Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 207 Zhang Chao: If That Doesn't Work, Get Seven Ghost King Heads Together To Exchange

In Jinguan City, the "Seven Days Hotel" where the Ministry of Health is based.

After talking with Huahua on the phone.

Zhang Wei took Lu Lianxue and the kitten that Zhang Chao picked out back to the hotel.

While waiting for Zhang Chao to get off work, I bought cat food with him.

He was not idle, and called up the system panel, ready to sort out and check his system points, props, etc., to maximize safety for Huahua, so as to avoid timely response in case of danger.

【Host】: Zhang Wei

[System Points]: 38390 (top red-clothed ghost)

【Exorcism】: ghost back pattern

[Props]: One-time ability 'becoming a Buddha and becoming a demon in one thought', one-time ability 'shrinking the ground into an inch · Hades version'

His eyes fell on the 'System Points' column, Zhang Wei murmured:

"It's still about 12,000 system points. Even if I rely on the system point 'synchronization', I can reach the strength of the ghost king."

The last system upgrade allowed him to have the system'synchronization' function, and the system points he obtained could be directly fed back to himself, permanently improving the strength of his corresponding blessing system points.

In other words.

He has obtained a different cultivation method from other ghost exorcists. Others may need to practice to accumulate Taoism and improve strength, etc., but he is different. He only needs to continuously trigger the emotions of ghosts to obtain system points to improve his own strength.

System points are equal to his 'experience'.

Same time.

After getting in touch with ghosts of different strengths, as well as the "knowledge of exorcising ghosts and knowledge possessed by Longhushan" obtained by the system, Zhang Wei already has a certain understanding of the system points and the rating of the Ministry of Health.

in its view.

Not counting the blessing system points, just relying on the "synchronized" system points of one's own, one's own synchronization of 10,000 system points is the minimum standard of Qilin Guard, and when one's own synchronization of 50,000 system points is the first entry into the ghost king level strength.

And since these days, besides exorcising ghosts, I often have sex with the fat man, go to hand-made shops, etc., and collect the wool from the fat man, as well as the wool from the willow tree. .

Especially recently brushed 2 ghost king forces, he got a total of 38390 system points.

He only needs to have about 12,000 system points to reach 50,000 system points, and he can reach the strength of the ghost king by himself.


If he blesses himself with system points and adds his own synchronous strength, he has already surpassed 50,000 system points, reaching the level of a ghost king.

That's why Zhang Wei agreed to Huahua's request after thinking twice.


The ghost back pattern is special, Huahua's strength is synchronized with his own, and Huahua can also bless the system points. In other words, as long as he is willing, Huahua can reach the ghost king level strength under the blessing of the system points.

But Zhang Wei still feels unsafe, and plans to get another 12,000 system points as soon as possible, so that even if his own strength is not blessed with system points, he can reach 50,000 system points simultaneously and step into the ghost king level.

Think here.

Zhang Wei patted his face, he had a long way to go, he couldn't procrastinate, not to mention Huahua's situation, Wu Nian had Master Kong Jing's relic, and he reckoned that his strength would improve very quickly, so he had to work hard.


Zhang Wei opened the luggage and took out two things from the suitcase.

a flute.

A small rattle.

These are two ghosts.

The former was obtained from Zhang Wei when she went to Qiu Xiaolin to help her get rid of the knocking ghost in the dormitory.

The latter was obtained from the ghost infants at the manga exhibition, and it was this rattle that made the uncle Qilinwei feel embarrassed and failed to break through the ghost domain.

"These two ghosts are useless to me, and their abilities are useless to Huahua."

Recalling the effect of the two ghosts, Zhang Wei took out the ghosts with a grunt.

He planned to go downstairs later, talk to Zhang Chao and the others, take the two ghosts and the ghost king's head from before, and exchange them with Wei Daosi for ghosts that are useful to Huahua.

Do whatever comes to mind.

Zhang Wei got up and went downstairs.


Seven-day hotel lounge.

at this time.

Zhang Mei and the others were sitting in the lounge. Since there were no supernatural events, they were very salty fish, playing with their mobile phones there.

There was a crunch.

Zhang Wei opened the door and came in. He didn't have any ink marks, so he took out the ghost to explain his purpose.

To this.

