Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 203 Wife, Come Out And See Your Favorite Digimon Tennyomon

can be seen.

Luo Fang and the others were all stunned, and even the mother cat looked bewildered.

The expressions on their faces, even if they don't speak, can see their emotions and thoughts at the moment.

Luo Fang's eyes widened.

It seems to be speaking silently... I am Cao! My cat has become an angel! ? No, the Celestial Beast, that is the Celestial Beast, my Pangu Sanqing.

The female cat in the cage, and the kitten who was the same blood as the kitten that turned into a celestial beast were also stunned.

They all stared at the cat pupils.

……Meow? ! I was born? ?

...Is that my brother? ?

at the same time.

The red-clothed ghost was also stunned, and was shocked to see the kitten fully evolved into a celestial female beast.

It subconsciously looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei's previous words unconsciously sounded in my mind...

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost was shocked, he didn't lie to me? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

Think here.

The red-clothed ghost looked up at the heavenly female beast, which was just like him, suspended in the air, but too beautiful, shining with the light of an angel. Even if it was a female ghost or hostile, he was stunned.


Chai Yuquan, a post-80s generation in his thirties, is only in his thirties due to his youthful struggle. He not only has a wife who loves him, but also runs a small company by himself.

Recently, he even bought a villa in a villa complex.

Today is the second day he has moved into the villa. Although the sun is high, the boss of the company no longer needs to work from nine to five like an office worker.

at this time.

He had just finished his morning exercise with his wife, and when he got up from her body, he opened the door of the balcony of the bedroom, ready to smoke a cigarette on the balcony.

"Today's weather is really nice."

Chai Yuquan stood on the balcony and exhaled lightly.

Because this is a villa community, not only the surroundings are quiet and peaceful, but also it lives in a three-story villa with a wide field of vision and a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery.

But that's why.

After standing for a while, Chai Yuquan couldn't watch it anymore, it was too quiet here, which made him unable to calm down, and was about to return to the bedroom.

However, he turned around and walked two steps away.

There was a ghostly scream not far away, and Chai Yuquan was startled, thinking that some gangsters had attacked the woman, so he hurriedly turned his head to look outside the balcony, and followed the sound.

This look.

Chai Yuquan's eyes stared straight:

"I am Cao!!"

He yelled, stunned on the spot, then rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked in the direction of the sound source again. After a long while, Chai Yuquan was sure...that he had read correctly.

he sees.

In the courtyard of a villa not far away, there is an incredible picture.

There was a female ghost with an extremely perverted appearance. The female ghost rushed out of the ground like the land lord, but unlike the land lord who emitted smoke, she emitted thunder and lightning.

Immediately afterwards.

He saw a kitten that he could easily crush to death, and it jumped at the scary female ghost, scratching the female ghost until her face was covered with blood, screaming again and again.

You must know that the female ghost is not an entity, but a ghost.

"I'm in trouble..."

Seeing the female ghost being scratched by a little milk cat, she retreated and screamed, Chai Yuquan's expression was extremely bright.

But although the picture was shocking, he didn't think it was a female ghost, he just thought it was someone making a movie, until he saw it next, and a bg that belonged to the youth of his time sounded.

He froze.

That's Digimon's bg.

Then he saw that the kitten evolved like a Digimon, shrouded in digital light, and evolved into...

"I'm crazy - the Celestial Beast?!! Evolved, the Celestial Beast!!!"

Looking at the lifelike, sacred and profane celestial maiden beast, the holy light shrouded it, and its feathers fluttered all over its body.


Chai Yuquan yelled, stunned in place, only shocked on his face.


Under his gaze, the Celestial Beast launched an attack on the female ghost, all of which he was familiar with and could no longer be familiar with the Celestial Beast's "Heavenly Purple Light", "Holy Arrow", and the female ghost was beaten to the ground.

If it is said that before, he thought that the female ghost was a special effect for filming.

Then the cat fully evolves into a celestial beast, so it cannot be a special effect. This is not a theater, but a reality. There is no technology today that can present special effects so realistically, and there are no special effects equipment around.

Thinking of this, Chai Yuquan hurriedly waved to the bedroom and shouted:

"Wife! Wife! Come out and watch the Heavenly Girl Beast fight against Nie Xiaoqian."

"I'm Cao! Wife, come out quickly, Nie Xiaoqian was shot with a sacred arrow by the Celestial Beast and broke one of her feet."

"My Cao! Nie Xiaoqian vomited blood, my wife, come out and take a look, you will regret it if you don't."

can be seen.

Chai Yuquan was so excited that he never moved his eyes for a moment, for fear of missing a minute.

In the bedroom, Chai Yuquan's wife, who had just been killed by Chai Yuquan, was finally tossed and just fell asleep, but he heard Chai Yuquan screaming like killing a pig. Chai Yuquan's wife had just fallen asleep, and she woke up suddenly come up.

However, she didn't wait for her to get angry when she heard the content of her husband's shout.

Chai Yuquan's wife was stunned.

Heavenly female beast? Nie Xiaoqian? ? Yuquan, what the hell are you shouting about?


Chai Yuquan's wife shouted:

"Yuquan, why are you insane, you can't let me sleep, can you?"

For his wife's tantrum, Chai Yuquan was extremely anxious, but he didn't want to miss a second, so he could only stand there and shout:

"Honey, what I said is true. Come out and have a look. The cat has completely evolved into your favorite Digimon Tennyomon. That cat is Tilumon. Come out and see."

"Wife, hurry up and come and see, hey, you are going to kill me in a hurry."

Just when Chai Yuquan called here.

Bright thunder shines like a god descending into the world.

A figure stepping on Thunder came out from under the shed in the courtyard of the villa.

The thunder under the feet shone and bloomed, covering this figure, as if bathing in thunder.

next moment.

This thunder figure stepped down, and the thunder spread across the ground like a snake, heading straight for the female ghost, trapping the female ghost who was about to escape, weaving it into a thunder cage.

this picture.

He stared deeply at Chai Yuquan. Although he couldn't see the face of that thunder figure clearly because of the thunder, the piercing thunder and lightning seemed to destroy all evil spirits.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost wanted to cry, but it was agreed that only the cat...the heavenly female beast would do it! You foul! 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

Don't I just want to take revenge, and I'm very cautious. I hid for three days and let the enemy relax their vigilance. Why do I just want to take revenge, and let the celestial female beast come out, and there will be a 'God'.

The red-clothed ghost had a look of despair.

And the other side.

On the balcony of Chai Yuquan's house.

Looking at Zhang Wei's thunderous figure, Chai Yuquan yelled again:

"My Cao!!! Wife! Come out and see Thor!"

"Honey! Thunder God is here to help Tiannv Beast beat Nie Xiaoqian, come out and watch."


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