Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 213 Fatty: You Villains Are Not Qualified, I Don't Like It

The area where Mr. Wang is located, the airport.

The fat man held a parasol in one hand, watched the animation on the mobile phone in the other, and walked out leisurely from the exit.

After learning that Zhang Wei was wanted, the fat man screened out a few ghosts who issued the wanted warrants, and prepared to kill the chickens and monkeys first, but before that, he did not forget that he was going to collect Zhang Wei's wool and snatch Zhang Wei for Wei Dao The head of the king of ghosts.

According to the investigation, he knew that the Ministry of Health would transport the ghost king's head back to the headquarters for safekeeping, and it would be transferred to this airport during the transfer.

So he arrived at the airport early, ready to cut off the head of Hu Guiwang.

After watching the anime.

He arrived at the gate of the airport, checked the time on his phone, and murmured:

"Should arrive later, go to other places first, hand-made shop, here I come!"

in words.

He hailed a taxi and headed to the mall with a handicraft shop.

Along the way, the fat man did not forget to pick up his phone and click on the 'Ghost's Nest' forum to check the arrest warrants. Compared with yesterday, there were a few more arrest warrants about Zhang Wei today.

"Has a ghost accepted the arrest warrant?"

The fat man was surprised, and found that there were some wanted warrants for Zhang Wei with a high reward, and someone contacted the publisher below:

"I don't know what strength these ghosts have, but they dare to take orders, Zhang Wei, you...huh?"

It's halfway through.

The fat man was stunned for a moment, as if he had sensed something, he suddenly looked towards the shopping mall that was about to arrive in front of him:

"Is there a ghost?"

Relying on his strong strength, he found that there was a ghostly atmosphere in the mall, and he was brought into the ghost domain, and he couldn't help frowning:

"Don't interfere with my purchase, or I will dismantle you."


He got out of the car and entered the mall.

As soon as he entered, the fat man was attracted by the golden light of immeasurable merit in the hall on the first floor. Looking sideways, he was stunned and almost cried out:

"My God, such a great merit?"

When he saw Mr. Wang's appearance and his age, the fat man suddenly realized:

"So you're a veteran, no wonder you have such great merit, but to be able to make such great merit, how much experience did you have to go through...Huh? Zhang Wei?!"

As he was talking, he glanced away from Mr. Wang's side from the corner of his eye, and was stunned. He rubbed his eyes vigorously to make sure that he was not dazzled.

Looking at Zhang Wei who was chatting and laughing with Mr. Wang, the fat man's expression became strange.

It's strange, Zhang Wei didn't mean that he was in Sichuan Province, so why did he suddenly come to Sanjin City.

Thinking that there are ghosts in the mall, Zhang Wei and Mr. Wang are still here, so they are here to protect the veterans.

Immediately afterwards.

Before Fatty could think about it, screams came from the entrance of the mall. Everyone noticed the situation at the entrance and sensed that something was wrong.

To this.

The corner of Fatty's mouth twitched, and his anger rose instantly. After such a fuss, the clerks in the handicraft shop were about to run away. How could he buy handicrafts?

Relying on his powerful strength, Fatty found Zhao Bingquan and the others not long after, but when he was about to do something, he overheard Zhao Bingquan and the others talking.

can be seen.

Accompanied by Zhao Bingquan's announcement that he would marry Mr. Wang's merits, his chubby face was suddenly gloomy, unprecedentedly gloomy, showing a ghostly side for the first time.

"Things who don't know what is good or bad, dare to make such a person's meritorious idea."


Before the fat man made a move.

He looked at the oncoming Huangfu tsunami, and finally withdrew his hand. Since Zhang Wei made a move, he would not do it.


the other side.

Accompanied by the half-step ghost king, he killed Zhao Bingquan.

Zhao Bingquan knew that if he explained himself, he could not get back the trust of the half-step ghost king. After resisting the attack of the half-step ghost king, he turned around and was about to escape from here.

Zhang Wei saw Zhao Bingquan's actions.

Originally, he planned to pursue him, but at this moment, a system notification sounded in his mind, and he glanced in one direction without any trace.

【Ding! The unknown ghost hates iron but not steel, hey, hey, Zhang Wei, that Zhao Bingquan is going to run, hurry up and stop him]

[Host obtains system points +120]


Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the fat man to be here.

It was this stunned moment, coupled with the fact that the half-step ghost king wanted to fight back desperately, that Zhao Bingquan had the opportunity to run away from this floor.

To this.

Zhang Wei slapped the ghost king half a step away with his palm, and the opponent vomited blood and was about to chase the ghost king.

at this time.

【Ding! The unknown ghost king sighed, alas, Zhang Wei, you are too careless, I still need to help you clean up the mess]

[Host obtains system points +130]

at this time.

The fat man looked at the direction in which Zhao Bingquan was escaping, and shook his head, thinking that Zhang Wei was being careless because of his strength, and he was really too young.

I thought about it.

He turned around and caught up with Zhao Bingquan.

He didn't intend to let Zhao Bingquan go, and decided to wipe Zhang Wei's ass, because let's not talk about Mr. Wang, just say that Zhang Wei has enough wanted warrants now, and the fat man doesn't want Zhao Bingquan to go to the "ghost den" forum to post his wanted list after he escapes. Ling, it will be him who will be in trouble at that time.

at the same time.

