Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 202 Ding! Blessing Digimon Machine 25000 System Points

Sudden shrill screams.

Luo Fang's face changed, and he suddenly looked to the ground.


The courtyard lawn in front of them was like a Baotu Spring, with thunder gushing out of the ground, followed by a ghost.

The ghost was engulfed in thunder, and suddenly in the state of the soul, it was also scorched black by the electricity, and the whole body was full of yin.

"It really is you!"

Seeing this, Luo Fang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he recognized the red-clothed ghost.

That was exactly what he said before, feeling that there was a ghost nearby, it was a top-level red-clothed ghost that he had captured before.

He never thought of it.

In order to avoid his search, this red-clothed ghost hid underground by some means. No wonder he couldn't find it afterward.

In fact.

Don't say that Luo Fang was shocked.

Even the red-clothed ghost was dumbfounded.

【Ding! The red-clothed specter hid underground, and his face changed when he encountered his host Thunder, what the hell? ! Earth... Thunder! 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

The red-clothed ghost never imagined that he had inadvertently acquired a method of exorcising ghosts, so that he could hide in the ground so as not to be discovered, and then thought of taking surprise by surprise, when his enemy Luo Fang relaxed his vigilance, he would kill him without anyone noticing.

Originally it was all planned, after hiding for three days, Luo Fang must have relaxed, no longer suspicious of himself, tonight is the time to do it.

As a result, who knows, even hiding underground was struck by lightning.

at the same time.

Accompanied by Luo Fang's exclamation, Zhang Wei paid attention:

"Mr. Luo Fang, the enemy ghost you mentioned, are you sure this is it?"

"Sure, I recognized it even when it turned into ashes, but I didn't expect him to be hiding on the ground."

As Luo Fang said, he stood in front of Zhang Wei out of professional instinct and said in a deep voice:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, back off, this ghost is very powerful, and it can still dive into the ground without being detected, be careful, I will deal with it... Uh, no..."

It's halfway through.

Luo Fang suddenly remembered Zhang Wei's identity. He was not only one of the top ten potential rising stars, but also a serious Qilin Wei.

For Luo Fang's move.

Zhang Wei was not angry, but smiled. Obviously, Luo Fang, as Zhang Chao said, is a competent member of the Department of Health and Dao who wants to serve the people even if his leg is broken.

Then Luo Fang changed his words and said:

"Mr. Zhang Wei, help me deal with this ghost. This ghost is much stronger than the first time I encountered it."

To this.

Zhang Wei held the puppet in one hand, stretched out the other hand and patted Luo Fang's shoulder:

"Mr. Luo Fang, don't worry, this ghost is powerful, but we don't need to deal with it. Your pet can kill it."


Luo Fang was stunned when he heard the words, thinking he was hallucinating.

However, before Luo Fang asked Zhang Wei, did he hear wrongly, my cat can kill ghosts? Mr. Zhang Wei, what are you talking about?

Just as he opened his mouth to ask, the next second his mouth opened wide in shock.

I saw Zhang Wei speak for a moment.

He touched the little puppet cat in his arms, and then threw the cat to the attacking red-clothed ghost:

"Go! Get it!"

【Ding! Bless the puppet cat system point 20000]

With the system prompt beeping.


Under the blessing of the system point, the palm-sized kitten let out a meow, stretched out its paws and scratched at the red-clothed ghost.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost watched the kitten scratching towards him, and sneered in his heart, haha, do you think this is a black cat, because black cats are somewhat restrained towards ghosts. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

Watching the kitten scratch it.

The red-clothed ghost who attacked couldn't help but want to laugh out loud. From his point of view, he believed that Zhang Wei was trying to restrain himself with a cat. After all, black cats have been known to exorcise ghosts since ancient times.

Even from ancient times to the present, there are many folk rumors about black cats and ghosts, such as grave robbers, if a black cat appears next to a grave when digging a grave, they must not let the black cat approach the corpse, because the corpse will return to life and so on.

However, the red-clothed ghost was not afraid. First, the cat that Zhang Wei threw was a pure white puppet cat, not a black cat. Second, even a black cat would not be able to deal with it, because it was a top-level red-clothed ghost.


The red-clothed ghost surged out with turbulent Yin Qi, and blasted towards the kitten who was rushing towards him.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost sneered, go to hell... scoff... huh? ! ……what----! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

Follow the system sound.

Luo Fang was stunned.

The red-clothed ghost was also stunned.

In their unbelievable gazes, the palm-sized kitten pounced on the red-clothed ghost, showing its paws...

Accompanied by a snort, the kitten cut the surging Yin Qi apart like a cloth.



Pie Pie Pie

Then a claw scratched the face of the red-clothed ghost.


Feeling the burning pain from the three cat's claws on his face, the ghost in red covered his face and screamed.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost was stunned, ah-my face, my face! 】

[Host obtains system points +60]

It was stunned, it never thought that its Yin Qi, which was enough to smash the iron, would be broken by the kitten, and it would be thrown in the face by the cat, scratching it.

This scene.

Luo Fang and Lu Lianxue were dumbfounded.

A ferocious red-clothed ghost exuding a menacing aura, with a kitten on its face, smaller than a ghost's face, the cat was the size of a palm, but scratched the red-clothed ghost's paw marks all over its face, Screaming, he pushed the kitten away from his face.

It wasn't until the kitten was thrown off by the red-clothed ghost that Luo Fang and the others came back to their senses.

Also at this time.

The red-clothed ghost, who distanced himself from the kitten, instinctively looked at Zhang Wei and the others in shock and said:

"What the hell is this?"

It's not loud.

But they all heard Zhang Wei.

"This is a cat." Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Fart, don't pretend to me, this can't be a cat, the cat can't hurt me." The red-clothed ghost subconsciously cursed.

"Okay, I won't pretend anymore, this is not a cat, this is a cat Digimon Tilumon."

In the face of Zhang Wei's words.

The red-clothed ghost felt that he had been insulted, and instinctively yelled:

"Digital Nima...huh?!!!!!!"

However, he didn't wait for him to curse.

Under the gaze of a pair of ghost eyes that stared wide open for a moment.

After Zhang Wei said his words, he took out a Digimon machine from his pocket, then pointed the Digimon machine with 25,000 system points at Kitten, and shouted:

"It's time to evolve, Dilumon! Digimon fully evolved!!!"


A voice sounded.

【晚噚蒙蒋~ゴキゲンな蝶になって (狗ki / I beg you to stay)】

[きらめく风に九って (ki pulls no cry card ze/you no stay)]


that moment.

Luo Fang, Lu Lianxue, including the red-clothed ghost, felt their DNA moved.

That's Digimon's theme song! !

As well as the bg that accompanied the evolution of Digimon, Digimon shot a digital light bar, which was shot in the 80s, 90s, and 00s. People are familiar with Digimon bg.


The kitten meowed, burst into digital brilliance, and became bigger in the blink of an eye.

this moment.

Under the shroud of digital light, BG is ringing, the kitten is changing, and the whole body of light has turned into a humanoid shape, and there are four sets of wings behind it.

When the light fades away.

Looking at the angel-like humanoid creature, the red-clothed ghost screamed in a daze.

"...My God, heavenly female beast?!"

【Ding! The ghost in red was shocked, counting, counting, Digimon, really Digimon! 】

[Host obtains system points +70]

It's not just the red-clothed ghost.

Even Luo Fang and the others were stunned, looking at the beautiful Celestial Beast floating in the air in front of them.

Luo Fang: "????"

Lu Lianxue: "????"

Mother cat: "????"

Other kittens: "?????"


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