Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 208 A Living Legend, No, A Legend Among Legends

True Dragon Guards, that is a ceiling-level existence, the magical artifacts and ghosts that can be used by them, and they can also be used at the level of True Dragon Guards, at least at the town level.

And what is the level of the town faction, it is naturally the level of the big faction that is in charge of a mountain sect. For things of this level, the Department of Health and Dao actually gave it away as soon as it said it.

That's why.

Zhang Wei looked at each other, and both could see curiosity in each other's eyes.

What kind of person can let the Department of Health and Dao take out this kind of thing and give it away.


Without waiting for Zhang Wei to ask, Zhang Chao couldn't help but speak first:

"Sister, who is that old gentleman? Do I know him? Is it Taishan Beidou, Longhushan in our exorcism circle? Or our Maoshan School, or the Northeast Five Immortals?"

Zhang Mei didn't hide it, holding the information she just got, she smiled brightly and said:

"If you guess in this direction, you'll run out of brain cells, and you won't be able to guess."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, and had already guessed:

"It's not Taishan Beidou class, sister Mei, don't tell me, is that an ordinary ghost exorcist, or...that old gentleman is not a ghost exorcist at all, but an ordinary person?"

Although the speculation is absurd, Zhang Wei has to think about it in Zhang Mei's words.

as predicted.

Zhang Mei's voice came from the phone:

"Haha, Zhang Wei is still smarter than you, Muggle-minded than Zhang Chao. Yes, that old gentleman is an ordinary person. I will send you the information on WeChat now."

Having said that, Zhang Mei's voice changed to a smile, and she said seriously:

"But before that, Zhang Wei, I have to convey the words of the Department of Health to you."

"They said that this item was given to the old man as a gift. If you need it urgently, you can ask the old man to see if it can be exchanged, but you must not snatch it, or force it. If you dare to do this, just wait Become a wanted object of the Ministry of Health."

"To that old gentleman, you must be polite. Don't think that you are a ghost exorcist. He is an ordinary person, so you are all right. This is what the Secretary of Health has repeatedly told you."

"In fact."

"If it weren't for the fact that Zhang saved Mr. Qiu for you, the Secretary of Health would not have told you to give the old man something, let alone give you the old man's information. He would only say that the thing was traded away. gone."


Zhang Mei repeated the words again and emphasized that if Zhang Chao dared to follow, he must not speak lightly in front of the old man, otherwise his legs would be broken.

Then she got a positive reply from Zhang Wei, and she sent the old man a message.

out of curiosity.

As soon as Zhang Wei received the message, he clicked on it, and Zhang Chao also came over.

Follow this look.

They were stunned and understood why the Department of Health and Dao would give such a valuable town-level ghost to an ordinary person.

at this time.

Zhang Chao stared at the old man's message on his phone, and said with emotion:

"I thought the Secretary of Defense was crazy. It turned out that it was given to Mr. Wang. No wonder the Secretary of Defense gave it away for free."

Zhang Wei said noncommittally:

"Mr. Wang is worthy of the Department of Defense to send a town-level ghost. In exchange for me, even if the town-level is given to Mr. Wang, I will be happy."

Mr. Wang, this is the name of the old man they learned after seeing the message.

The old man's surname is Wang, and his full name is Wang De. He is 95 years old this year.

Just look at its name.

Zhang Wei and the others didn't feel anything at first, but when they saw the back, they couldn't help being in awe.

Wang De has won 3 times of special merit, 7 times of great merit, and 53 military medals.

At the age of 13, in order to defend his family and the country, he lied that he was 16 years old and joined the army since then. From then until the founding of Daxia, he experienced more than 20 battles and was wounded 7 times.

One of them fought with the army, and he was the only one who died in the entire company, but he never retreated, and was awarded great merit after the battle, and his resounding resounded in the barracks ever since.

On another occasion, they were sent to Mount Hua, which has been steep since ancient times. The road was only 5 or 6 centimeters away, and there was a cliff beside them. Dozens of comrades in arms fell off the cliff before they even joined the battle.

When the battle was the most intense, people would be slid down by blood when they walked on the 5-6 cm mountain path. After the battle, there were only 4 people left in the whole company including Wang De.

Later, when he was 23 years old, he was personally awarded the "Special Combat Hero Medal", and in the same year he participated in the fight against the beautiful country and aided the white-robed country.

Before he set off, he had issued a military order to ensure the completion of the task.

The battle was so fierce that the hilltops in the entire battle zone were cut off by several meters.

Wang De and his comrades fought until there was no food and water, and they did not hesitate to drink urine to hold their ground, and finally won the final victory.

After the war, he and his comrades were awarded the title of 'hero' by the kingdom of white robes for their heroic feats.

After returning to China victoriously, he soon participated in another self-defense counterattack against the Cochin Kingdom.

He was unknown all his life until he retired, and the city offered him housing several times, but he firmly refused.

He said, "Compared with my comrades who died, I have lived decades longer. I am the only one left among the more than 40 people who joined the army in my hometown. I am already very satisfied. I can't take too much of the country, and I can't bring trouble to the country. Give young people a chance."

Now whenever he talks to his family, he often says, "I am not a hero, but those comrades who died are."

Look at Mr. Wang's information.

Both Zhang Wei and Zhang Chao were silent. Although the information only briefly introduced Mr. Wang's deeds, it was impossible to describe the situation at that time.

But even so.

Zhang Wei and the others also knew that Mr. Wang had been miserable all the way, just because they saw "3 times of special merit, 7 times of great merit, and 53 military medals".

Can't help it.

Zhang Chao said leisurely:

"My dad once told me that to be able to obtain a special meritorious service is a great skill, and it requires a great effort. Such a sacrifice is tantamount to shitting on the head of Lord Hades once. Get out of the way."

As he said that, he looked at Mr. Wang's message, his eyes flickering:

"And Mr. Wang actually won three times..."

Zhang Wei agreed after listening to the forehead:

"My dad also told me this. Mr. Wang's meritorious service is no longer a living legend, but a legend among legends."

Zhang Wei and the others understood.

Why did the Secretary of Health give an ordinary old man a priceless treasure for free, because he deserved the gift, because in the eyes of the Secretary of Health, this priceless treasure was insignificant compared to him.


After looking at the address of Mr. Wang on the information.

Zhang Wei thought about it, and decided to go find Mr. Wang.

He wants to exchange items with the Secretary of Health, bless them with system points, and exchange them with Mr. Wang.

With the system point of item blessing, he believes that as he grows, the value of items to protect Mr. Wang will not be inferior to the ghosts sent by the Secretary of Defense, and he will not lose to Mr. Wang because of this.

Immediately afterwards.

For Huahua's safety, Zhang Wei booked today's ticket on the spot with his mobile phone.


(ps: This article, Mr. Wang, is adapted from real people, but some small changes have been made, and the name has been hidden. I am afraid that you will report that I am a popular consumer hero. The reason why I wrote this has no other meaning. I just want to let everyone While reading the novel to relax, readers can also remember that these reputations are not as famous as stars, but the things they do should be passed on forever.)

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