing this message, Zhang Wei already had some guesses.

At this moment.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: So for Xiaoxue's sake, I'm going to hand over all 520 to Xiaoxue, let alone go to class.

Looking at Qiu Xiaolin's message, Zhang Wei smiled.

Immediately afterwards.

After replying to Qiu Xiaolin's message, Lu Lianxue also sent a message.

[Lu Lianxue]: 520 happy~.

[Lu Lianxue]: I just got off the plane and turned off the flight mode to see the information.

【Zhang Wei】: Get off the plane? Squad leader, didn't you go back to Luxia City yesterday?

[Lu Lianxue]: Yes, back to Luxia City, but I'm not in Luxia City now, guess where I am.

【Zhang Wei】: It can't be with me, grinning jpg

[Lu Lianxue]: (▽) Bingo! Guess right, surprise or not, surprise or not.

Looking at Lu Lianxue's message.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment. When he mentioned surprises earlier, he vaguely guessed whether the squad leader was coming. After all, he promised to have a date. Unexpectedly, Lu Lianxue actually came.

His heart couldn't help but feel warm.

Without hesitation, Zhang Wei sent a message to Lu Lianxue.

【Zhang Wei】: Very pleasantly surprised, heart-to-heart jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Squad leader, wait for me at the airport, and I will pick you up now.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Chao beside Zhang Wei said:

"Zhang Chao, let's discuss something. We'll be doing it later. How about we go to the airport first?"

"Huh? Why are you going to the airport?"



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