Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 20 Huang Pizi Is Shaking And Cold, I Don't Care If I Don't Want This Letter Today

Just when Huang Pizi lost his mind.

It seemed that Huang Pizi didn't respond, and Baidu's synthetic voice came again.

"Aren't you rich? Tell me if you don't have money. Although you and I are different species, we are more or less yellow-skinned, and we live together in the Great Xia territory. We are a family."

"Wherever you go now, you need to spend money."

"Without money, it's hard to move an inch."

"How about this, I will lend you my mobile phone first, and you can open a water drop chip, and then you will have money, and then buy my mobile phone."

"By the way, do you know Waterdrop Chou? It's a crowdfunding platform for fundraising."

【Ding! Huang Pizi came back to his senses, (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻Shuidichou Nima, your father is here to beg for title, not for food!]

[Host obtains system points +3]

at this time.

If you approach Huang Pizi, you can see that weasel face hidden outside the street lamp, the corners of his mouth twitch, and those weasel hands clenched his fists.

But Zhang Wei didn't seem to see it.

Continue to type in Baidu Translate, and an artificially synthesized sound will be issued.

"Hey, I'm actually poor too. I used to want to pretend to be a dog lover and hit the dog lovers hard on Shuidi Chip."

"It's a pity that my damn kindness prevents me from doing such evil things."

"You and I are both poor."

"It's fate to meet each other. I'll raise some for you, too. I grabbed a 10 yuan red envelope from Weixin today. Later, I will add your Weixin and transfer you a 1 yuan red envelope."

"Of course, you don't have to thank me. This is what I should do. If you want to thank me, I will post it on Moments in the future. Just remember to give me a like, haha~"

With the "haha" artificially synthesized voice of two degrees of whiteness...

A system prompt sounded in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! Huang Pizi is shaking and cold]

[Host obtains system points +3]

I don't know if it's because Zhang Wei lost his mood because he was so angry.

I was still so angry by Zhang Wei that I didn't even have the mood for revenge.

Huang Pizi gritted his teeth and glanced at Zhang Wei.

next moment.

A hoarse voice sounded like a human being.

Only this time it was no longer the same sentence as before.

Only two words.


After saying this, Huang Pizi turned around and left into the grass.

【Ding! Huang Pizi was so angry that he flicked his little hand and ran away. I don't care if I don't want this letter today! unlucky! . 】

[Host obtains system points +5]

It was run away by Zhang Wei angrily.

to be frank.

According to Huang Pizi's personality, if he fails to get a seal, he must take revenge, but he doesn't intend to take revenge, because he is really afraid that after the retaliation, this 'dumb youth' will go to Shuiditou, thereby harming other people. Thinking about it, he feels himself The crime is serious, so I will take revenge on a der.

for a moment.

The grass in the distance returned to calm.

"Huang Pizi is gone." After feeling it, Zhang Chao said.

The words fell.

He looked at Zhang Wei, grinned and gave a thumbs up.

"Strong, Zhang Wei, can you still deal with Huang Pizi's begging for title like this? I have learned."

Wu Nian put his palms together:

"Amitabha, sin is sin."

However, looking at Zhang Wei from time to time, it is obvious that he has no thoughts and is not calm, refreshing his understanding of Zhang Wei.

None of them planned to chase Huang Pizi.

One is to see that there is no bloody smell on the yellow skin, so it can be seen that it has never harmed anyone.

The second is that this is the Northeast.

And one of the five great immortals in Northeast China is the Huang family.

The Huang family represents the weasel.

Killing Huang Pizi in the Northeast, wouldn't it be too long for Tai Sui to break ground? Besides, Huang Pizi didn't take action against them, so naturally there was no reason to arrest Huang Pizi.

They also had no intention of accepting Huang Pizi's request.

Compared with ordinary people.

They know Huang Pizi better.

Knowing that Huang Pizi's request for seal is the luck of all souls.

If Huang Pizi could use this to become a fairy, it would be a good thing for them.

But none of them dared to try it lightly.

after all.

No one knew the details of this yellow leather child, in case Fang Ye got a lot of retribution, his own luck would not be able to bear it, and it would only be the two sides that would suffer.

at the same time.

Continue on your way to the construction site.

"Brother Wu Nian, why didn't you help Huang Pizi get the seal verbally just now?"

After chatting with Zhang Chao for a few words, Zhang Wei laughed.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and responded leisurely.

"Everything in the world has cause and effect, and I have cause and effect in myself. If I grant that yellow leather seal, it carries my destiny, and it will also have cause and effect with me."

"The karma with me, it will also be added to my karma, which is not good for it."


Its sound is long and long, echoing on this night path.

Zhang Wei couldn't help looking at Wu Nian, frowning.

"Wu Nian, do you have a catastrophe approaching?"

Although Wu Nian spoke profoundly, he understood what it meant.

That is Wu Nian is currently enduring a karma, a karma that is not good for him. To put it bluntly, he is afraid that a catastrophe is coming. If it is sealed with a yellow skin, the yellow skin is equivalent to a karmic relationship with him.

Then there is a causal relationship with no-mind, and it is naturally possible to be dragged into the catastrophe of no-mind.


Wu Nian clasped his palms together on his forehead:

"My uncle, Master Wu, returned to the embrace of the Buddha five years ago. Before he left, he made a calculation for me."

"He once said that I will encounter a catastrophe in the near future."

Zhang Wei's eyes flickered, he hesitated for a while and asked:

"Is your catastrophe a death catastrophe?"

Since ancient times, Buddhists have said that there will be calamities.

Among them, there is the saying of "big catastrophe".

For the world, the "Great Calamity" is a catastrophe, a disaster that will involve tens of thousands of lives.

As far as people are concerned, the "big catastrophe" is a catastrophe that will affect their life. This kind of catastrophe that can affect the future is called a big catastrophe.

This catastrophe is divided into two types.

One for good and one for bad.

simply put.

A good catastrophe can lead to great prospects and a bright future.

on the contrary.

A bad catastrophe can cause a person to be permanently disabled, paralyzed, or even lose his life, and this is also called a "death catastrophe"!

Wu Nian did not hide, after all, there is nothing to hide.

Nod slightly.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei frowned: "No wonder you are not banned."

Wu Nian has a death calamity in his body, if he is named Huang Pizi, it means that Huang Pizi will also be implicated in his death calamity, Wu Nian is merciful, and naturally he does not want to do such an outrageous thing.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei pondered for a while, but still grinned:

"If there is anything that needs my help, you can tell me."

"Of course, it's fine if it's too big, haha, I'm afraid of death."

Although he had only known Wu Nian for a day, after talking all the way, Wu Nian was quite to his liking.


Wu Nian is kind, such a good person, it's a pity to die, and since I know this, if I ignore it, then my conscience will feel bad, but I don't plan to really go through fire and water, after all, I am not a very good person, just like Wu Nian see once.

Wu Nian naturally saw what Zhang Wei meant.

Thank you with a smile.


Put your hands together and say:

"Thank you Zhang Wei benefactor, you don't have to worry, my master uncle told me that my death is not ten deaths without life, and there is still a glimmer of life hidden."

"he told me."

"If I want to resolve the catastrophe, I need to go down to Mount Wutai, escape into this world, and find the fate of the catastrophe."

"If my fate should not die, I will find that fate."

"So the little monk cultivated the Buddha's golden body three years ago, and was ordered by his master to go down the mountain and join the Department of Health and Dao, to cast down demons and eliminate demons in this world, hoping to find the fate of breaking the catastrophe."


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