Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 214 Ghost King Head, Unit Of Measurement

The words fell for a moment.

Hearing the cracking sound of the bones, the fat man cut off Zhao Bingquan's neck. Zhao Bingquan's mouth was bleeding, and he couldn't die anymore.

Throw Zhao Bingquan out of the apartment window casually, so that the people from the Ministry of Health will follow up and find Zhao Bingquan.


Watching Zhao Bingquan fall from the high-rise apartment building and hit the ground, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust, the fat man clapped his hands in satisfaction:


Maybe he was in a good mood after killing Zhao Bingquan, or maybe he was going to snatch the ghost king's head later, the fat man hummed the theme song of Dragon Ball all the way down the stairs, and murmured:

"I'll buy another figurine to celebrate later, um, let's do it like this, buy a figurine that summons the dragon with seven dragon balls, Wuhu~"


the other side.


I talked with Mr. Wang again, and when the people from the Department of Health came to help, Zhang Wei didn't stay long, and was going back to Sichuan Province, so he sent this badge to Huahua by the way.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, thank you for your help. Without you, Mr. Wang would be in danger. I really trouble you."

Before leaving, Zhang Wei did not forget to tell the staff of the Ministry of Health about the meritorious deeds, and they thanked him endlessly.

Zhang Wei waved his hand:

"You're welcome. It's right to protect Mr. Wang. There's no trouble. I'll trouble you to clean up the mall later. I'm making a big noise about exorcising ghosts."

The staff of the Department of Health and Dao laughed and said:

"What's the trouble? Mr. Zhang Wei is polite. Compared with Mr. Wang, as I told you, this trouble is nothing, and no matter how loud the exorcism is, how big can it be? Isn't the mall still there, haha , small things."

Then he watched Zhang Wei go.

The staff of the Department of Health waved for the companions to enter the mall:

"Let's go, go inside and clean up the shopping mall. You are responsible for appeasing the crowd. I will clean it up alone..."

He walked into the mall as he spoke, then instinctively raised his head and glanced at the top floor, wanting to scan the situation of the entire mall:

The next moment, his pupils widened and he yelled:


Looking at the yellow talismans crowded on the third, fourth and fifth floors, the staff of the Department of Health and Dao were stunned, and the other staff were also stunned in place, unable to recover for a long time.

While waiting to recover.

The staff of the Department of Health and Dao and others spoke in an instant:

"Let's clean it together."

"Ah? What did you say? Captain, follow orders, we will go to take care of the crowd pacification, and clean up the mall and leave it to you."


The mouth corners of the Ministry of Health twitched violently, this damn cleans up by himself, and can't clean up the National Day from Children's Day.

He couldn't help recalling Zhang Wei's previous words, and finally understood. For the first time, he felt that the logistics staff of the Ministry of Health were harder than the frontline staff.


left the mall.

Zhang Wei didn't dawdle, and went straight to deliver the courier, to send the badge to Huahua's grandma's house.

Finish these.

He drove to the airport, ready to return to Sichuan Province immediately.

While waiting for the plane.

Zhang Wei called Huahua and told Huahua to remember to receive the courier, and repeatedly urged:

"Huahua, after you get the badge, put it in your bell, so as to avoid being discovered, and you must wear it on your body at all times, that will save your life."

【Ding! Flower moved]

[Host obtains system points +80]

With the system prompt beeping, there was a voice coming from the phone:

"I will definitely wear it all the time, thank you master."

Although he doesn't know where Zhang Wei got the badge, he knows that something that can save his life in front of the ghost king is absolutely priceless, but Zhang Wei still got it for himself, and he must have paid a lot.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely be an undercover agent, try to find out the enemy's situation for you, and bring you the head specimen of the man with glasses."

Huahua vowed.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that when he casually said to make a skull specimen, Huahua remembered it, and immediately laughed and joked:

"Haha, I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously, you pay attention to safety, safety first, but don't try too hard, what if you become the boss of Sen Luosi, hahahaha."

Huahua nodded:

"Hee hee, listen to the master."

Huahua murmured in her heart, "Don't work too hard, you can't be the boss of Sen Luosi, then you should be the second child, so that you can know the enemy's situation best and don't cause trouble for the master, um, come on, Huahua!" You can do it, you are the best!


After chatting with Huahua, Zhang Wei hung up the phone.

Looking up at the time in the terminal, seeing that there was still some time before departure, he took out a pan-topaz slip from his pocket.

This is what he got from Banbu Ghost King, and it was Zhao Bingquan who accidentally got it during a tomb robbery, the jade slip about grafting merits.

Look at Huiyu Jian.

Zhang Wei discovered that the jade slips are simple and simple, with a certain age, they should be something from ancient times, and it is probably researched by some heretic ghost exorcist.

"This thing is useless to me, but its value should be no less than a ghost king's head."

"Even if it is worth a ghost king's head."

Speaking of which.

Zhang Wei leaned on his chin thinking and murmured:

"Counting the head of the ghost king obtained by Mr. Liu Shu and this pan-topaz slip, it means that I have a total of 4 heads of the ghost king. Trading them with the Secretary of Health is enough to exchange for expensive things. What should I exchange for better."

"I have to exchange for one that can maximize my benefits. What should I exchange for..."

in words.

Zhang Wei glanced at his phone subconsciously, and a background message popped up on his phone, reminding him that the anime "Spy Playing House" has been updated. He has seen the preview of the next episode. The latest episode is about the heroine who is a killer. His brother is coming main house.

And the younger brother of the killer heroine is not an ordinary person, but a member of the male protagonist's hostile organization. He is called the "secret police" by the citizens. In fact, he is responsible for arresting and interrogating people from the hostile organization.

See here.

Zhang Wei frowned, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind:


He thought about what he was going to exchange for.


Without hesitation, he quickly picked up the phone and called Zhang Mei.

After the call was connected, Zhang Wei didn't have any ink marks, and bluntly told Zhang Mei what happened today, and proposed to exchange the pan-topaz slips with the Secretary of Health.


Zhang Mei's voice came:

"Zhang Wei, the jade slip you got is evil enough, but if you let Wei Daosi take it and study it, it's worth no less than a ghost king's head."

"Do not!"

"If the Department of Health and Dao can reverse research and find out that one-way blessing of sins to others, and one-way transfer of merit to other people, the value may be even greater, and it can be used to deter those ghosts and evil exorcists."

"Then this value is worth at least two ghost king heads."

"Well, I'll report this jade slip to the Department of Health and Dao first, and let them evaluate it first. Don't worry, this thing is at least the head of a ghost king. It's okay to say that, Zhang is rich for you, all of a sudden. Trade 4 ghost king heads with the Department of Health."

"Speaking of which Mr. Wang gave you the badge, the heads of those ghost kings before you have failed to trade, and you still keep them. Then, Zhang Wei, do you still exchange them for life-saving things?"

As soon as Zhang Mei's voice came out.

Zhang Wei replied with a smile:

"Sister Mei, I was just about to tell you this. I hold at least 4 ghost king heads. I don't plan to exchange them for life-saving items. I want to exchange them for other things."


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