Think here.

Fatty felt guilty. It was not impossible. The tailor always paid more attention to information collection than he did.

But with a guilty conscience, the fat man still picked up the phone:

"What does the tailor want me to do, I'm busy now..."

It's halfway through.

The tailor interrupted:

"Busy? Do you mean busy doing something to Zhang Wei?"

As soon as Zhang Wei was mentioned, the fat man's heart thumped even more violently. Although he was dead, he was sure that if he had a heart now, his heart rate would definitely beat even higher.

"Yes, I was busy thinking about how to attack Zhang Wei. I said tailor, you don't have to keep an eye on me so closely. Zhang Wei can kill the king of ghosts, and I don't know if you have received news recently. He also has a ghost king of ghosts." .”

"It's very difficult for me to kill him. Don't worry, I will definitely find a chance to do it."

The fatty opened his mouth to change the topic, trying to get away with it.

Maybe things in the Northeast are going well, or maybe the fat man was the first to give her a birthday present, and it's rare for the tailor not to scold the fat man.

She said on her forehead:

"Fatty man, I'm not keeping an eye on you. I called you today to tell you about Zhang Wei. That's why I asked you if you did anything to Zhang Wei."

"So that's the case, oh, I should have said it earlier."

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief, and said nonsense in a serious manner:

"What is the news about Zhang Wei? I have been monitoring Zhang Wei recently. He has indeed done a lot of things recently. He even went out of the province yesterday and killed a ghost king. Unfortunately, there were strong people around at that time, so I did a lot of things."

"Besides, the ghost king that Zhang Wei killed was the one you told me earlier that almost ruined your business in the northeast, so I didn't take action and let Zhang Wei solve it."

"In this way, not only will I be able to avenge you in a disguised form, but when the time comes, I'll cut off the head of that ghost king. Hey, killing two birds with one stone will pay off. It's a proper top-level villain. The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind."


The fat man looked up at a 45-degree angle and sighed:

"I deserve to be the strongest villain."

His words come out.

At this moment, the petite tailor who looked like a primary school student raised his eyebrows:

"Zhang Wei solved that ghost king? So strong? That ghost king is not bad, but that's fine too. If you snatch the ghost king's head, you fat man, give me half of it. Don't worry, I won't take it for nothing, just exchange it for the same value."

The fat man laughed and said:

"Even if you don't tell the tailor, I will give you half."

"Don't ask why, the question is that you lent me money, and I will take the head of your enemy to pay back for you. Don't you think that such a villain is very violent? People don't talk too much. You give me one, and I will pay you back three, wow It’s so handsome, isn’t it?”

The tailor ignored the fat man's obsession:

"You said that Zhang Wei went out of the province to kill the ghost king. I really didn't notice it. My attention was all on the northeast side, but the news I want to tell you today is not that."

She didn't make a fool of herself and said bluntly:

"It's Zhang Wei who is wanted by ghosts."

"What the hell?"

Fatty changed his smile when he heard it, his simple and honest appearance sank instantly, and he said in a concentrated voice:

"Who dares to do anything to my prey? Are you still wanted? Are you looking for death? Who is wanted?"

Listening to Fatty's tone of voice that couldn't hide his anger.

The tailor nodded in satisfaction. It seems that the fat man really didn't lie to her, and he was very interested in dealing with Zhang Wei.

Thinking of her, she replied:

"What? Fatty, are you going to kill the wanted Zhang Wei?"

"Of course, Zhang Wei is my prey. Whoever dares to strike will be against me, and the end can only be death. Let's talk, some blind guy wanted Zhang Wei."

Thinking of Zhang Wei being wanted, the fat man became more and more angry:

"Dare to break ground on Tai Sui, I'm tired of working!"

To this.

The tailor's voice came:

"Then you have to be busy, fat man, because Zhang Wei is wanted for not one, but many ghosts."

Then the tailor explained to the fat man.

"Do you still remember that three years ago, when you learned that the Department of Health had a forum, you said that ghost exorcists have their own places to communicate, and ghosts, as villains, must also have a forum, so you set up a forum called 'Haunted Nest'. "

"Remember, I finished that 'ghost nest' later, and thought it was too troublesome, so I casually threw it to a ghost who died suddenly to take care of it. I would go up and have a look occasionally myself."

Fatty responded to this, already vaguely guessing.

The Ghost Nest forum was created on a whim by him back then. Even though it was just a whim, it unexpectedly developed well. Now it is similar to the Department of Health Forum and has become the largest communication platform for ghosts.

The Ghost Nest is the same as the Department of Health Forum, in addition to places for communication, there are also places for transactions, and there are also wanted places.

As the saying goes, out of ten ghosts, nine are bad and one is perverted. This is not to say, ghosts are generally evil ghosts. They do a lot of evil and are naturally chased and killed by ghost exorcists. And born.

Li ghosts are hunted down by ghost exorcists, and ghost exorcists are powerful, and Li ghosts can't deal with them, so some vengeful ghosts will bid to arrest ghost exorcists who hurt them.


Under the narration of the tailor, the fat man logged into the ghost den forum.

as predicted.

He is searching for Zhang Wei in the wanted reward section...

"Good guy, Zhang Wei, did you stab a ghost nest?"

Looking at the board, there are nearly a hundred wanted notices about Zhang Wei, and the publishers on them are all different, the fat man was dumbfounded.

Hundreds of ghosts want Zhang Wei?

Among them, someone offered a high price of half a ghost king-level item.

Immediately afterwards.

After clicking on the arrest warrant and the information he received from the tailor on the phone, the fat man finally understood what was going on.

It turns out that the ghosts who issued the arrest warrants were not provoked by Zhang Wei, but by a few exorcists recently.

For example, one of them is a ghost exorcist named 'Cao Yu'.

This Cao Yu drove a Wuling Hongguang and ran into many ghosts. Some of the ghosts who issued arrest warrants were hit by him, and without exception, they were either disabled or paralyzed for life.

Just ask them as a ghost, they can't even walk, what's the difference between this and dying again.

They hate it.

Another example.

Recently, some ghosts were shot by a group of monks with sniper rifles and machine guns. Those monks were not very good at marksmanship, so they didn't kill them with guns, but they were seriously injured.

Although these ghosts survived, they became more and more disabled one by one.

They came to the haunted den and wanted to arrest Cao Yu and the others.

And it is also in the ghost den, they learned from the ghost den, it is said that Cao Yu's novel exorcism skills were all taught and borrowed by a ghost exorcist named 'Zhang Wei'.

It is known that the instigators are all from 'Zhang Wei'.

Also with the exposure,

More and more ghosts encountered physical exorcism, arms exorcism, detachable zombies, etc., and the ghosts who survived came out to scold and condemn Zhang Wei. They went crazy, and all pointed their finger at Zhang Wei, and released Zhang Wei's wanted make.

Knowing the situation, the fat man subconsciously counted the number of arrest warrants roughly, at least one hundred.

The key is that he refreshed it... Suddenly there were a few more arrest warrants about Zhang Wei.

At this moment.

Knowing that the fat man got the news, the tailor's voice came from the phone:

"Fatty, if you want to kill those who issued the wanted warrants, then you can kill some of them. I checked and there are more than a hundred of them. That's why I called you today to ask if you did anything to Zhang Wei, not me. Staring at you, but afraid of being preempted."


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