Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 201 Mr. Luo Fang, Do You Raise Ghosts?

The tailor's voice came.

The corner of the fat man's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but glance at the Ghost Den forum, where there was a dense list of arrest warrants.

For the first time, he felt that killing ghosts was not an easy job.

After talking with the tailor for a while, the fat man hung up the phone and stared at the wanted notice on the computer screen with resentment:

"Squeezing Zhang Wei's wool is so tiring. To get the head of a ghost king, you have to run half of Daxia to kill ghosts. And with Zhang Wei's trouble-making speed, why do I feel that I kill one and he provokes two."

Think here.

The fat man sat back in front of the computer, ready to find the highest bidder among these wanted warrants:

"Let me make an example of the chickens and monkeys first, and let me see who are the short-sighted people who trouble Zhang Wei."

in words.

The fat man replied to a wanted warrant with a high bid:

"I can kill Zhang Wei, but the price can be higher."

While replying, the fat man grinned and muttered:

"As a villain, how can I be plundered by Zhang Wei? I have to turn back and rob all those who want to kill Zhang Wei. It's the interest of protecting Zhang Wei, hehehe."

Although he felt that killing ghosts was very tiring, after seeing the reward of the reward order, the fat man was instantly overjoyed, and thought of a good idea to kill for more money.

"Since you want to kill my prey, then I'll go find you and rob you of all your things. It's not too much. After all, I really want to kill Zhang Wei, and you want to kill Zhang Wei. Then I will kill you and take your things." If you get your things, it can be regarded as completing your wanted, and you have also received the wanted reward."

Can't help it.

The fat man smiled even wider:

"Oh, I'm such a kind-hearted villain."


Jinguan City, a community of luxurious villas.

at this time.

According to the address guidance given by Zhang Chao, Zhang Wei came to this community by car.

Just arrived at the gate of the community.

Zhang Wei just saw a twenty-eight or nine-year-old youth looking around at the door, and when he saw him, he walked over with a smile.

watch carefully.

The young man was walking with a limp, and one foot looked stiff while walking, as if he was not very flexible.

"Seeing is worth seeing a hundred times. Mr. Zhang Wei looks younger and more handsome than the rumors say."

The young man stepped forward and stretched out his hand politely:

"Hi, I'm Zhang Chao's friend Luo Fang."

"Hi, I'm Zhang Wei, this is Lu Lianxue."

Zhang Wei responded politely, even if the other party didn't introduce himself, he already recognized the person just by the inflexible leg on the opposite side.

as predicted.

As if noticing the gazes of Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue, Luo Fang patted the stiff leg, and made a sound like rubber, as if it was a prosthetic leg:

"I think that Zhang Chao's mouth is very broken due to some injuries caused by missions in the past few years. Let me tell you, haha."

Zhang Wei nodded with a smile.

Seeing this, Luo Fang laughed and said enthusiastically:

"Let's stop standing here, let's talk at my house, I heard from Zhang Chao, you are here to get his cat, this guy I said before that I would give him a cat, he didn't want it, but now he came to ask for it. "

Zhang Wei smiled:

"Zhang Chao asked for it for his sister. He said he didn't have time to raise it. At most, he would put it in the resident and treat it as a hotel pet. However, he said that if the cat is cute enough, he would not mind keeping one in the resident. Sister Mei and the others are licking cats."

"Haha, then he must be raised. My cats must be cute, and each one is cute."

Luo Fang replied boastfully.

Although they met for the first time, with Zhang Wei around, they were chatty all the way.

Not long.

Luo Fang led them here, and one of the villas in the villa community said:

"This is my home, you guys sit here, I'll get all those kittens out of my house, haha."

The villa is very large, with a small courtyard, and a table and chairs with a shed are placed in the courtyard.


As soon as Zhang Wei entered the yard, he saw several kittens playing on the courtyard lawn.


One of the British short-breed kittens seemed to have noticed Zhang Wei and the others, and was not afraid of strangers. It meowed at them and tilted its head curiously, as if looking at new things.

