Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 192 An Airport Like Silent Hill, Lu Lianxue's Body Hanging?

Zhang Chao was stunned for a moment when he heard it, and then quickly realized:

"Masaka! A marriage of thousands of miles is bound by a thread, and we go to open a room when we meet? Zhang Wei, you and Miss Lu... hehehehe."

Zhang Chao said and immediately patted the shoulder of the driver in the front seat:

"Master driver, let's turn around and go to the airport, hurry up, it's urgent."

Zhang Wei didn't care about Zhang Chao's bluffing, anyway, he was thinking of telling the driver to drive faster, so he lowered his head and chatted with Lu Lianxue on WeChat.


at the same time.

Jinguan City Airport, lobby after departure.

Since it was early in the morning, there were not many people at the airport, and one could see at a glance that among the scattered people in the hall, there was a beautiful figure sitting on a public seat beside the hall.

She is dressed in light yellow short sleeves, paired with a pair of skinny jeans, and she has a beautiful dimple. Even if she lowers her head and plays with her mobile phone, she can't hide her beauty. From time to time, she is looked sideways by passers-by, with surprise in her eyes, almost thinking that the other party is What female star.

That was Lu Lianxue.

In order to spend 520 with Zhang Wei, she specially booked a ticket last night and flew to Sichuan Province early in the morning.

at this time.

Lu Lianxue was chatting with Zhang Wei on WeChat with her head down, looking at the messages sent by Zhang Wei on her mobile phone from time to time, she was amused and giggled.

[Lu Lianxue]: I am wearing a goose yellow short-sleeve today. Xiaolin helped me pick it out. She said Zhang Wei that you like yellow the most, so wearing this color is the most attractive to you. Little girl wink with innocent eyes jpg

After sending the message.

Lu Lianxue brushed her hair behind her ears, looked down at the clothes she was wearing, and smiled sweetly.

This outfit was chosen by Xiaolin for her last night. According to Xiaolin's words, Xiaoweizi likes the color of the clothes, and the tight pants highlight her figure, which can fascinate Xiaoweizi. That's how it started.

Think about it.

Lu Lianxue couldn't help straightening her clothes.

Also at this time.

Ding dong.

Zhang Wei sent a message.

Listening to the notification sound from WeChat, Lu Lianxue put down her hands that were arranging her clothes, and picked up her phone to read the message from Zhang Wei.


But just picked up the phone, Lu Lianxue seemed to feel something, looked around, her eyebrows slightly frowned.

Despite chatting with Zhang Wei.

But Lu Lianxue also looked around. There were not many people in the hall at this time. They were no different from before, and the environment of the hall hadn't changed much. Looking out of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the hall, the sky was bright and sunny, and the scorching sun shone down.

However, it was such a normal-looking hall scene that made Lu Lianxue frown, realizing something was wrong.

It was so quiet.

The environment and people in the lobby have not changed, but the sound suddenly became quiet. Looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the lobby, all the vehicles on the road have disappeared. You must know that this is an airport, and there will be taxis at the exit even in the early morning.

But now, let alone taxis on the road outside, there is not even a single person in sight. It is eerily quiet outside, as if in a silent hill with no one in it.

And the situation outside the door is not what makes Lu Lianxue feel the most wrong.


Lu Lianxue looked at the people in the hall.

Even though there were few people in the hall, there were dozens of them, but at this moment there was no sound... No, not just the sound, they all stopped, as if they were frozen, and they all either stood or sat in place .

This scene was so weird that it made people feel an inexplicable chill down their spine.

If it wasn't for seeing them breathing evenly, Lu Lianxue would almost have thought that she was in a still world.

"Ghost domain? Ghostly eyes?"

Lu Lianxue's pretty face sank, her beautiful eyes moved, she took out the magic weapon without thinking about chatting with Zhang Wei.

Thinking in my heart.

She looked at the people who were 'frozen' nearby, and found that all of them were blind-eyed, as if they were distracted by something. This is one of the typical symptoms of ghostly eyes.

But it was the first time Lu Lianxue encountered such large-scale ghostly eyes.

One must know that this is an airport, and the exit hall on the first floor alone occupies a large area. Now that there is no one outside the window, it is obvious that she and these people have been dragged into the ghost realm.

Even the outside was pulled into the ghost domain. According to preliminary judgments, at least the lobby they were in was pulled into the ghost domain, and in the worst case... the entire airport was pulled into the ghost domain.

This is the airport of the metropolis Jinguan City, which covers a huge area. If the entire airport is pulled in, even in the morning, at least half a hundred people will be pulled in.

Learn about the situation.

Lu Lianxue immediately called the Department of Health, preparing to inform the situation and at the same time try to save people. As a member of the Department of Health, citizens must be protected by them.

It just didn't wait for her to act.

Lu Lianxue felt dizzy and dizzy, and felt that the picture in front of her was distorted, and there seemed to be a voice whispering in her ears.

As the jade pendant she carried shattered, her expression changed drastically.

According to folklore, no matter which region there is a saying, jade can protect people. If you raise a piece of jade for a long time, it can even help people prevent disasters and save their lives at critical times.

This is why people with prominent status in ancient times like to wear jade. One is to show their status, and the other is to raise jade. When the jade that stays around all the year round is broken, it is the master of the jade gang who has prevented a fatal disaster.

The same is true for Lu Lianxue's jade pendant.

It was the jade consecrated to her by the elders of Longhushan, and it was carried by her since she was a child. The illusion of ordinary ghosts could not affect her.

But now...

A ghostly eye made the jade shattered.

Ghost King!

And it's no ordinary ghost king.

realize this.

Lu Lianxue gritted her teeth and gave up her plan to save people, and turned around to rush out of the airport.

She is now stronger than before, but at most she can deal with red-clothed ghosts, ghost kings are not enough, let alone not ordinary ghost kings, facing this level, she has only one result left, death.

Instead of staying here and risking your life if no one can be rescued, it is better to take the news out and use the information you have seen to provide information for the follow-up Department of Health and Dao support.

Just when she was about to rush out of the airport.

She seemed to feel something, and looked towards the rear hall.

I saw that the people who had been blinded by the ghost before all moved, and all raised their heads to look towards the ceiling.

While Lu Lianxue was running, she followed their eyes and looked up, her pupils suddenly shrank.

I don't know when.

From the ceiling of the airport, there were old and rotten thick hemp ropes hanging down. Each rope was tied with a noose at the top. These ropes appeared out of thin air and covered the ceiling.

Do not.

Not just rope.

Lu Lianxue looked at the ceiling in horror.

She saw that on the ceiling, there were not only ropes, but also corpses with pale skin hanging one after another. Those corpses were male and female, old and young, and they were dressed in different clothes.

But she still recognized that those corpses were exactly the same as the people in the hall, and it seemed that those corpses were their next 'future'.

This is not her guessing.

Because she saw a corpse among the corpses on the ceiling, with a goose-yellow short-sleeved top and tights. Although the skin of the corpse was as white as death, it still couldn't hide the beauty of the corpse.

It was a corpse that looked exactly like Lu Lianxue!

this moment.

Lu Lianxue, who was running, felt her scalp go numb, and her fine hairs started to stand up.


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