When the system notification sounded, Zhang Wei glanced in the fat man's direction, raised a subtle smile, stopped chasing Zhao Bingquan, and turned to look at the half-step ghost king.

【Ding! The half-step ghost king looked at the smiling eyes of the host, horrified and frightened, what are you doing, don't come here! 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

The half-step ghost king was inexplicably fuzzy, but before it could escape, Zhang Wei had already arrived in front of it, casually disintegrated the half-step ghost king's attack, and stepped out, breaking both of his feet.


The half-step ghost king looked at the broken legs and screamed again and again.

Zhang Wei ignored it, grabbed his arms with both hands and asked:

"You have two choices now, one is to tell me what is the purpose of your coming here, is it Mr. Wang, and what is the purpose, the other is not to answer, and I will break your hands."

He didn't believe that there were three ghosts in a shopping mall, including a half-step ghost king and an evil ghost exorcist. This would have nothing to do with Mr. Wang.

Faced with questioning.

The half-step ghost king didn't dare to answer, knowing how serious the matter of grafting merit is.

However, Zhang Wei was not used to it, he tore off one of the opponent's arms with force with both hands, and stuck a yellow talisman on the wound. Such actions were tantamount to being injured by a living person, and salt was sprinkled on the wound.

Seeing that Zhang Wei was about to tear off another arm.

【Ding! The half-step ghost king was scared. 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

The half-step ghost king hurriedly told about the merits of grafting, and handed over the pan-topaz slip that Zhao Bingquan gave him to Zhang Wei.

His words come out.

Without hesitation, Zhang Wei broke off the other remaining arm of the half-step ghost king:

"You guys are as hateful as that dog who publishes the disgusting Human Education version."

in words.

Looking at the half-step ghost king whose hands and feet were broken off by himself and turned into a stick, Zhang Wei said leisurely:

"Originally, I planned to see you as a half-step ghost king. I wanted to trap you into a ghost king. After fattening up, I will take your head and trade with the Secretary of Health. Now that I think about it, it is unnecessary."

A cool voice came out.

Let the half-step ghost king beg for mercy:

"Don't kill me, please don't kill me, PEP? Brother, are you talking about the textbook that published the ugly pictures? I know that. I can help you kill those beasts, wring their heads off, break Cut off their hands and feet, skin them alive, and leave them alive to suffer until they die."

"As long as you let me go, I can help you torture those beasts to death, please."


Zhang Wei just glanced at the half-step ghost king:

"No need, their kind of behavior will cause them to die in hell. It doesn't matter whether you do it or not. You should take a step first and go to hell to help them find their way."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei didn't know whether it was because the half-step ghost king hit Mr. Wang's idea, or because of the people's education board, or both, he didn't show any mercy. Shengsheng twisted off his head and crushed it.


Not long.

Waiting for Zhang Wei to return to the lobby of the mall.

at this time.

Mr. Wang's son had already gathered the crowd. Seeing Zhang Wei's arrival, Mr. Wang and his son rushed forward to inquire about the situation.

"The ghosts are all killed, but a ghost exorcist escaped."

When Zhang Wei opened his mouth, he didn't tell Mr. Wang about being raped, so as to avoid his family's worries, he just planned to tell the Department of Health and Justice afterwards.

"One ran away? That Mr. Zhang, leave us alone, go chase and arrest that person."

Mr. Wang and his son spoke in unison.

Zhang Wei waved his hands with a smile when he heard this, and looked in the direction of Zhao Bingquan's escape:

"Mr. Wang, don't worry, that Zhao Bingquan can't escape."


at the same time.

Inside an old apartment building awaiting demolition.

Zhao Bingquan fled here, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing that there were no pursuers coming from behind.

"Fortunately, those ghosts helped me to escape, Ma De, fortunately, I wrote down the method of grafting merit, otherwise I lost the jade slip, and my life would be gone."

As he recalled Zhang Wei, he was out of breath:

"It's all the fault of that damned young man. It's not that he ruined my good deeds. I've already gained merits and virtues. Damn it, wait for me, I won't let you go..."

You haven't spoken yet.

A voice suddenly sounded:

"You seem very embarrassing, why do you think you have escaped?"


When the words came suddenly, Zhao Bingquan's hair suddenly rose, and he quickly looked along the sound, but turned his head to look for a moment, and felt a hand stretched out from that direction, grabbing his neck.

That hand was like a vice, no matter how hard he tried to exorcise ghosts, he couldn't break free.

"You, who are you, let go, let go, let me go."

Feeling the terrifying force on his neck, Zhao Bingquan couldn't breathe from being pinched, struggling to look at the chubby scary fat man in front of him.

He could feel that the fat man in front of him was terrifying, he was a ghost, and at least he was a ghost king!

at the same time.

The fat man ignored Zhao Bingquan's words, grabbed his neck and lifted him up, and then the Youyou voice came out:

"Although it is said that villains take other people's things, this is very villainous."


"Villains have to be competent, what you do, you don't even have the most basic respect for the older generation, the most basic bottom line of patriotism, the compulsion is too low, no, not compelled at all, not qualified, damn it. "


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