After being beckoned by Mr. Wang, Zhang Wei sat down on the seat.

Same time.

Zhang Wei introduced himself:

"Hi Mr. Wang, my name is Zhang Wei."

Knowing Zhang Wei's name, Mr. Wang thought about his memory, but he didn't know Zhang Wei in his impression, and then he said:

"Mr. Zhang, who are you looking for?"

Faced with the questioning, Zhang Wei didn't have any ink marks, and said bluntly that he wanted to exchange ghosts with Mr. Wang.

"The badge someone gave me? Oh, Mr. Zhang, are you talking about this?"

According to Zhang Wei's knowledge, the life-saving ghost is a badge. Mr. Wang thought for a while, as if thinking of something, he fumbled in his pocket and took out a wallet that had been used for many years and was worn out. .

Then he took out a small badge with a five-pointed star from his wallet.

"Yes, this is it."

Looking at the badge, Zhang Wei recognized it at a glance. It was the same badge as the photo of the ghost that Zhang Mei sent him, and it was the purpose of his trip.

"Mr. Wang, this thing is useful to me. I wonder if you can exchange it with me. I can exchange it with you. Look at what amulet or something you want."

His words come out.

Mr. Wang smiled and looked at Zhang Wei kindly:

"Young man, are you from there?"

Although Mr. Wang is an ordinary person, he has experienced so much in his life and is a veteran hero. He naturally knows the Department of Defense, and he also knows the efficacy of this badge. It was given to him by one of his friends, saying that it can protect him. .

Because of this, he thinks that Zhang Wei is a member of the Department of Health, even if he is not the Department of Health, he is also a ghost exorcist, otherwise it is impossible to know that he has this badge. After all, it was given to him by his friend. Apart from his friend, few people know .

Zhang Wei was taken aback when he heard the words. He knew what Mr. Wang meant, and shook his head bluntly:

"Mr. Wang, I don't belong to the Department of Health and Dao. It's just that I traded with the Department of Health and Dao. They told me that you have this ghost in your hand. I need this thing urgently, so I came to you."

"I see."

Mr. Wang said, under Zhang Wei's surprised gaze, he handed the badge to Zhang Wei:

"Since you need it urgently, Mr. Zhang, then you can take it. You don't have to exchange it with me. If you want it, just take it. I will tell my friend when the time comes."

Zhang Wei was stunned, he didn't expect that Mr. Wang would give it so simply, he didn't even exchange it directly, and chose to give it to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but quickly opened his mouth, thinking that Mr. Wang didn't understand the importance of this thing:

"Mr. Wang, you may not know the value of this thing, this thing is comparable to..."

The words are not finished yet.

Mr. Wang interrupted Zhang Wei's words:

"It's like a valuable thing, it's priceless, isn't it, but no matter how valuable this thing is, is it worth life or money, no."

He said kindly:

"Son, I know the value of this thing, and I also know that this thing is used to save life. You need it, and you must need it to save your life or someone else's life."

"I know, it's dangerous for you to deal with those things. You need this thing more than me, a person who is about to enter the earth."

"Now you need it, then take it. This thing is more valuable in your hands than in my hands. You can't waste resources on me just because I made a small contribution, and you can't cause trouble for the country."

Looking at the badge that Mr. Wang stuffed into his hand, Zhang Wei lost his mind for a moment, and instinctively said:

"Mr. Wang, this thing is too expensive, and if you give it to me, you are not afraid that I will use it to do bad things. I said that I am not from the Department of Health and Dao."

Mr. Wang smiled kindly when he heard it:

"Son, although I am a bad old man, I have lived for more than 90 years. I can tell who is good and who is bad, and I said that my friend gave me this thing. Unless my friend told you, how would you find me. "

"I believe my friend will tell you the matter, and your heart will not be bad, even if you are not from there."

in words.

He pushed his hand again and pushed back the badge that Zhang Wei wanted to return:

"Take it, you need this more than I do, it's just an iron bump in my hand, it's too wasteful."

Zhang Wei was silent.

Mr. Wang clearly knew the value of this thing, but he still gave it to himself. Ask yourself, he can't do this.

Can't help it.

He remembered the conversation with Zhang Chao on the road after he learned about Mr. Wang last night.