"so cute."

There are little stars in Lu Lianxue's beautiful eyes, she can't help but go forward to pet the cat.

There are four or five cats in the yard, including British shorthair cats and Ragdoll cats. As Zhang Chao said, Luo Fang’s family has many cats, and this is not all, there are some in the house.

"It's a nice day."

Holding a little puppet cat in his hand, Zhang Wei sat on the garden seat basking in the sun and muttered to himself.

While waiting for Luo Fang, Zhang Wei was not idle. He stroked the cats while looking at the cats in the courtyard, and helped Zhang Chao pick the cats.

for a moment.

Luo Fang came out holding a big cage, and there were four cats in the cage.

"These are my other four cats, haha, if you like them, I'll give you one too."

Zhang Wei looked over.

Of the four cats in the cage, one is an adult cat, and the other three are kittens. Looking at the kittens sleeping around the adult cats, one knows without thinking that the adult cat is a female cat who gave birth to these kittens.

Luo Fang said, pointing to the little puppet in Zhang Wei's hand:

"The one in Zhang Wei's hand is also the same. This big girl in my family was born. It is the eldest of the four little ones. It has the most docile personality and the cutest one in my opinion."

"Of course, you can also want my eldest girl."

Luo Fang pointed to the adult female cat:

"My eldest girl is very fertile, but my wife is reluctant to sterilize her. But with this kind of birth, I can only sterilize her in the end."


After a while of selection, Zhang Wei chose the little puppet he was holding, and then said:

"Just this one, Zhang Chao will definitely like it as a gift for his sister."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang Wei, let me take a picture of it first, I will send it to my wife, and tell my wife, so that my wife and daughter don't think the cat has been stolen when they come back from a trip, haha."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei was a little puzzled:

"Mr. Luo Fang, your wife and daughter are going on a trip? Why don't you go on a trip with me? I remember Zhang Chao said that you have already retired and worked in logistics, and you have enough time to travel with your daughter-in-law."

Luo Fang thought for a while, and said without concealing:

"This, I also want to, but I can't help myself now. If I follow, it will only harm my wife and daughter."

He looked at Zhang Wei and the two:

"Didn't Zhang Chao tell you that I was also a ghost exorcist of the Department of Health and Dao before, but I was injured and retired to logistics."

"As you know, as a ghost exorcist, everyone guarantees that exorcising ghosts will definitely kill the ghosts, and there will always be some ghosts who escape, so they will form beams and become enemies."

"The reason why I say this is because I recently discovered that I seem to be being targeted by ghosts. There are traces of ghosts wandering around my house, and it is a top-level red-clothed ghost that I have captured before. I think it should be my enemy looking for it." It's coming."

"Of course, I may be suspicious, but for the safety of my wife and daughter, I found a reason to let them travel."

The words fell.

Luo Fang scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Looking at it now, it's because I was suspicious. During the three days of my wife and daughter's travels, I haven't encountered any ghosts. It seems that Guiwu passed by by accident."

However, his words just came out.

Zhang Wei looked over and asked out of the blue:

"Mr. Luo Fang, do you raise ghosts?"

"Ah? No."

Luo Fang was stunned, but still responded.

heard the words.

Zhang Wei got up slowly:

"Mr. Luo Fang, your suspicions and guesses are not wrong, there are indeed ghosts watching you."

As he spoke, he hugged the cat and stroked it, while slowly getting up and stepping lightly on the ground:

"At first I thought it was Mr. Luo Fang, you have raised a ghost bodyguard or something, or you are transforming a ghost, dare you not."

The words fell instantly.

When Zhang Wei stepped on the ground, the lightning flashed suddenly, just like the old heavenly master, the thunder burst out under his feet. The only difference is that the old heavenly master's thunder spread in all directions, while Zhang Wei's thunder went deep into the ground like a dragon entering an abyss.


A shrill ghost scream came from the ground.



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