Zhang Mei was not surprised. It was very common for exorcists to exchange ghost objects and other things with the Secretary of Defense.

Take the ghost.

She said:

"Then I'm going to report to the Department of Health and Dao now. I don't know what type or ability ghost you want to exchange Zhang Wei. You have three heads of ghost kings. If you add these two, you can exchange for a very powerful magic weapon or ghost."

Adhering to Huahua's joining Senluosi, the less people know, the more it can ensure that Huahua is not exposed and the security is guaranteed.

Zhang Wei didn't say the reason, but casually found a reason:

"Is this, I want to exchange for the kind of ghost that can save life for Mr. Liushu, and the magic weapon is not needed, or the kind of ghost that can help escape. Sister Mei, you know, life comes first, hahaha."

Zhang Mei smiled and nodded:

"I understand this. That guy Zhang Chao also often says that safety comes first. Last time he came back from the Northeast, he often went home to take the life-saving magic weapon with him."

"Including when I came back from the Northeast, I also assembled a life-saving magic weapon belt."

We talked for a while.

Zhang Mei turned around and called the Department of Health and Dao.

Zhang Wei was not idle, he was about to get off work, so he took Zhang Chao to buy cat food.

on the way.

Zhang Wei asked:

"Zhang Chao, I heard from Sister Mei that you have a life-saving magic weapon on you?"

Zhang Chao didn't hide anything, curled his lips and said:

"I didn't expect me to hide so deep, but you discovered it. Originally, I wanted to find a chance to show off in front of you."

As he spoke, he took out a magic weapon in the shape of a small flag:

"This is our Maoshan Sect's banner for inviting gods, a magic weapon of the township level. Its function is very simple. It can invite the upper body of the gods. The old chicken is amazing. It is said that the first time my father went out, he relied on this thing to get the ghost from the hands of the ghost king. survive."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Chaozhi and said:

"No wonder the last time I met the ghost king in the hotel, you still have time to complain about my keychain to Sister Mei, so you have nothing to worry about."

"Hehehe, it's not that I'm confident. I was really panicked at the time. After all, I haven't used the God Banner before. I just think that with you, it shouldn't be a big problem. I'm already confident in you."

Zhang Chao replied with a smile:

"Speaking of Zhang Wei, why did my sister tell you this all of a sudden?"

After Zhang Wei revealed the previous conversation with Zhang Mei, Zhang Chao was taken aback for a moment, then pulled Zhang Wei and said:

"Fuck, exchange the ghost to save the life of Mr. Willow? It's so extravagant, but when it comes to life-saving ghosts, Zhang Wei, I suggest you go to exchange for a ghost from the Department of Defense. That ghost is a powerful thief."

"I also drank with my dad not long ago. My dad was drunk. He told me."

"It is said that in addition to ghost exorcists, there are also some good ghosts who are also members of the Department of Health and Dao. There are even ghosts who have become real dragon guards."

"Then this ghost thing, it is said that the real ghost dragon guard used it back then, and it can save his life. Even the ghost king may not be able to beat him to death. You can ask the Secretary of Defense to see if you can get it in exchange."

Zhang Wei was surprised when he heard this:

"So powerful? Even the ghost king can't be killed? Then can I get it in exchange?"

Zhang Chao shrugged:

"I don't know about that. It should be enough. After all, you have three ghost king heads. It's really not enough. You kill a few more ghost kings, gather seven ghost king heads, and exchange them, haha."

Zhang Wei raised his middle finger and scolded with a smile:

"You should collect the seven dragon balls and summon the dragon."

That being said.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone and called Zhang Mei, planning to talk to Zhang Mei about exchanging for this ghost.


Not long after the phone call, Zhang Mei called back.

As soon as the phone was connected, Zhang Mei's voice came instantly:

"Zhang Wei, the thing you mentioned was given to an old gentleman by the Department of Health and Protection four years ago. If you want it, you can go to the old gentleman and see if you can exchange it."

His words come out.

Zhang Chao, who listened together with his ears, was surprised:

"Give away the ghost owned by a real dragon guard-level ghost? When did the Secretary of Defense become so extravagant?"

Not only Zhang Chao, but Zhang Wei was also surprised.

They were all curious about who this old gentleman was, and the Department of Defense was willing to present a real dragon guard-level ghost as a gift.


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