While Zhang Wei was rushing to the airport.

The Department of Health and Dao is also running quickly, with a set of emergency plans to deal with supernatural events. All parties dispatched to block the airport, and mobilized support to deal with this event as quickly as possible.

Wait until Zhang Wei arrives at the airport.

The airport has been cordoned off with the cooperation of the police and the Ministry of Health.

Zhang Wei squeezed into the crowd of onlookers, came to the airport, and saw Lu Lianxue who was communicating with the staff of the Ministry of Health and others at a glance.

"Squad leader!"

Zhang Wei shouted at Lu Lianxue.

Although the periphery of the airport was full of people eating melons, Lu Lianxue still heard Zhang Wei shouting, and hurriedly asked Zhang Wei to let him in.

one up.

Zhang Wei looked back and forth at Lu Lianxue:

"Squad leader, are you okay, is there any injury, is there any discomfort?"

Lu Lianxue's heart warmed when she heard the words, she smiled sweetly and said:

"I'm fine, I have the money sword from Longhushan, and the amulet you gave me, I'm fine, even the ghost king can't hurt me."

"That's good, if you feel uncomfortable, tell me."

Still worried, Zhang Wei asked.

After confirming that Lu Lianxue was not injured, Zhang Wei asked:

"How is the situation now? What is the strength of the ghost king inside? What is the method?"

Lu Lianxue didn't hide anything, she brought Zhang Wei in a van, and there was a laptop on it, and the screen was connected to the surveillance in the airport.

can be seen.

In the surveillance screen, the airport was empty, and there was rarely a single person there, as if everyone had disappeared, eerily silent.

However, as the staff manipulated the monitoring probe, the ceiling of the departure hall was moved up.

The horrifying scene frightened the police and the staff of the Ministry of Health.

Dense ropes hung from the ceiling, some of which had a person hanging from them.

Through their death conditions, ruddy complexion, appearance before death and other characteristics, it is obvious that they have not been dead for a long time, and they were all hanged there alive. .

Sweeping across a person on the ceiling, Zhang Wei finally settled on a person.

Unlike the others, that person was not motionless, and was still alive. He struggled in pain while clutching the rope around his neck, kicking his feet incessantly, and exorcising ghosts appeared from time to time, but it was of no avail.

Lu Lianxue also noticed Zhang Wei's gaze, and sighed beside her:

"After I found the ghost, I called the Department of Health and Dao for help. The man was Qilin Wei who came to help."

"Although the Qilin guard came in, he judged that the ghost king was injured, and he was able to handle it, but he didn't expect that the ghost king's ghost eyes were too strong, and the injury didn't make his ghost eyes weak. .”

"Now we are waiting for another Qilin guard to come to help."

Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking:

"Another Qilin guard rushes over, how long will it take at least?"

"20 minutes." Lu Lianxue said.

Zhang Wei can't laugh or cry:

"If it's just hanging, with Qilin Wei's strength, it will definitely be fine if you hang it for 20 minutes, but it's the ghost king's hanging rope. After 20 minutes, there is a high probability that it will be cold. Let me save him."


Zhang Wei was about to walk into the airport, but was stopped by Lu Lianxue:

"Zhang Wei, don't mess around. That's not an ordinary ghost king. The ghost king you dealt with before is no match for it. Mr. Willow is not here. Can you really deal with it?"

"Don't worry, if you can't deal with me, you won't die. I have never used my full strength."

Zhang Wei rubbed Lu Lianxue's head.

Lu Lianxue didn't know that he had a system, ghosts couldn't kill him, no matter how strong ghosts were, they couldn't do it.

Immediately afterwards.

After declining Lu Lianxue, she wanted to give herself the money sword. After all, she might not be able to wait for the ghost king to leave the airport. Lu Lianxue could at least protect herself with the money sword.

Zhang Wei walked into the airport.


at this time.

The airport was so silent that a pindrop could be heard.

Until Zhang Wei stepped into it, the sound of footsteps walking on the smooth floor sounded, and the airport was no longer silent.


Looking through the monitor screen, Lu Lianxue and other staff from the Department of Health were stunned.

Unlike the previous Qilin guards who were cautious.

Zhang Wei not only didn't take three steps to carefully look around, but instead strode down the hall, shouting at the top of his voice:

"Sajia is here!!! Wait for the little ghost king to come out quickly and die!!"

"Ghost King! I'll call you, do you dare to promise!"

"Is Mr. Ghost King here? The handjob cup you bought has arrived. You can relax your little Jiji. Please come out and pay for it."

"Ghost King, your mother told me to call you home for dinner. Today Aunt cooked braised chicken and rice."

"Could it be Miss Ghost King? Miss Ghost King came out to make an appointment with P."

