Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 206 You May Not Believe It, But My Cat Has Joined Sen Luosi

The man with presbyopic glasses continued:

"I don't know if you've heard of Sen Luosi."

in words.

He reached out and pushed his reading glasses, and walked straight out of the grass:

"Take your time, let me introduce myself, I am from Senluosi, you can call me glasses."

Because Huahuagui is not very old, and Huahua's nest is in this inconspicuous place, the man with presbyopic glasses thinks that Huahua doesn't know much about Sen Luosi.

that's the truth.

Huahua has been staying with her grandma since she became a ghost, making a contract with Zhang Wei, but because of the baby ghost, she seldom has contact with Zhang Wei, so she doesn't know about Sen Luosi.

At this moment.

The man with presbyopic glasses introduced this, and glanced at the dead ghost babies:

"In addition, I don't know if you don't know our Senluosi. In order not to cause you to misunderstand our Senluosi, I have to mention it in advance."

"We Senluosi are different from these ghosts you eliminated, they are incomparable to us."

"If you join in, it won't make some of you down."

"The opposite of."

"I can assure you that as long as you join in and get to know Senluosi, you will not regret your decision to join Senluosi. I promise you this with my head."

The words fell.

The man with presbyopic glasses stared at Huahua with burning eyes:

"A cruel ghost like you is really suitable for our Sen Luosi."

Hua Hua stared at each other.

It knew that the other party had misunderstood it, thinking that it was now powerful because it relied on the brutal killing and devouring of ghosts in exchange for its great strength.

However the truth is...

Its strength is not obtained by cruelly killing ghosts, it is all contracted with Zhang Wei's ghost back pattern, relying on the special nature of the ghost back pattern, its strength is synchronized with Zhang Wei, if its own strength does not exceed Zhang Wei, in the ghost back pattern With the help, I can achieve the same strength as Zhang Wei.

In other words.

What the man with presbyopic glasses sees is that Huahua has grown strong, which is the result of Zhang Wei's growth.

And the man with presbyopic glasses is destined not to know that Huahua's so-called cruel killing of ghosts is just chasing and killing grandma and Zhang Wei to avoid revenge. The other party has no way of knowing the truth, because it has killed all ghost babies.

Think about it.

Huahua was silent, the misunderstanding seemed a bit big.

But it can't explain it, let alone whether it will harm Zhang Wei, it can feel that the opponent's strength is terrifying, and it cannot be dealt with by itself.

And through the words of the other party, it is sure that if it does not agree, it will most likely die.

Just when Huahua was thinking about how to get out of trouble.

Perhaps he felt Huahua's silence, or maybe he realized that he was too impatient. Sen Luosi had never invited ghosts like this, but he couldn't bear it, and it was the first time he met such a powerful and ferocious cat ghost.


He spoke again:

"It's a bit abrupt for me to invite you like this. After all, you don't know Sen Luosi. How about giving you three days? It just so happens that I didn't come here just to hang out. I still have things to do."

"Through these three days, you can inquire about our Sen Luosi. I will come to you in three days, and you will give an answer then."

The man with presbyopic glasses had no ink stains, and after getting Huahua's nod, he walked straight up.

the other side.

Watching him leave, Huahua has a strange expression on her face.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing, and I can only blame my master Zhang Wei for giving me too much strength.


Huahua didn't stay for long. Now that she got rid of this weird person for the time being, she had a lot of time to deal with it.


It returned to grandma's house, looked at grandma and their family sitting in the living room watching TV, turned around and went into the bedroom, clicked on grandma's mobile phone screen in the bedroom, and called Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei told it before that if there is a situation, you can call it.

Now when I meet a person who is at least as high as the ghost king, it can't handle it, so I have to inform Zhang Wei to prevent my own affairs from harming Zhang Wei.


the other side.

Sichuan Province, Jinguan City.

at this time.

On a Didi car heading to the Seven Days Hotel.

