Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 197 There Is A Cat In My Room That Can Do Somersaults

The system prompt sounded, and the Hanged Ghost King died unwillingly.

Only then did Zhang Wei get off his body, he grinned at King Qilin who was looking at him, and extended his hand in a friendly way:

"I feel that it cooperates with exorcising ghosts, and it is a happy cooperation."

Qilin Wei couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, and couldn't help recalling Zhang Wei's help to him just now, helping him to disturb the sight of the Hanged Ghost King, which really disturbed the sight and concentration.

Although he had killed the ghost king before, he dared to swear that he would never forget the experience of killing ghosts today in this life.

Thinking to himself, he subconsciously shook hands with Zhang Wei:

"Pleasant cooperation."

Also at this time.

"Zhang Wei!"

Zhang Chao, Lu Lianxue and the others rushed over. Previously, the Hanged Ghost King fought against Zhang Wei, and they couldn't intervene. Now that the Ghost King died, he could finally come over.

As soon as she came up, Lu Lianxue threw herself into Zhang Wei's arms.

"Zhang Wei, it's great that you're fine."

Lu Lianxue said with tears in her eyes, tears rolling in her eyes.

Although she saw that Zhang Wei was fine on the monitoring screen, she still couldn't help worrying. Every time she thought of Zhang Wei being hung up, she broke out in a cold sweat.

Zhang Wei looked soft, looking at Lu Lianxue's red eyes, there was warmth in his heart.

He patted Lu Lianxue lightly:

"I'm fine. I can't be killed except to die on the bed."

Lu Lianxue chuckled when she heard the words, and gave Zhang Wei a blank look:

"It's no time and you still don't forget to joke."

Also at this time.

When Zhang Wei heard what Zhang Wei said, he laughed and cursed:

"Fuck, Zhang Wei, your heart is too big. You really scared us to death just now. You didn't know that after you were hung up for more than ten minutes, I already started giving you free money. I called Wu Nian to come over and save you."

Zhang Mei also spoke:

"Zhang Wei, don't you know that Zhang Chao saw you being hanged, besides Miss Lu, Zhang Chao was about to cry too, stomping there, calling for me to invite all the elders of the Maoshan faction to kill this ghost .”

His words come out.

Zhang Chao said stubbornly:

"Fart, I didn't cry. I was acting for Ms. Lu. Who told Ms. Lu to cry? I don't want to shed a few tears. I'm sorry Zhang Wei is my brother."

Zhang Wei smiled, and was moved in his heart.

Then he crossed his index finger and thumb to Zhang Chao, making a gesture:

"Zhang Chao, I love you, let me show you my heart."

Zhang Chao laughed, and compared his heart to Zhang Wei:

"I love you too, Zhang Wei, Bixin."

Watching the two of them playing tricks there.

Everyone laughed out loud.

During this period, they all tacitly agreed, and never asked Zhang Wei why the ghost king couldn't kill him. After all, everyone has their own secrets. What a well-known secret.


After talking for a while, Zhang Chao said:

"By the way, hurry up, Zhang Wei, let's go buy figurines, the figurines I've been thinking about, and today is 520, hurry up and finish shopping, I'm going on a date with the maid girl."

Hearing this, Zhang Mei glanced at Lu Lianxue beside her, and said with a smile:

"Then go quickly, I'll take care of the follow-up matters here, Zhang Wei, just write the report to me later."

"Hey, I love you, old lady."

"I love you sister, you son of a bitch." Zhang Mei scolded Zhang Chao with a smile.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Chao went to the nearest figure shop with Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue.


Not long.

Jinguan City, an animation shop.

Zhang Wei and the others entered the store, Zhang Chao went straight to the figurines area, and Zhang Wei took Lu Lianxue to the ornaments area.

Seeing Zhang Wei pick up and buy pendants one by one, Lu Lianxue was puzzled:

"Zhang Wei, why do you buy so many ornaments, and they are all old man animation characters."

On the way here, Lu Lianxue knew that Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao had made an agreement. It stands to reason that Zhang Wei shouldn't pick a figure. After all, Zhang Chao agreed to give Zhang Wei a figure for free.

His words come out.

On the side, Zhang Wei took a One Piece white beard doll pendant from the shelf and replied:

"I bought it for Mr. Willow. Don't you think it's cool? Mr. Willow has a bunch of ornaments of old man's animation characters hanging on his waist. In the words of Fat Brother, it looks very stylish."

Because of the system.

Zhang Wei didn't tell Lu Lianxue that this was a whim when he was using the old Tianshi puppet to drive out ghosts not long ago.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Squad leader, don't you also like figurines? Go pick one and ask Zhang Chao to pay for it. Anyway, I have quite a lot of figurines, so I don't plan to buy figurines for the time being."

"That's what you said."

Lu Lianxue smiled sweetly, her beautiful eyes curved like crescent moons, causing many people in the store to look sideways.

Zhang Wei nodded, just about to say something.

"Damn it, Zhang Wei, you actually used my money to pick up a girl, you bastard."

Zhang Chao came over.

Zhang Wei smiled, paying attention to Zhang Chao, who was empty-handed:

"Is there no Ba La La Little Demon Fairy figurines in the store?"

"Yes, but it's too small. I don't like figures that are only bigger than a palm." Zhang Chao gestured at the size of the figures.

"Then how big a figure do you want?" Zhang Wei laughed.

"One to one ratio, hehehe."

Zhang Chao said.

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help laughing out:

"A one-to-one scale figure? It seems that you want to carry the Ba La La Little Demon Fairy to exorcise ghosts."

Zhang Chao laughed and nodded:

"Hehe, yes, although it looks a bit perverted, but this is very unexpected. The ghost must have never thought that a person carrying a little demon fairy on his shoulders would be a ghost exorcist."

in words.

Zhang Chao wiped the unnecessary halazi, as if obsessed with the picture of himself carrying the little demon fairy fighting ghosts.

Zhang Wei did not reject Zhang Chao's opinion, fact, he had thought about it from the very beginning, and suggested that Zhang Chao buy a one-to-one ratio. As a result, Zhang Chao was worthy of his half-brother, and he thought about it. One piece went.


After Lu Lianxue picked out the figurines, Zhang Chao didn't stay long, and left in a hurry. One was to create a space for Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue, and the other was to go on a date with the maid girl.

Watch Zhang Chao go.

Zhang Wei held Lu Lianxue's hand and smiled:

"Now there are no light bulbs, monitor, no, Xiaoxue, we should live in a world of two, how do you plan to arrange it?"

Feeling the temperature of Zhang Wei's palm from the hand being held.

Lu Lianxue blushed, and smiled sweetly at Bai Meisheng.

this day.

May 20th.

Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue went to many places together, and did many things that couples would do... Watching movies, shopping, eating the same ice cream together, going to amusement parks, etc., have always been tired of being together.

Same time.

Also this night.

That night.

After playing for a day, Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue returned to the hotel.

"It's late, Xiaoxue go to bed early."

After sending Lu Lianxue to the door of the room, Zhang Wei looked at the time, and it was already 12 o'clock in the evening.

But just when he finished speaking and was about to go back to his room.

Lu Lianxue grabbed the corner of his clothes.

She blushed to the point of her ears, and after a long time of deliberation, she mustered up the courage to whisper:

"There is a cat in my room that can do somersaults, do you want to come in and have a look?"

His words come out.

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and finally nodded:



This night is the same as every night when Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin are together... (see the comments for surprises)

The sky is full of artillery fire!


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