Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 195 Guess, If You Guess Correctly, I Will Charge You As A Member Of Station B

As the system prompts kept ringing, Zhang Wei's eyes rolled with laughter.

its a smile.

Seen by Zhang Chao, Lu Lianxue and the others, I felt like a ghost.

A big living person, strangled by his neck and hung from the ceiling, still in the mood to laugh!

"Is Zhang Wei... hanged as a ghost?"

Zhang Chao muttered, dumbfounded.

Not only him.

Lu Lianxue and the others were also dumbfounded. They thought the same as Zhang Chao. They thought that Zhang Wei had been strangled and turned into a ghost. But looking at Zhang Wei's rosy face, they knew that Zhang Wei was not dead, let alone turned into a ghost. ghost.

"Zhang Wei's body is so tough..."

Zhang Mei said dully, and it took her a long time to hold back a word.

As soon as his words came out.

The corner of Zhang Chao's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but look at Zhang Wei on the screen and said leisurely:

"Now I understand why Captain Huang Qingshan said that Zhang Wei's body is perverted, which is too strong. I feel that Zhang Wei is old, and he is as hard as iron."

in words.

Through the screen, they saw...

Zhang Wei was hanging from the ceiling with a rope around his neck, shaking his body.

At this time, Zhang Wei's body was like a pendulum.

As his body swayed from side to side, he bumped into the body of 'Zhang Wei' beside him:

"Ahh~ Ghost brother who looks exactly like me, are you still alive? If you are alive, be a Pan Zhoudan and turn your head to let me know that you are still alive."

Zhang Wei bumped into the body of ‘Zhang Wei’:

"Moses, brother ghost, move around, it's cold, it's time to listen to "Compendium of Materia Medica" and do aerobics to warm your body."

Zhang Wei hit the ‘Zhang Wei’ corpse again:

"Brother Gui, you see, we are also destined to hang under the same roof, why don't you add a WeChat chat?"


Zhang Wei didn't forget to bump into it, picked up the phone, took a picture of himself and 'Zhang Wei', and with a click, a dead face of Zhang Wei with eyes closed appeared on the phone, and beside it, there was a Zhang Wei's face is flaunting a bright smile.

Then after clicking Send to Mr. Willow.

Zhang Wei hit the 'Zhang Wei' corpse once and for all:

"Brother Gui, I took a photo of you and me, posted it on Moments, and added a copy of 'Look, the dead me next to me', don't you mind, if you mind, please let me know."

Zhang Wei bumped into the body of ‘Zhang Wei’ once:

"Brother Gui, I've said so many things, but you should reply. I hanged myself at the same time. Although I haven't died yet, I might die soon. I'm considered a colleague. As a future colleague, please reply. "

The words fell.

Zhang Wei bumped into the body of 'Zhang Wei' once.

Zhang Chao and Lu Lianxue, who were far away from the airport, were stunned. Zhang Wei's series of operations made their original emotions of sadness and horror disappear.

They only have one feeling right now...

Why is Zhang Wei not dead yet? How long will it take to hang him before sending him away.

At the same time, the system prompts kept ringing in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! The Hanged Ghost King was stunned. 】

[Host obtains system points +170]

【Ding! The Hanged Ghost King is weird]

[Host obtains system points +180]

【Ding! The Hanged Ghost King fell into deep thought]

[Host obtains system points +190]

【Ding! The Hanged Ghost King is extremely confused]

[Host obtains system points +200]

【Ding! The hanged ghost king collapsed, mom! There is someone hanging here, it’s fine if you don’t die until now, if you don’t have bruises on your neck...]

A series of system prompts sounded, and Zhang Wei bumped harder.

for a while.

The scene presented in front of Zhang Chao, Lu Lianxue and the others was inexplicably horrifying and funny.

Zhang Wei is like a billiard ball, constantly bumping into the motionless 'Zhang Wei'.

No matter what Zhang Wei said or how he hit him, 'Zhang Wei' just didn't respond.

But Zhang Wei was not at all irritable or discouraged, he happily swung the rope around his neck, his body hit 'Zhang Wei' like a pendulum.

Finally, under a flurry of impacts, about ten minutes later.

' Zhang Wei' finally responded.

Facing Zhang Wei who has been hanged to this day and is still alive, the Hanged Ghost King can no longer hold back his silence.

Accompanied by Zhang Wei's collision again, the body of 'Zhang Wei' swayed again, and the 'Zhang Wei' who hadn't moved at all finally moved.

