Think here.

Luo Fang couldn't wait any longer, and picked up the cat rubbing against his feet:

"Zaizai, I seem to be able to be a ghost exorcist again, haha, but I need your help, I will think of a way to make you stronger."


I don't know if it was Luo Fang's words that the cats understood, or his loud voice attracted the cats, all the cats in the courtyard meowed at him.

To this.

Luo Fang raised a smile, and already began to imagine the scene of two cats lying on his body, and several cats beside him, walking like dragons and tigers to exorcise ghosts. Thinking about it, he was a little excited.

Can't help it.

He said with emotion:

"Mr. Zhang Wei can make cats drive away ghosts. Just meeting him can make my cat so powerful. Then his Huahua must be even stronger. I really want to see what kind of cat Huahua is."


at the same time.

It is far outside Jinguan City, Sichuan Province.

Luxia City, the back garden of a community.

Since the property is currently repairing the garden and it is midday, there is no one in the garden.

But suddenly, in the depths of the garden, there was a faint scream of people.


The scream was not one, it sounded immature, continuous ups and downs, many in number, it seemed that there were not one child, but several children, but if you listened carefully, it didn't sound like a normal child's scream, it was eerie. Hairy

It was a group of ghost infants and ghost children, twenty or thirty in number.

At this moment, they are running wildly in the garden, with horror written on their ghost faces, fleeing in all directions, wanting to leave the garden.


Accompanied by a meow.


Those ghosts fell one by one, and the meowing sound was like hearing the song of the underworld to them, and it was a symbol of death.

Meowing sounded.

A petite and chubby figure as fast as lightning shuttled among the fleeing ghost babies and ghost children... In just a few seconds, most of the ghost babies died.

"No, don't kill me."

Even though the ghost babies and ghost children begged for mercy, they looked pitiful.

However, the petite and chubby figure seemed to know how evil these ghosts were, so without any mercy, they opened their mouths and raised their claws and bit them, tearing up these ghost babies and devouring them.

This scene.

Seen by other surviving ghosts, their legs trembled in fright.

Outsiders may not know what this figure is, but they can see clearly that it is an orange cat, the cat spirit that became after the death of an orange cat.

It looks chubby, looks chubby, and has the cute figure of the cat teacher in Natsume's friend account. Even if it dies and becomes a soul state, it can't hide its cuteness at all.

But the ghost babies and ghost children present didn't think they were cute at all.


This chubby orange cat, the corners of its mouth and paws were covered with ghost blood. In their eyes, it was like a cat "black and white impermanence", ruthlessly harvesting their lives, leaving no one behind.

They never thought of it.

A cute orange cat can be so powerful.

Even though many of them have reached the level of the red-clothed ghosts, and one is even the best among the red-clothed ghosts, they were torn to pieces before the orange cat could do a few tricks.

"How did it become so powerful?"

A ghost baby made a sound of panic.

It still remembers that not long ago it was a ghost with ghost power. Their power is composed of ghost babies and ghost children. The boss is a ghost baby who is about to become a ghost king. It is very powerful. rising stars.

But all this was shattered not long ago. The reason is that a newly joined ghost baby wanted to kill an old lady's family for revenge, but was found and killed by the ghost exorcist.

Then the ghost baby boss wanted revenge and killed the ghost exorcist, but not only failed in revenge, but was killed by the ghost exorcist, and even the ghost baby boss was killed by an unknown scary ghost king.

I thought it was just that, but they can actually accept it. After all, the boss is powerful and its strength is weakened, but the others are still alive.

But who knows...

The cat spirit that protects the old lady's family has been chasing them for the safety of the old lady's family, and during the time of chasing them, it has grown rapidly, and its strength has skyrocketed like riding a rocket. It has grown from an ordinary red-clothed ghost to a breakthrough. The king of ghosts.

That growth rate is unheard of and unseen.

Now, with the cat spirits chasing and killing them, their forces have suffered heavy casualties. Of the hundreds of ghosts, only a handful of them are left.

His voice asked.

No ghosts answered the baby ghosts' questions, because they were also puzzled.

At this moment.

Perhaps its words caught the orange cat's attention, and it turned its head to look over:


It yelled at the ghost baby, and then jumped up with a chubby body, at a very fast speed, it came in front of it and bit it to death.

Not long.

Looking at the depths of the garden, there are ghost corpses and ghost blood that gradually turned into ghosts and ghosts, and there is only one powerful red-clothed ghost-level ghost baby left in the field, which was stepped on by the orange cat's chubby claws Can't get up from the ground.

Also at this time.

The orange cat spoke, and uttered a tender female voice:

"Tell me how many ghosts you have and where they are."

"It's gone, it's all killed by you, please let me go, I won't trouble that old lady, our boss is dead, we really dare not look for it."

Mention the boss.

The eyes of the orange cat are flickering. For the safety of the old lady, it has been chasing and killing the ghost infant forces. The purpose is to ensure that the old grandmother and its owner Zhang Wei will not be retaliated by the ghost infant forces. But after tracking down, they were told that the ghost infant boss died early. .

When I asked them why, they all said that the boss was accidentally killed by a ghost king, but when I asked them who the ghost king was, none of them could answer. They seemed to be even more afraid of the ghost king, and they dared not answer until they died.

But fortunately, although he didn't ask about the identity of the ghost king, at least he knew that the ghost baby's power was almost dead, and he had no ability to retaliate.


After asking a few more times, Huahua, the orange cat, killed the ghost. It shook off the ghost blood on its body, stared at the ghost corpse that gradually dissipated, and said with satisfaction:

"After working for so long, I finally cleaned up the baby ghost forces. Grandma and the others are completely safe."

in words.

It happily added in its heart:

"I can finally go to the master."

However, just as it finished speaking, it was about to leave with chubby paws.

It seems to have a feeling.

Huahua's cat pupils suddenly became awe-inspiring, and she looked towards a dark and shadowy flower bush not far away:

"Meow~ who's there."

It sounds.

The flowers were rustling, and a man walked out of it, no matter in his attire or appearance, he was all ordinary, he belonged to the kind of ordinary man who lost the crowd and could not be found in the crowd.

If you insist on finding out the characteristics, you just wear a pair of presbyopic glasses.

"Who are you."

Looking at the newcomer, Huahua was more vigilant than ever before, and her cat's fur was raised.

Animals already have a strong premonition of danger. After becoming a ghost, this premonition is even stronger. Huahua can feel that this person who can see it is powerful, at least much stronger than it, making it feel palpitations for no reason. .

"Don't be nervous, I'm not with those ghosts."

The man with presbyopic glasses smiled at Huahua, he seemed to admire Huahua very much, and looked at Huahua:

"I didn't expect to find such a powerful cat spirit when passing by a random place. Seeing that you are not very old as a ghost, but you can grow to be close to the ghost king level. It's really amazing."

As he spoke, he glanced at the corpses of ghost babies all over the place:

"It's so cruel, the baby ghosts are bitten to pieces, but I like it, so ghosts have to be cruel."

The voice did not fall.

next second.

In Huahua's astonishment, the man with presbyopic glasses asked Huahua:

"You are such a powerful cat spirit, killing ghosts and growing up in this kind of place is a bit wasteful. Do you want to join us?"

"Join you? Who are you?" Huahua subconsciously asked.

To this.

The man with presbyopic glasses didn't hide his smile and said:

"Sen Ross."


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