Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 212 Looks Like Uncle Da In Zhou Xingchi's \"Play Back To School\"

The Huangfu tsunami was raging.

Soon, the first floor of the shopping mall where Zhao Bingquan and the others were located was submerged.

Fortunately, they escaped quickly and came to the next floor quickly, but before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw the tsunami of yellow symbols that submerged the upper two floors, and the trend continued to submerge to this floor. The number of yellow symbols was more than they imagined. Zhongdu is too much.

You must know that this is a large shopping mall. If it wants to submerge to the second floor, and spread to the third floor, the number of them can be imagined.

The faces of the ghosts changed.

The half-step ghost king even grabbed Zhao Bingquan:

"Damn it, Zhao Bingquan, you dare to kill us, I'll kill you!!"

The corner of Zhao Bingquan's mouth twitched, how could he not know the meaning of the half-step ghost king:

"I didn't do it. If I join forces with ghost exorcists to kill you, it won't do any good. You can kill me right now."

The half-step ghost king slapped Zhao Bingquan:

"Fart shit, do you mean it's a coincidence?"

It pointed at the yellow talisman surging from behind, and roared:

"Tell me, this horse riding is called coincidence? It just so happens that there are ghost exorcists walking around with so many yellow talismans."

"Someone must have arranged so many yellow talismans here in advance, otherwise you tell me, who would arrange so many yellow talismans in the mall? Here, we practiced for you to continue our lives."

The words did not fall.

The half-step ghost king raised his head and was about to shoot Zhao Bingquan to death to vent his anger.

Zhao Bingquan changed his color, hurriedly used the ghost exorcism technique to resist, and took out a pan-topaz slip from his arms:

"I didn't cheat you. If you don't believe me, take a look. This is the method of merit grafting. Just look at it and you will know."

In order to clarify the misunderstanding, he had to use the merit grafting method to prove his innocence, otherwise he would not be able to get close to Mr. Wang without the half-step ghost king and their help, as a heretic who raises and refines ghosts.

The half-step ghost king is just about to take over the pan-topaz Jane.

But at this time.

A miserable scream came from behind:


look back.

I don't know when, the yellow tsunami seemed to feel their breath, and suddenly became violent, and rushed towards the last red-clothed ghost. In an instant, the red-clothed ghost was submerged by the yellow tsunami.

can be seen.

The red-clothed ghost was covered by the yellow talisman, and his whole body was soaked in sulfuric acid, making chi-chi noises and screaming in pain.


the other side.

The top floor of the mall.

Zhang Wei also looked in the direction of the half-step ghost king:

"Found you."

Through the yellow talisman, he felt the position of the half-step ghost king and the others, and knew the number of ghosts:

"Three ghosts, plus... a ghost exorcist?"


Zhang Wei didn't sit still and jumped up.


The surge of yellow talismans that submerged this floor condensed into a huge pair of hands at the moment it jumped up, supporting Zhang Wei who jumped out of this floor, and along the atrium of the mall, supported Zhang Wei from the highest to the fifth floor. The layer traverses into the third layer.

This scene.

It was seen by many passers-by who were still evacuating and heading to Mr. Wang's side, and they were shocked in place for a while.

"Mom, there are gods."

A child pointed at Zhang Wei who was flying over his head supported by Huang Fu's big hand, and yelled loudly.

Not just kids.

Others are not much better, especially a foreigner who believes in Christianity. Not long ago, he was unable to go out because of the grave at the entrance of the mall. he.

However, just as he was praying, a shocking scene appeared.

Looking at Zhang Wei, who was flying in the hands of God, the foreigner stared wide-eyed, and was so shocked that the cross in his hand was crushed:

"God, look, kick that, kick that fairy."

After praying for a long time, God did not come to save him, but the Daxia God came.

Until Zhang Wei flew over, he was incoherent with excitement, grabbed Mr. Wang's son who was evacuating the crowd and asked directly:

"The god who kicked that is so handsome, Mr. Wang, is that the god who kicked that fairy? What is it that kicked that fairy, Erlang God?"

Faced with constant questioning.

Mr. Wang's son, who was already busy evacuating the crowd, said casually:

"Yes, yes, he is kicking that god, the Jade Emperor."

Foreign friends' eyes lit up when they heard the words, and they responded in broken Chinese:

"Oh~ God, it's actually the Jade Emperor. I know the god who kicked that."


the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't know that he was being regarded as the Jade Emperor, and he didn't know how the Christian foreigners would go back to promote themselves. At this moment, she and he were chasing Zhao Bingquan and the others all the way.

He systematically points blessings, reaching the level of the ghost king.

With a single palm, the only remaining red-clothed ghost was killed.

【Ding! The red-clothed ghost looked at the host and sighed, so young! 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

【Ding! Before dying, the red-clothed ghost looked at the sky full of yellow talismans, and looked at the host unwillingly. He used so many yellow talismans at a young age. Does the ghost exorcist have rich second generations? Damn the capitalist class]

[Host obtains system points +60]

A reminder sounded in the brain system.

Zhang Wei rushed towards the half-step ghost king.


The half-step ghost king's face turned green with fright. Compared with the red-clothed ghost who cared about the yellow talisman, he felt the terror of Zhang Wei. Is this young ghost exorcist Qilin Wei? ! And it's still ghost king level.

【Ding! The half-step ghost king roared in his heart, Zhao Bingquan, you are so ruthless! Actually invited such a person to cheat me. 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then in front of the half-step ghost king, he gave a thumbs up to Zhao Bingquan:

"Zhao Bingquan did a good job. Help me lure such a half-step ghost king. I will record an attack for you, hahaha."

Its voice sounded.

【Ding! The half-step ghost king stared at Zhao Bingquan, Zhao Bingquan! ! ! ! I kill you! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +110]

at the same time.

Zhao Bingquan was stunned, his expression was like that of Zhou Xingchi in "Fight Back to School", Zhou Xingchi drove away, and before he could get in the car, the stunned Uncle Da shouted, "I haven't got in the car yet!" Hello! I haven't got in the car yet! '

Although I don't know why Zhang Wei knows himself, but still says such words.

But Zhao Bingquan hastily denied it:

"No, it's not me, I didn't, I really didn't, you have to believe me."

However, his yelling was of no avail, and the half-step ghost king rushed over with red eyes. It knew that it was not Zhang Wei's opponent and was destined to die here, so it wanted to kill Zhao Bingquan, and even if it died, it would pull a back.

"Zhao Bingquan, Nima is dead! Are you still slamming me? It's a draft, are you a badass when you think I'm an old man?"

Half-step Ghost King pinched Zhao Bingquan's neck.

Seeing this, Zhao Bingquan's eyelids twitched wildly, knowing that the situation was over, he gritted his teeth and gave Zhang Wei a hard look, and then performed ghost exorcism to avoid the attack of the half-step ghost king and escape from here.


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