"I see."

Zhang Wei nodded.

He knew that Wu Nian was comforting himself, after all, fate is such an illusory thing, God knows what is the fate to unravel his death.

Zhang Chao has the same idea as Zhang Wei.

He waved his hand and said.

"Whether it's a cow-nosed old man or a bald head like you, they all like to talk about Yuanyuan."

"What the hell, this thing can't be touched or seen, how can it be so easy to find."

"I think it's better for Wu Nian to do more work for the Department of Health and Dao, and apply for some powerful magic weapons from above, maybe it will be more useful."

"If you can borrow the magic weapon of the country, let alone protect you from the catastrophe, you can make your catastrophe as festive as the Spring Festival."

"I'm right, Zhang Wei."

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally:

"Indeed, compared to the predestined relationship said by Buddhism and Taoism, I think it is not as real as things come from."

"It's like money. Although money is something outside of the body, you can't do it without money."

Zhang Chao repeatedly nodded in agreement.

"Hey, I love hearing Zhang Wei's words. Zhang Wei, I feel that you must have been my brother in the previous life. We are so speculative."

"That's right, I think so too. In our previous life, we were either brothers or father and son. I am the father and you are the son, so I know everything about you."

"You (艹盘艺) grass, take advantage of me, and blow up your ass."

Zhang Chao is a thousand-year-kill against Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei twisted his body and avoided it easily.

Wu Nian watched the two fight, put his hands together and smiled.

he knows.

This is Zhang Wei trying to ease the atmosphere, he doesn't want himself and others to feel depressed because of this kind of death.

The three of them just laughed and laughed and fought all the way.

Came to the construction site.


at this time.

It was 4 o'clock in the morning, and the sky was still dark.

Because Zhang Wei was exorcising ghosts tonight, Yu Weihong called all the workers away from the construction site, and the Nuoda construction site was empty, so quiet that even the slightest disturbance could be heard clearly.

If a thief enters the construction site to steal things at this time, it will definitely be a pleasure to steal.

But Yu Weihong is not afraid.

Thieves can steal things, but they will also be scared to death. You must know that there are still a coffin and a zombie lying in the shed on the construction site.

Zhang Wei took Zhang Chao and the two to the greenhouse.

The latter upon seeing the zombie.

Zhang Chao couldn't help staring:

"Wori, Zhang Wei, what did you do to the zombie? Did it owe you q coins, or did it suck the blood of your family? Why did you beat people to death like this?"

He was talking.

He raised the left arm of the dead zombie and shook his head.

I saw that the entire left arm was like a strip of cloth, limp and dangling.

Pretending to be.

The bones of the zombie's left arm were all broken.

Looking at the zombie's body, apart from some corpse spots, there were also some bruises, which were obviously formed not long ago.

"It's nothing, just punched it a few times and kicked it a few times."

Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"..." Zhang Chao, Wu Nian.

How are you kicking and punching, you are clearly treating zombies like sandbags.

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei benefactor, your physical strength is no less than our Buddhist golden body."

Wu Nian glanced at the zombie.

I read the Buddhist Heart Sutra of Transcendence.

Zhang Wei waved his hand: "Brother Wu Nian, I'm just doing more exercise. I'm not as strong as you said. By the way, don't call me Zhang Wei benefactor, just call me Zhang Wei."


Checked out the zombies and the iron coffin.

Zhang Chao frowned:

"Wu Nian, can you tell which way this person is refining zombies?"

His gaze fell on the ink fountain line drawn on the iron coffin.

"Although this is the method of Maoshan technique, the ink fountain line used is not the Maoshan ink fountain line."

"The person who made the iron coffin zombie should not be from the Maoshan school."

There are many occupations for exorcists.

In addition to the more well-known occupations such as Taoist priests, monks, and horse immortals, there are actually other occupations.

For example, Maoshan Warlock, Credit Sword Man, Gu Master, Feng Shui Master and so on.

in addition.

There are also various divisions of these occupations.

For example, Maoshan warlocks can be divided into many categories, such as the orthodox Maoshan Taoist priests. The Nine Uncles in Lin Zhengying’s movie are Maoshan Taoist priests, and there are also partial ones.

However, there is also a saying that the Xiangxi Exorcism School did not originate from Maoshan Art, but a school of its own, which is witchcraft.

In short.

Exorcising ghosts has various sects.

Each faction has its own characteristics and characteristics.

It is precisely through these characteristics and characteristics that the Department of Health and Justice arrests the ghost exorcist to determine the profession of the ghost exorcist for tracking down and dealing with it.

Zhang Chao comes from the Maoshan school.

Now through his inspection, he found that the handwriting of the iron coffin did not come from Maoshan's technique.

I can only turn to the knowledgeable Wu Nian for help.


Wu Nian, who squatted down to check the coffin, heard the words, patted the dust on his body, got up and said:

"From my point of view."

"The person who refines zombies should not belong to the big sect, but from a small sect. He may be a corpse maker, puppet maker, or paper maker."

"However, it is not ruled out that it is foreign."

"The little monk remembers that the lower-head masters in Southeast Asia also have a similar method of refining corpses. The ink fountain line may just be used by them to imitate."

Zhang Chao leaned on his chin to think.

Combined with words without thoughts.

He pondered:

"The second cobbler is very likely. I'll just say that the ink fountain line is drawn. It's weird. Maybe it's mixed with the second cobbler's special sewing thread."

Its mouth is two cobblers.

It was the mortician mentioned by Wu Nian.

The second cobbler, also known as the corpse seammaker, also known as the linker.

In the ancient Xia Kingdom, the most taboo thing was that the head was in a different place, and the fallen leaves could not return to their roots. At the same time, there was a saying that the soul returned to its hometown.

In ancient times, there were many people with different heads, especially in times of chaos.

Therefore, when many people in ancient times died and were decapitated, the family members would seek completeness.

A mortician is to piece together these incomplete bodies into a complete person with threads.

Using various methods to find the decapitated corpses, and then piece them together again, this is the corpse seamstress.

According to the legend, "the seamstress not only connects the corpses of people, but also connects the souls of people."

Say it bluntly.

The weirdness of the artisan's techniques is absolutely no less than that of Mao Shan Shu and Chu Ma Xian.

at this time.

Sitting aside and beating the king, Zhang Wei, who didn't bother Zhang Chao and had no intention of investigating, raised his head and made a sound.

"So, besides this iron coffin, there should be other iron coffin zombies."

"The mortician's method of refining corpses is to piece together corpses, and to piece together a corpse with iron coffin zombies..."

That's all for words.

Rao is Wu Nian, Zhang Chao also looked solemn, looking dignified.


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