Zhang Wei is teasing a kitten with Lu Lianxue, ready to go back and bring it to Zhang Chao.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang, interrupting Zhang Wei from teasing the cat.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. He frowned and was a little stunned. This was Huahua's grandma's call.


After picking up the phone, Huahua meowed from inside.

Zhang Wei suddenly smiled and said:

"So it's Huahua. How's it going? How's things going with grandma?"

"Meow~ Master has been completely dealt with."

"Haha, that's a good thing, when I go back this time, I'll go find you, and then you will come and help me exorcise ghosts."

"I thought so too, but I'm afraid it won't work now, master, something happened to me, I don't know master, do you know Sen Luosi, today I..."

Immediately afterwards.

Huahua tells the story of meeting Sen Luosi's man with presbyopic glasses, and killing the ghost baby.

After finishing speaking, Huahua heard Zhang Wei's surprised voice on the phone:

"Huahua, are you sure it's Senluosi, not Weidaosi, or some other department's power?"

"Sure, master."

Huahua replied.

Zhang Wei was silent, his expression was indescribably wonderful.

Good guy, it's fine if I'm being targeted by Sen Luosi, even my cat is being targeted by Sen Luosi.

He is not a fool, he knows that the man with presbyopic glasses does not know the back pattern of ghosts, and mistakenly thinks that Huahua is wild, and because of his own eccentric personality, he wants to win him into Sen Luosi.

At this moment.

A voice came from Huahua:

"Master, what do you think I should do?"

Zhang Wei thought for a while:

"Huahua, there are two ways to solve this matter. It depends on which one you choose. One is to go to Captain Lin Tong who helped grandma before, tell him about Sen Luosi, and let the Department of Defense deal with it."

"Three days should be enough for the Ministry of Health to organize people to deal with that person."

"The second is that you... join Sen Luosi, of course, the premise is that you can ensure your own safety. Although you are in danger and have ghost back tattoos, I can give you support at any time, but I can't be sure that you will be safe."

"So it depends on how you choose. I suggest you choose the first one. Safety is the most important thing, because I have fought against Sen Luosi myself, and I know that they are powerful. They have many ghost kings..."

It's not over yet.

Hua Hua interrupted Zhang Wei's words:

"Master, have you met Sen Luosi? Have you fought against them? Didn't they bother you later?"

"How could they not trouble me, they all wanted to kill me and my friends, but they were turned into me..."

Resolving the word is halfway through.

Huahua interrupted Zhang Wei again, and this time it said bluntly:

"The master, I choose the second one, and join Sen Luosi. Since they are so powerful, they must be more vengeful than the ghost infant forces. I will become one of them, relying on the strength the master gave me, I said It may not be possible to break into the inside."

"At that time, if they take revenge on the master, I will know immediately."

"Master, don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm sure I'll be safe. Grandma likes to watch spy movies. I've followed them a lot. I'm an undercover agent. I'm very familiar with it."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei was moved. Of course he knew that Huahua only entered for his own safety, so he rejected Huahua's kind offer, focusing on Huahua's safety, but Huahua insisted on going, but in the end he couldn't resist, so Zhang Wei had no choice but to agree:

"Okay, let's go first, but let's talk about it first, if you find something wrong, run as soon as possible, don't care if you expose me or not, if you hear me."

"And I'll call grandma later and ask her to send you a mobile phone. If you have anything to do, please contact me."

I chatted with Huahua again.


Zhang Wei hung up the phone, and they got out of the car and walked back to the Seven Days Hotel.

From the side, Lianxue looked over:

"Zhang Wei, what happened, Senluosi? Who joined Senluosi?"

She heard Zhang Wei chatting, but because she couldn't hear Huahua's words, she didn't know what Zhang Wei was talking about.

To this.

Zhang Wei turned around and said slowly:

"You may not believe it, but my cat has joined Sen Luosi."


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