Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 193 Super Evolution Of Human Beings? The Ultimate Form Of Human Beings?

It's just that I haven't had time to go to the horror, the corpses of 'myself' and others hanging from the ceiling.

Lu Lianxue found that, as everyone looked up at the rope blankly, the rope on the ceiling fluttered without wind, and the ropes hung down one by one, falling precisely in front of everyone in the hall.

Even Lu Lianxue has one in front of her.

next moment.

A burst of dizziness struck, not only the others, but even Lu Lianxue was obsessed with grabbing the rope and wrapping it around his neck.

On the nick of time.

An anime doll pendant hanging on Lu Lianxue's backpack, and an ancient money sword in her hand, both gave off a faint light, coupled with her firm will, she finally stopped reaching out.

She broke out in a cold sweat and looked at the backpack and money sword.

The anime doll pendant was when she and Qiu Xiaolin announced that they would chase him together. Zhang Wei gave it to her and Qiu Xiaolin. It was the maid twins, Ram and Rem, in the anime "Life in a Different World from Zero". even ornaments.

And that money sword was the magic weapon prepared for Lu Lianfeng after Lu Lianfeng was attacked and killed by the ghost king last time. They were afraid that their siblings would be in danger. Can resist.

at the same time.

When Lu Lianxue broke away from the ghostly eyes, she didn't notice that her 'corpse' on the ceiling moved.

The corpse of 'Lu Lianxue' whose eyes were closed before suddenly opened his eyes, turned his neck which was tied with a sling, and stared straight at Lu Lianxue.

The screen is unspeakable horror.

Two Lu Lianxue, one hanged staring at the other alive.

"Is it a copy of the money sword of the first celestial master of Longhushan? Damn it, I planned to absorb some yang energy and recover from my injuries. Why are there people from Longhushan here?"

'Lu Lianxue' whispered.

Its voice was exactly the same as Lu Lianxue's, but it was inexplicably cold.

Change to before.

Even if Lu Lianxue is protected by the money sword, it will attack and kill Lu Lianxue in its own ghost domain.

But not now, it was seriously injured not long ago, and in its current state, it can't kill ghost exorcists with ghost king-level magical artifacts. If it's just Qilin Wei, it can still kill it, but it's a pity that Lu Lianxue has a money sword.

Seeing that Lu Lianxue left the airport, she used the money sword to break through her ghost domain and get out.

The Hanged Ghost King was not angry:

"But it's also just right, let her go out, attract the people from the Department of Health and Dao, and use the ghost exorcist to make up for it, which is much better than these ordinary people."

in words.

As if thinking of something, a figure appeared in his mind. It was petite and looked like a little girl, but there were many hideous sutures all over his body, as if his body was pieced together.

Although the figure was petite and looked harmless to humans and animals, the Hanged Ghost King knew very well how powerful that figure was, and it was the other party who severely injured it.

The reason.

It’s just that it went to the Northeast not long ago, and wanted to use Sen Luosi to make troubles in the Northeast, and take the opportunity to kill some exorcists, ghosts, and house immortals to strengthen its own strength. Anyway, it’s fine to blame Sen Luosi in the end. He was severely injured by a petite figure who claimed to be Sen Luosi.

If the petite figure hadn't said something, today was her birthday, she didn't want to kill, otherwise it would definitely be dead.

Even in the past few days.

Every time I recall this scene, the Hanged Ghost King is terrified. I remember clearly that the petite figure opened a gift box with "Happy Birthday" written on it, took out a ghost king's head, and still had the energy to fight him.

"Wait for me, one day I will make you pay the price."

The hanged ghost Wang Senhan who looked like 'Lu Lianxue' made a sound.


the other side.

On the way to Jinguan City Airport.

After Zhang Wei replied to Lu Lianxue's message, he didn't wait long when the system voice sounded in his head.

It was the puppet pendant that he gave to Lu Lianxue, which was blessed with system points, and was activated. He knew that Lu Lianxue had encountered a ghost, and the ghost was not weak, at least at the level of a ghost king.


Zhang Wei immediately shouted to the driver:

"Master driver, please stop nearby, I want to get off."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chao was puzzled.

"Ah? Stop now? Guest, aren't you going to the airport? It's still some distance from the airport." The driver knew that Zhang Wei was going to meet a girl.

To this.

Zhang Wei was blunt:

"I knew it was a distance, so I got out of the car, it was too slow to drive."

"Ah? I'm already driving at the fastest speed, and if I drive again, I will be over the speed limit. Even if the guest wants to change cars, you have no place to change cars for you on this expressway."

The driver said it anyway, or pulled over to the emergency road:

"Why don't I drive ahead for you, and there will be a car when you get out of the expressway, otherwise you can only run over now, this is not as good as I drive... What the hell?!"

this moment.

The driver's eyes stared like a cow's, and he felt that he was dreaming.

Just a second ago.

After he saw the guest getting off the car, he made a run-up posture. When he stepped forward and rushed out for a moment, the speed was too fast, and his eyes blurred. When he looked at the guest again, he was no longer in the same place, and appeared in the distance ahead. Leaving a small back gradually drifting away.

"Super, superman?? Saiyan? Mutant?? Human super evolution? Human ultimate ultimate form???"

The guest was stunned and screamed incoherently.

【Ding! System point blessing...]

[Ghost back pattern cast...]

With the support of the system and the ghost back pattern, Zhang Wei's speed was too fast, and he disappeared in front of Zhang Chao and the driver in the blink of an eye, leaving only one sentence in place:

"Zhang Chao, there is a powerful ghost king appearing at the airport, I will go to support the squad leader first."

His words come out.

The moment Zhang Chao came back to his senses, he quickly picked up the phone and called Zhang Mei:

"Sister, the emergency situation is a ghost king-level supernatural event..."

at the same time.

Zhang Wei shuttled on the highway.

On a kindergarten bus carrying a child for an outing, a child stared out the window with big watery eyes. He saw a big brother quickly running past their car.


The child shouted to the teacher in the car:

"Teacher, drive faster, our car is so slow, other big brothers are catching up with us."

The teacher wondered:

"Ah? Yaya, what are you talking about? I am driving very fast. It is impossible for a big brother to catch up with us. Besides, there is no big brother. This is a highway."

"Yes, teacher, it's right there, right next to our car just now."

said the child.

In the face of children, the teacher can't laugh or cry:

"That's because your eyes are dazzled. How can there be a big brother who can catch up with the car. The car is much faster than people. If there is one, the teacher will eat the car, haha..."

Just halfway through his laughter, he glanced ahead from the corner of his eye:

"Damn it!!"


the other side.

On a sports car, a couple is arguing.

"My wife calm down, I won't dare next time, and I won't drink so much wine again."

"I'm so angry! It's been said that you have a fatty liver, drink less, you still drank like that yesterday, and now you can't keep up with my sister's wedding."

"Yes, I can catch up, my wife calm down."

"I'm not angry, I'm angry, I feel like I'm driving slowly, the sports car is only driving at a speed of 75, it's so slow, I can run faster than you can drive."

"Haha, my wife, you are making a big joke. I admit that I drive slowly, but you can't outrun my sports car, and no one can outrun my car..."

The words are not finished yet.

The couple saw Zhang Wei running past their car.


Wife: "...


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