Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 198 Understood, Understood, Learned, As Expected Of You Zhang Wei

the next day.

Zhang Wei got up from the bed and covered Lu Lianxue, who was asleep and kicking the quilt beside him, with a quilt. He glanced at the time on the phone next to the bed. It was 7:30 in the morning, and immediately got out of bed, ready to go downstairs to buy breakfast for Lu Lianxue , so that she can wake up and eat.

She tiptoed out with her shoes, for fear of waking Lu Lianxue.

With the door closed.

Only then did Zhang Wei breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't notice that the moment he went out, the sleeping Lu Lianxue opened her eyes, looked at the note left by Zhang Wei beside the bed, I went to buy breakfast, and smiled sweetly. His smile is alluring and beautiful.

In fact, when Zhang Wei woke up, she had already woken up. After all, it was her first time, so how could she fall asleep easily.

She couldn't help recalling Zhang Wei's appearance just now, and said with a sweet smile:

"If Xiaolin saw Zhang Wei's appearance, she might think she was having an affair."

the other side.

Zhang Wei went down to the first floor of the hotel, and was just about to leave Zhang Chao at the front desk.

The matter of the haunted hotel had been resolved before, so naturally Zhang Wei didn't need to live there, and went to live in the "Seven Days Hotel" where Zhang Chao and his Department of Health were stationed.

"Yo, are you on stage today?"

Zhang Wei waved towards Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao, who was yawning, looked at it and said in surprise:

"Zhang Wei? Why do you get up so early? Shouldn't this little Biesheng newlywed fight until the sun rises? It's only 7:30 in the morning and you can't do it."

Zhang Wei gave Zhang Chao a middle finger:

"Nonsense, Xiaoxue and I were like Contra yesterday, with thirty lives to shoot, and I came down so early to buy breakfast for Xiaoxue, and Zhang Chao, how are you doing with the maid girl. "

When mentioning the maid girl, Zhang Chao immediately regained his energy and stopped yawning:

"The progress is pretty beautiful. Yesterday, after my date with my girl, I chatted all night, from Tiannan to Haibei, don't say anything, I'm going after this girl, even if she dies, I will catch up with her."

Zhang Wei smiled when he heard the words:

"A corpse? You can't do it, you can't do it, Mr. Zhang Chao."

"Fuck, I'm talking about the unwavering love between human beings and ghosts. How can you tell me a love story so well that I'm going to break the law for you."

Zhang Chao also used Zhang as a middle finger.

Without waiting for Zhang Wei to reply, Zhang Chao said enthusiastically:

"Speaking of which, Zhang Wei just happened to be here for you, so I don't have to wait to find you, Zhang Wei quickly give me an idea, I just found out that her birthday is coming after I chatted with the maid girl yesterday, what do you think I should give as a gift. "

"Even someone's birthday? Yes, Zhang Chao, giving gifts is a big deal. I'll have a good chat with you when I come back from buying breakfast."

Zhang Wei spoke out.

Zhang Chao couldn't wait, so he went to the lounge to find a colleague on the spot, and asked him to come to the front desk for a while in the name of buying breakfast:

"Let's go, Zhang will buy breakfast for us, and chat while walking."

Zhang Wei smiled:


Then on the way to buy breakfast.

Zhang Chao showed Zhang Wei the chat records between himself and his sister:

"Zhang Wei, what kind of gift do you think I should buy? Flowers? Dolls?"

His words come out.

When Zhang Wei returned the phone to Zhang Chao, he said:

"You've only known her for a month, so it feels old to send flowers, and she would really like it if you gave her a doll, but I feel that she has no shortage of dolls. After all, she is good-looking, and she also works as a maid, and some people chase her to give her dolls."

"The key point is that it's not in the mood to send dolls now."

"You can't give too expensive ones, it looks like you are getting rich like an old hat, and if she says something bad, she is a gold digger, and she will turn you into an AT machine on the spot."

