Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 209 The Merits Are So Great That All Ghosts Will Retreat And Be Inviolable And Unstoppable

that night.

Zhang Wei took the plane and rushed to the area where Mr. Wang was.

Originally, Lu Lianxue and Zhang Chao also wanted to accompany them, but Zhang Wei refused. He was only looking for an old man to exchange things, and he was still signed as a temporary worker, so he asked Lu Lianxue to replace him to help with the post, anyway, he will be back soon .


Zhang Wei arrived at the airport where Mr. Wang is located.

I checked the time on my phone, it was around 11pm.


He found a nearby hotel to stay and planned to find the old man in the morning to avoid affecting his rest.

In the hotel room.

Zhang Wei called Huahua and asked if the man with presbyopic glasses was here.

"The man with glasses hasn't been found, master, don't worry, these days I secretly turned on the computer while my grandma was sleeping, and searched for spy movies to watch. I'm crazy about spy knowledge."

When Huahua said this, a humanized smile appeared on the chubby cat's face:

"Master, you don't know. I was watching secretly in the middle of the night. It happened that my grandma's daughter-in-law woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Seeing the light in the room, she came in and took a look. Maybe she saw me typing on the keyboard like a cat. She was so scared and felt her. My aunt is ahead of schedule."

in words.

The scene from last night appeared in Huahua's mind.

Grandma's daughter-in-law, that vicious Aunt, she went to the bathroom, just pulled up her pants and was about to go back to the room, when she found that the computer room was lit, she thought it was her husband who forgot to turn off the computer while playing, complained to turn it off, but when she walked over, she was stunned .

She watched a scene she would never forget.

In front of the computer desk, there was a transparent soul-like, chubby kitten figure in front of the computer, knocking on the door with its paws, and a pair of cat eyes reflected the kissing scene of Bond and the Bond girl in the spy movie 007.

Huahua, who was focused on watching the movie, seemed to sense movement at the door, turned her head to look, and instinctively smiled at Aunt with her poisonous tongue:


There was a meow.

The poisonous tongue Aunt slipped in fright and fell to his knees.

Zhang Wei laughed out loud when he heard this:

"Haha, it's okay, then Aunt knows Huahua you, since the man with glasses didn't look for you, it's fine."

He said he didn't forget to talk to Huahua about the business, and told Huahua that he would give it a ghost, and after learning about the situation this morning, he asked Lu Lianxue to help him check the details of the man with presbyopic glasses, to see if the Department of Health had any information.

Zhang Wei said:

"Huahua, you have to be careful about that man with glasses, he is indeed a member of Sen Luosi, and it is said that he is very powerful..."

in telling.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but recall that before, Lu Lianxue had told him that Sen Luosi had launched an attack on the invigilator of the Ministry of Health in order to save the Zombie who sealed the door.

In order to destroy Sen Luosi, the Department of Health and Dao invited many powerful orthodox exorcists, including Lu Lianxue's grandfather, to participate in an encirclement and suppression of Sen Luosi.

And then...

The man with presbyopic glasses was in Senluosi who was under siege. He broke out of the large-scale siege and took away many ghosts of Senluosi.

He was the only Senluosi ghost king-level ghost who didn't die in that siege. All the other ghost kings died, and he was the only one who survived.

To know.

In that siege, there were many ghost exorcists at the level of ghost kings. There were strong men from all the Dao Lineages to take action. With a strong lineup, it was more than enough to destroy all Dao Lineages.

"Huahua, you have to pay special attention to this man with glasses. He definitely doesn't look like he is in his twenties. If he is really in his twenties, according to the time, during the time of the siege, he was not even a year old, and he was still in the sperm state."

"And according to what Xiaoxue said, that man with glasses was very cruel. During that siege, he even killed many people. His methods were extremely cruel."

"It is said that during the siege, the Department of Health and Dao found a lot of human and ghost flesh, organs, etc. in Senluosi. According to the method of the man with glasses, it is speculated that there is a high probability that the man with glasses is an extremely perverted person who likes to dissect ghosts. and people."

Zhang Wei's words fell.

A voice came from Huahua:

"Okay, master, I will be more careful."

As it spoke, it raised its chubby cat paw, and the rubbed cat paw lit up, making a tender female voice:

"Master, don't think I've been a ghost for a few years. I'm also very cruel. With the help of my master, I guarantee that it's not him who dissects me, but I dissect him."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei joked casually:

"That's a good thing. When the time comes, you can make a specimen of his head and give it to me. I'll exchange it with the Department of Health and Dao."

"Okay ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)?"

Huahua replied.


the next day.

Shuozhou City, inside Wanda Mall.

Zhang Wei walked in.

At this time, there are people coming and going in the mall. It is summer, and on weekends, many people bring their children to the mall to take advantage of the air conditioner and take a stroll around the mall.

Looking at the crowd coming and going, Zhang Wei said with emotion:

"There are so many people."

Not long ago, he went to Mr. Wang's house, but was informed by Mr. Wang's family that Mr. Wang went to Wanda Mall with his son and grandson.

There is no way.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to turn around and go to Wanda Mall.

Fortunately, although there are many people in Wanda Mall, Zhang Wei knows that Mr. Wang and the others are taking their grandsons to KFC. Because it is almost June 1, KFC has launched a Kodak Duck set meal, and you can get a Kodak Duck toy if you eat the set meal.

Immediately afterwards.

After asking passers-by, Zhang Wei walked towards the KFC store in Wanda Mall.

In front of the KFC store.

At a glance, Zhang Wei saw an old man sitting on a public seat in front of the KFC store.

Even if he just saw the other person's back, he had never seen Mr. Wang before, but Zhang Wei was sure that it was definitely Mr. Wang.

There is no other reason...


Zhang Wei looked through the eyes of the sky.

He saw that the old man sitting on the public seat in front of him and leaning on an old crutch was obviously thin due to his longevity, and he was not a ghost exorcist, just an ordinary old man, but his body exuded infinite brilliance. .

That ray is invisible to ordinary people, it is extremely blazing, even more radiant than the golden light of the Western Heaven, it is even more dazzling, full of awe-inspiring righteousness, radiating from the old man.

Even if he is just an ordinary person.

Even though he is getting old.

But under that radiance, it is difficult for all ghosts to get close to its body for three hundred feet. Even if the king of ghosts sees it, he has to retreat far away, and cannot be invaded or stopped.

Watching a scene.

Zhang Wei was in awe.

He understood the saying that has been circulated among the people since ancient times... When one's merits and virtues reach a certain level, even ordinary people, not to mention ghosts, even ghosts dare not get close.

I finally understand why only this kind of person can afford to say "Mr. Qiangu"!


Zhang Wei walked over and came to the old man:

"Hello, are you Mr. Wang Youfu?"

"it's me."

Mr. Wang looked at Zhang Wei with doubts on his kind face. He didn't remember knowing Zhang Wei, so he couldn't help saying:

"Young man?"

As he spoke, he beckoned Zhang Wei to sit down, and he could see that Zhang Wei was very polite, without concealing his respect, even though it was a public seat, but he didn't say so, he didn't dare to sit on an equal footing with him.

To this.

Mr. Wang waved with a smile:

"Come on, boy, don't just stand there, sit down and talk slowly."


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