"Ghost King, you are so numb..."

Accompanied by shouting.

The system prompts kept ringing in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! The hanged ghost king was surprised, what's wrong with this ghost exorcist, so arrogant? 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

【Ding! The hanged ghost king saw the host screaming more and more arrogantly, and couldn't handle it for a while, it shouldn't be, I just got rid of a Qilin guard, the ghost exorcist shouldn't know, is there a fraud? 】

[Host obtains system points +160]

The Hanged Ghost King was already injured, and his strength was not even one in ten. Seeing Zhang Wei's arrogance, he was confident no matter what he looked at, so he couldn't help hesitating a little, for fear of being 'cheated' by Zhang Wei.

However, as Zhang Wei yelled...

【Ding! The hanged ghost king got angry, you scold him again! 】

[Host obtains system points +170]

【Ding! The Hanged Ghost King wanted to curse. 】

[Host obtains system points +180]

As Zhang Wei became more and more arrogant.

【Ding! The ghost king who hanged himself was so angry that he had an illusion, am I the ghost king, or are you the ghost king]

[Host obtains system points +190]

When Zhang Wei cursed again.

【Ding! The Hanged Ghost King watched the host come to the departure hall, and couldn't bear it any longer, no matter if there is fraud or not, I will kill you today]

[Host obtains system points +200]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Through the monitoring screen, Lu Lianxue and the others saw that there was finally movement in the dead airport.

same moment.

Inside the airport.

Zhang Wei seemed to feel something, and raised his head to the ceiling. Lu Lianxue and the others followed Zhang Wei's steps and looked at the ceiling.

Looking at it, Zhang Chao and the others who had arrived not long ago changed color, and their bodies were cold.

At some point, an extra corpse appeared on the ceiling!

And when they saw the corpse clearly, Zhang Chao and the others felt their scalps go numb.

A corpse that looks exactly like Zhang Wei.

Looking at the pale, dead man's complexion on the ceiling, the cold and motionless 'Zhang Wei', it seems that everyone has seen Zhang Wei's 'future' next, even as a ghost exorcist, they feel hairy in their hearts.

the other side.

Zhang Wei looked up at the dead body that was exactly like his own, and suddenly a rope beside the dead body dropped out of thin air.

Zhang Chao and the others also discovered this.

Looking at the rope, even outside the airport, they felt a magical voice echoing in their minds, urging them.

Hang up, hang up...

next moment.

Not giving them a chance to react, Lu Lianxue and the others shrank their pupils suddenly.

They saw Zhang Wei stretch out his hand slowly, put the rope around his neck, put it on for a moment, and the rope tightened in an instant, dragging his whole life to the ceiling.

"don't want!!!"

Lu Lianxue was so shocked that Huarong turned pale. If Zhang Chao and the others hadn't tried their best to stop her, she would have rushed in regardless of her own safety.

Immediately afterwards.

Under their gaze, Zhang Wei lost his movement under the impact of the rope's terrifying force and Yin Qi, as if he was dead. Lu Lianxue and the others could only watch, but it was useless to save him. Even Zhang Wei died in the process. In their hands, they went and the result could not be changed.

All they could do was stare at Zhang Wei, hoping that Zhang Wei would come back to life.


As time goes by, their hearts are sad.

Zhang Wei hanged on it for fifteen minutes without moving a muscle, and his death is basically certain. After all, even Qilin Wei, who is a ghost king, will never survive under the rope of the ghost king...

Just as the mourning spread in their hearts, Zhang Chao began to think about what to do about Zhang Wei's death.

Zhang Wei's body moved.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the incredible eyes of Zhang Chao and Lu Lianxue...

Hanging Zhang Wei motionless on the ceiling, his head drooping on the rope, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the corpse of 'Zhang Wei' beside him.

"Brother Ghost King, I've been hanging by you for more than ten minutes, you should give me some reaction."

"Mr. Ghost King, are you here? I am the top ten ghost exorcist on the youth list who is about to be hanged by you. Please call back."

"Mr. Ghost King, your Adam's apple has been strangled to death, so you can't speak? If yes, blink your eyes, if not, blink twice."

Ask three times in a row.

Watching Zhang Wei being hung there, talking to 'Zhang Wei' next to him.

Lu Lianxue and the others were stunned, frozen in place.

This... what's the situation?

Zhang Wei is not dead? !

He, wasn't he hung there, why didn't he die, he still looked alive and kicking.

Lu Lianxue and the others didn't have time to think, Zhang Wei moved again, only because of the system prompt sounding in his mind.

【Ding! Hanged Ghost King Doubt]

[Host obtains system points +160]

【Ding! The Hanged Ghost King is very puzzled]

[Host obtains system points +170]

【Ding! The Hanged Ghost King...]


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