While his body was being shaken, he slowly raised his head like a machine, looking at Zhang Wei who was bumping into him.

"'re not dead yet..."

At the sound of the Hanged Ghost King, Zhang Wei finally stopped hitting and grinned at it:

"My breath is relatively long, and I have to wait a while to die. How about you, Brother Gui? How long did it take for you to hang yourself? It won't be shorter than mine, so you should be short, Brother Gui."

【Ding! The Hanged Ghost King is speechless and insane]

[Host obtains system points +210]

this moment.

The Hanged Ghost King had the urge to curse.

This tone is longer? You are teasing me, you have been hanging on the rope for ten minutes.

Your breath is too long, it's not as long as you are strapped to an oxygen machine and breathing hard.

at the same time.

When the Hanged Ghost King opened his mouth, Zhang Wei became more energetic and kept asking.

"Brother Gui, how long did it take you to hang your breath, let's compare to see who takes longer to die."

is talking.

Zhang Wei made a sound like he was suffocating, and suddenly tilted his head when he asked, and stopped talking.

The voice stopped abruptly, and he hung there erectly, stopping his movements.

The sluggish Zhang Chao and the others, as well as the Hanged Ghost King, were stunned.

what happened?

As time passed, Zhang Wei remained motionless, and the airport fell into deathly silence again.

After more than ten minutes, all the Qilin guards who came to support arrived. Even the Qilin guard who had entered the hang before took advantage of Zhang Wei's help to "distract" his attention. He took the opportunity to run out, but Zhang Wei remained motionless.

As soon as Zhang Chao and the others were speechless, sadness gradually appeared on their faces, thinking that Zhang Wei couldn't make it through after all, even if he was alone, his neck was strangled by the rope for half an hour, even if his breath was long enough, he deserved to die.

The Hanged Ghost King raised his head suspiciously and looked at Zhang Wei.

It can feel that Zhang Wei has no breathing, no heartbeat, no matter how you look at it, he looks like a dead person.

But despite this, it is still a little uncertain, after all, he has heard that there is a technique called "turtle's breathing technique" in Taoist traditions such as Longhu Mountain.

Can't help it.

The Hanged Ghost King asked Zhang Wei, who was like a corpse at this time:

"Are you still alive……"

Without any response, Zhang Wei just hung there.

Outside the airport in the distance, Lu Lianxue and the others couldn't sit still anymore, and hurriedly called Qilin Wei, who came to support, to go in and rescue people.

Just when Qilin Wei was about to take action.

the other side.

Seeing that Zhang Wei didn't respond, the Hanged Ghost King heaved a sigh of relief, but he was also speechless while secretly delighted.

After being a ghost king for so many years, he has killed countless people. Zhang Wei is the weirdest person he has ever met. No one has ever been able to hang himself for more than half an hour like a normal person after being fascinated by it.

【Ding! The Hanged Ghost King heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately, this guy is finally dead]

[Host obtains system points +220]

【Ding! Hanged Ghost King is very happy]

[Host obtains system points +230]

Think about it.

The hanged ghost king with the appearance of 'Zhang Wei' slowly disappeared and gradually became transparent.

It doesn't plan to stay any longer, the time has been delayed by the young man in front of him for too long, the Qilin guard who can deal with him must have come, and he must leave here.


Just when the Hanged Ghost King was about to disappear, the dead Zhang Wei suddenly raised his head and looked at the Hanged Ghost King:

"Brother Gui, what should I do? I tried my best to die, and I couldn't even breathe, but I still can't die. I might not be your colleague anymore. I don't want to wander around Tianya with you to claim someone's life."

The moment the voice sounded, the system prompt sounded in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! The hanged ghost king was frightened, fuck! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +230]

【Ding! The Hanged Ghost King is overly frightened]

[Host obtains system points +240]

It can be seen that the hanged ghost king whose figure gradually became transparent, suddenly, the figure changed drastically between transparency and staring, and was subjected to intense emotional fluctuations.

Not far away, Zhang Chao and the others were not much better, and screamed loudly:

"Hiss, still not dead?!"

same moment.

The Hanged Ghost King couldn't hold back any longer, and screamed out in fright:

"You, who is it that you ride the horse? Yes, it's a human... a ghost?!"

There was a shrill and trembling ghost voice beside his ears.

Zhang Wei grinned:

"Guess, if you guess correctly, you will be recharged as a big member of station b."


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