Zhang Chao couldn't laugh or cry, and even burst out in dialect:

"Fuck, you can't give this away, and you can't give that one away, so why don't you give it away."

Zhang Wei looked over as soon as he heard it, pointed at Zhang Chao and said:

"Hey, your suggestion is good, just give me a cat."


Zhang Wei said bluntly:

"Giving a girl something depends on what she likes. The gift is not to impress yourself, but to impress her."

"For example, an office worker with a salary of 5,000 a month, he gives a girl a necklace of 10,000 yuan directly, thinking that this can show how much he loves her and is willing to give for her."

"Please, girls don't know how much the necklace costs. Unless office workers don't tear off the necklace tags, how can girls find out? Not every girl worships gold eyes."

"So this kind of behavior, at most, is that the office workers themselves have touched themselves, and it is rare to touch girls, and it will only increase the burden."

"Because girls are very emotional, before the relationship is confirmed, it will be troublesome to be shown a lot of love by a boy, especially for such an expensive gift."

"So giving an expensive gift can easily backfire, making the girl feel that she is being treated too well, and even if she wants to refuse it, she doesn't know how to politely refuse it."

"And you will also think that if you are not rejected, there is still a lot to do. After all, no matter whether you are a man or a woman, when you are in love, you will unconsciously imagine that the other party is interesting to you."

"So don't give expensive birthday presents if you haven't known each other for a long time."

Zhang Chao was stunned when he heard that, he gave a thumbs up and said:

"Damn, it's Zhang Wei who understands for you."

Zhang Wei heard that he was fanning an unnecessary fan:

"It's okay, I just understand a little bit, let's get to the point, the reason why I asked you to give a girl, Maomao, is because I saw you chatting with her, she mentioned that she wanted to raise a cat, and she clearly saved money to buy it. gone."

"I also looked at the circle of friends where she often posts pictures of cats. It seems that she likes cats very much. Then you can give her a kitten."

"In addition, it's best not to buy the cat you gave as a gift, but to ask for it from a friend, because people who really love cats understand cats and know how expensive it is to buy a cat now, so you can ask for it from your friends. One is to avoid being considered expensive, and the other is to show that you have intentions and go out of your way to ask for a cat for her."

"Actually, this is because of your special situation. It can be seen that maid girls like cats, otherwise I don't recommend giving cats as gifts."

"Because raising a small animal doesn't mean you can raise it just because you want to raise it. It's very troublesome. You have to have a sense of responsibility. Otherwise, if you send it over, it will be fine if you don't burp for a few days, and it will become a burden for others."

Zhang Chao nodded again and again:

"Understood, understood, learned, it is indeed you, Zhang Wei."

in words.

Zhang Chao bared his teeth and grinned:

"A friend I know owns a cat. It's the kind of short-legged puppet cat. I'll go and get one for him. Haha, Zhang can choose a gift for you. Can make girls happy."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, Zhang Chao couldn't help but said impatiently:

"No, I'll go to my friend now and ask him for a cat."

His words come out.

Having arrived at the breakfast shop, Zhang Wei, who was buying breakfast, turned around:

"Are you sure you want to go now? Aren't you on duty at the front desk today? If you skip work, you won't be afraid that Sister Mei will unscrew your Tianling cover."

"Uh...fuck, I forgot about that."

Zhang Chao's complexion suddenly collapsed, and he began to think about how he skipped work, how Zhang Mei tortured him with a perverted smile.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei smiled:

"If you're in a hurry, you can give me your friend's address, and I'll help you pick out which cat you want."

As soon as the words came out.

Zhang Chao gave Zhang Wei a big hug on the spot:

"I love you so much Zhang Wei, you, brother, are the most valuable in my life."

Zhang Wei pushed Zhang Chao away:

"Come on, I'm not gay. By the way, are your friends easy to get along with? Is it okay if I take Xiaoxue with me? Xiaoxue also likes cats."

"My friend is male, you can take Xiaoxue there, it's okay, my friend is also a ghost exorcist, so don't be afraid Zhang Wei, you can chat with him."


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