Zhang Chao once told him:

"Zhang Wei, do you believe that your noble qualities really exist? I didn't believe it before, but when I was young, my dad took me to exorcise ghosts and went to an old man's house. I believed it."

"The old man was born in the same war-torn era as Mr. Wang. He survived and retired to the department. Later, the higher-ups wanted to allocate a house to him, and he was divided into two sets."

"You know, two houses, if you get them, you will get rich overnight, but when the house was divided, I saw with my own eyes that the old man learned that a young guy in the same department was getting married, so he didn't get a house .”

"When the old man knew about it, he gave up the other set to the young man, saying that he should not take up too much of the country and not bring trouble to the country. Did you know that the old man had four children and six people at that time, and they were all very big."

I still remember.

When Zhang Chao talked about this, his face was not a hippie smile, but some respect and admiration, and he said bluntly:

"Their quality is really not something that us juniors can do. If it were me, I would not be able to do it. Whoever wants a house with me, I am in a hurry with whom, but the old man... Seriously, if the ancient stream facsimile There are gods, I think it is this kind of old man."


Zhang Wei accepted Mr. Wang's badge.

Although Mr. Wang didn't want to exchange it with him, Zhang Wei didn't intend to ask for it in vain, so he used an excuse to check Mr. Wang's crutches.

【Ding! Bless the old crutches 1 system point]

He blessed Mr. Wang's crutch system point, so that once Mr. Wang was in danger, he would know immediately and give the system point protection in time.

Mr. Wang is very talkative, and he chatted a lot with Zhang Wei.

Until Mr. Wang's son and grandson walked out with a large bag of KFC food.

The family of them went out to buy KFC together today, and then went home to eat together, rewarding their grandson with full marks in the test.

See Mr. Wang's family coming.

Zhang Wei didn't stay long, and got up to find a reason to leave, not to disturb Mr. Wang's enjoyment of family happiness.

But right after he stood up and told the reason...


Zhang Wei frowned, and looked up at the flickering lights of the mall.


It was as if the main circuit of the mall was in bad contact, and all the lights in the lobby and storefronts of the mall flickered continuously, faintly, and everyone felt that the air conditioner in the mall was turned on and cold, the air-conditioning was thick, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

Also at this moment.

Some people who had just walked out of the gate of the mall screamed, Zhang Wei, Mr. Wang and the others looked over.

Just outside the gate of the shopping mall, the scene has changed. The outside is no longer full of high-rise buildings, but a cemetery filled with mountains and plains, as if the entire shopping mall has been moved to a mountain full of graves.

Those who walked out of the gate were so frightened that they fell to the ground. Some who were accidentally pushed out of the gate, as soon as they stepped out, they would automatically return to the gate as soon as they stepped out, unable to leave the mall at all.

various situations.

Anyone who doesn't understand supernatural powers will realize that something is wrong.

Zhang Wei also frowned:

"Ghost domain."

He felt that the mall was being pulled into the ghost realm, and he couldn't help but look around the ceiling of Nuo Da, trying to find the ghost.

I don't know if the ghost found out that Zhang Wei, the exorcist Zhang Wei, was the target he chose, or found out that there was Mr. Wang, the "land god", but the ghost didn't appear.


Zhang Wei turned around and said to Mr. Wang:

"Mr. Wang, it seems that there are dirty things making trouble. This mall is a bit big. It's hard for me to find ghosts for a while. The mall is still full of people. Please ask Mr. Wang to help, gather the crowd to your lobby on the first floor. .”

In the words, Zhang Wei looked at Mr. Wang's son. Mr. Wang had introduced his son as a policeman before, and he was more familiar with the work of stabilizing order and gathering crowds.

"Then is there anything I can do to help you?"

Without thinking about it, Mr. Wang hurriedly told his son to follow Zhang Wei's suggestion, and then asked Zhang Wei himself.

His words come out.

Zhang Wei smiled and looked at Mr. Wang who was exuding merits and virtues like the sun:

"Mr. Wang, you can just sit here and let the crowd get close to you. With you here, it is more effective than Shendu, and ghosts can't hurt other citizens."


Zhang Wei scanned the mall, trying to find the ghost hidden in the ghost domain.


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