Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 199 As Expected Of The Person I Want To Kill, Very Compelling, I Like It


Under the introduction of Zhang Chao, Zhang Wei learned that his friend was a member of the Health Department of another city.


Zhang Wei captured the key point in Zhang Chao's words.

Zhang Chao nodded and responded:

"Yes, he retired not long ago."

Seemingly knowing what Zhang Wei was thinking, Zhang Chao continued:

"My friend is young, 29 years old. The reason why he retired was because he was attacked and killed by a ghost while exorcising ghosts, and his leg was broken. Originally, he insisted on continuing to exorcise ghosts in the Ministry of Health."

"However, considering that he still has a wife and daughter, plus he has a broken foot, and he used to exorcise ghosts and left stubborn illnesses, the Department of Health and Dao forced him to retire to the rear, and he was usually responsible for the logistics of the Department of Health and Dao. old age."

Zhang Wei nodded upon hearing this.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Chao said with a smile: "It's because he retired early, so he has nothing to do to raise a cat."

Zhang Wei agrees noncommittally.

As a ghost exorcist, he knew very well how dangerous this profession was. It was fighting against vicious ghosts, and one mistake would be death.

That's why.

Most exorcists will not raise cats and dogs, fearing that if something happens to them, their pets will not be taken care of. After all, wives and daughters can still get subsidies from the Ministry of Health, etc. Pets are hard to say, and it is not so easy to find an owner. easy.

We chatted for a while again.

Zhang Wei and the others returned to the hotel.

After giving Lu Lianxue breakfast, Zhang Wei mentioned Zhang Chao's matter to Lu Lianxue.


Lu Lianxue's beautiful eyes lit up:

"Looking at the cat? Okay!"

Girls all like cute animals, and Lu Lianxue is no exception.

Zhang Wei smiled:

"Then let's go there now. Zhang Chao called his friend Luo Fang just now, and he said he would wait for us at home to pick up the cat."

Then Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue went down to the first floor of the hotel.

After saying hello to Zhang Chao, Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei were about to leave the hotel for a ride.

"Zhang Wei choose a fierce cat for me. It's best to be fierce so that I can catch up with the maid girl in one fell swoop."

"no problem."

Zhang Wei gave Zhang Chao an ok gesture.


on the way.

Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue were sitting in the car, and he asked:

"By the way, Xiaoxue, you plan to stay for a few days."

Now 520 has passed, although 521 is also a good day now, but Lu Lianxue still has studies, not everyone can exorcise ghosts and take care of studies like Zhang Wei.

Lu Lianxue blinked her beautiful eyes and raised a smile:

"Let's go back with you, anyway, I can review my subjects these days, and I'm not afraid of failing."

Zhang Wei rubbed Lu Lianxue's head:

"Okay, then..."

The words are not finished.

Ding dong.

The WeChat notification sounded.

Turning on the phone, it was a message from the fat man.

[Fatty]: Zhang Wei, why haven't you been online these two days, I've fallen from Diamond 2, Naina's, take me to qaq, send me to Diamond 1, and I'll send you the new figure of Sister Baoer.

At the same time as the message was sent.

The fat man also sent a figure of Sister Baoer, who was wearing a swimsuit and holding a shovel in her hand, as if she was going to bury someone on the beach.

【Ding! The unknown devil hurts]

[Host obtains system points +120]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

same moment.

In Luxia City, an e-sports hotel room.

The fat man was sitting in front of the computer, looking at the Weidaosi forum post on it, which was about Zhang Wei's heroic battle against the ghost king yesterday to save the Jinguan City Airport.

This is because the fat man just found out that Zhang Wei had left Luxia City after he was bored browsing the forum.

One must know that he was called to kill Zhang Wei, and now everyone in Zhang Wei has run out of the province, and he doesn’t even know it, he’s just busy talking to Zhang Wei, talking about shopping, and chatting about anime...

Think about it.

The fat man felt guilty for a while.

If the tailor knew about this, he would definitely be killed by the tailor.

"While I wasn't paying attention, I actually killed the three ghost kings and took their heads. Blood loss, blood loss!!!"

The fat man saw that someone said in the post that Zhang Wei and his ghost tricked the three ghost kings and got the heads of the three ghost kings.

"I thought I plucked Zhang Wei's wool and it was very comfortable, but Zhang Wei directly drew inferences. Fuck, I want the heads of the three ghost kings."

I thought about it.

The fat man immediately called Zhang Wei, whether it was a tailor or because of the ghost king's head, he had to ask Zhang Wei when he would be back.

If Zhang Wei didn't come back for several days, he had to rush there, otherwise he might miss another Ghost King's head.

"I have something to go out recently, that's why I didn't play the game, fat brother, if you want to play black, I will accompany you to play black to score points later."

Hearing Fat Brother's wailing voice, Zhang Wei replied with a smile.

The fat man shook his head:

"That's no need, it can't affect your work, let's talk about how long you will come back."

【Ding! The unknown ghost king wailed in his heart, come back quickly, Zhang Wei! 】

[Host obtains system points +130]

With the system prompt beeping.

Zhang Wei said:

"I'll be back in two days."

"Are you sure in two days? I can count on you for my points. Don't lie to me, or I'll never let you go." The fat man replied.

"That's for sure, not for Fat Brother's points, but also for my free figure of Sister Baoer, I have to go back quickly, but change to a figure, I already have that figure of Sister Baoer, it's in my dormitory Let it go."

"Haha, okay, change to another one, then come back quickly and wait for you to take me to the top."

After chatting with Zhang Wei for a while, the fat man hung up the phone.

Then he browsed the Weidaosi forum again, wanting to see if he could get some information about the delivery of the ghost king's head by the Weidaosi, and pondered whether to go to Sichuan Province to cut off the ghost king's head.

for a moment.

Looking at the posts on the Department of Health and Dao's forum, the fat man's face was full of excitement:

"My God, did Zhang Wei do so many things while I wasn't paying attention? Killing the ghost king is fine, but he even helped his friend get on the new star list. Hearse exorcising ghosts? Fire suppressing exorcising ghosts? what."

He found.

There are many posts about Zhang Wei in the forum. These posts are not about Zhang Wei, but introduce some powerful ghost exorcists who have emerged recently. Their ghost exorcism skills are unheard of, but they have achieved powerful effects.

Among them, Zhang Wei is mentioned for no other reason. It is said that these exorcism techniques are inspired or learned from Zhang Wei by these exorcists.

I saw that many exorcists praised Zhang Wei in the post.

The fat man couldn't help laughing:

"As expected of the person I want to kill, if you don't sing, you will become a blockbuster. It's very compelling, I like it."

"No, now is not the time to think about this..."

He was busy looking for information about the ghost king's head related to Zhang Wei.

Not long.

He muttered:

"I can't get the ghost king's head that Zhang Wei and Willow Ghost got before. I guess it's all at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health."

"But the one at the airport hasn't been delivered yet, so I can cut it halfway. Speaking of the ghost king, it seems that the tailor told me that it would be fun to bring the ghost king's head to the tailor."

That's all for words.

The fat man couldn't bear it any longer, and planned to set off to cut off the head of Hu Guiwang.

But when he got up.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang, and the caller ID was the tailor's number.


The fat man's heart skipped a beat.

Oops, why did the tailor call suddenly? Maybe the tailor also saw the news and knew that Zhang Wei had left Luxia City...


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