Zhang Wei didn't have any ink marks, so he said:

"Sister Mei, I don't want to exchange things anymore. Can I exchange the authority of the Department of Health and Dao, such as the authority to go to the prison of the Department of Health and Dao? Even if I can't exchange the authority, I should be able to exchange it for a trip to the prison."

The Prison of the Ministry of Health is a prison dedicated to detaining powerful ghosts and exorcists who are dangerous to society and have committed serious crimes.

for sure.

Judging from the fact that there are closed-door zombies in custody, there must be many powerful ghosts in the Prison of the Ministry of Health.

And Zhang Wei wants to improve his strength and reach the ghost king level of his own strength, and he still needs about 12,000 system points. What he lacks is that it is not a ghost, and the stronger the ghost, the better.

The Prison of the Department of Health is the most suitable place. There are many ghosts there, allowing him to swipe. The key is not to have to deal with it, because they are all locked in the prison.

This is Zhang Wei, after seeing the updated news of "Spy Playing House", he thought of the heroine's brother interrogating the prisoner, and couldn't help but think of the prison of the Department of Health.

at the same time.

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Zhang Mei was stunned:

"Go to the prison of the Ministry of Health???"

In her opinion.

Zhang Wei holds a huge sum of money with 4 heads of ghost kings in his hand. Such a valuable thing has to be exchanged for something higher than the township level. Who knows that he actually exchanged it to see... the prisoner?

Zhang Mei didn't hide her expression, and was spotted by Zhang Chao, Lu Lianxue and others.

Can't help it.

Zhang Chao and the others asked Zhang Mei curiously. When he learned about the situation, Zhang Chao snatched the phone:

"Wori, Zhang Wei, are you crazy? Take 4 ghost king heads to exchange, and see the prisoner?? Are you sure? Even if you exchange a female ghost or female prisoner for your use, I think it's okay. Not bad."

"But you exchanged it to see the prisoner. Fortunately, the sphincter is loose."

The more he talked, the more impatient Zhang Chao couldn't help asking:

"Why did you change to see the prisoner? Could it be that Zhang Wei, you are the prison of the Ministry of Health, and someone you know, ghosts, are your relatives locked in the prison?"

Zhang Wei shook his head and explained casually:

"What are you thinking? I just want to see the world. I'm not from an orthodox background like you. I'm a ghost exorcist halfway through. I want to go to the prison to see the prisoners, see the world, and know something about ghost exorcists and ghosts. .”

Words come out.

Zhang Chao was stunned for a moment, and then replied:

"Spending 4 heads of ghost kings to see the world, Zhang Wei, you are so inhumane, but if you think about it carefully, it's true that you are forced to increase your speed and exchange for magic weapons for you. Maybe it won't take long before you get it. Your strength is too weak. It's stronger than magic weapon."

Immediately afterwards.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Mei took the phone from Zhang Chao:

"Zhang Wei, are you sure you want to exchange it to see the prisoners?"

With the affirmative reply from Zhang Wei, Zhang Mei continued:

"That's fine. When I submit the Jade Slip later, I will also report the exchange requirements. But first let me say that it is more difficult to exchange authority, especially if you exchange it in a place like a prison."

"There are many powerful ghosts and ghost exorcists in the prison. You can't just spend money to enter this kind of important place. I can only guarantee you to report it for you, and I don't guarantee whether the superiors will agree or not."

Zhang Wei nodded:

"It's okay, Sister Mei, you can just apply for me. If you can pass it, let's talk about it."


Time flies.

After Zhang Wei returned to Jinguan City, in order to improve his strength as soon as possible, he was not idle. After dinner, he was going to take Zhang Chao to exorcise ghosts.

at this time.

At the dinner table, Zhang Chao patted his full stomach, looked up at the time, it was 8:30 in the evening.

"It's good to be treated to a meal. Zhang Wei, what are we going to do later? I won't be on duty tomorrow. Would you like me to take you to the night market? It's been a long time since you've been here, and you haven't visited the night market yet."

"The night market in our Sichuan Province is quite lively, and you can eat delicious food all night without repeating the same thing."

When Zhang Wei was about to shake his head when he heard the words, he proposed to find a ghost exorcist.

A cold system prompt sounded from the mind.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei was stunned and looked in one direction with an undisguised and strange expression on his face.

His words and deeds.

Zhang Chao and Lu Lianxue all noticed it.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Lianxue asked suspiciously.

Zhang Chao also said with a casual smile:

"What's the matter, the family has been burglarized, and I still want to eat turtle jelly. If so, Dad will buy it for you."

To this.

Zhang Wei just kicked Zhang Chao and scolded with a smile:

"Eat your sister, but you are really right."

"Ah? You don't really want to eat tortoise jelly, do you?" Zhang Chao avoided Zhang Wei's foot.

"No, I mean my house was burglarized."

Zhang Wei replied slowly.

His words come out.

Both Zhang Chao and Lu Lianxue stared in surprise. They naturally knew what Zhang Wei meant. The so-called thief must not be a thief. You must know that Zhang Wei is now in Sichuan Province, not Luxia City, and they are far away. Suddenly knowing the situation at home, there is only one possibility...

The thief who entered was a ghost.

Just like when Lin Tong was in the northeast and felt a ghost broke into his home, the ghost triggered the arrangement of the home, which made Lin Tong feel something.


As if thinking of something, Lu Lianxue quickly asked:

"The burglars you mentioned mean..."


It was Zhang Wei who spoke, he could see what Lu Lianxue wanted to ask, and answered his question first.

just now.

Through the things ordered by the blessing system in the dormitory, he felt that a ghost had entered his dormitory.

As the words came out, Zhang Wei picked up the phone and called Li Junfei. He was not the only one living in his dormitory, but also Li Junfei and the others. Call to remind.

Not long.

The phone was connected, and Li Junfei's voice came from the phone in an instant:

"Oh, brother Wei, what's the matter, you actually called me, did you finally remember me, damn, I hate it, why did it take me so long to call."

Zhang Wei laughed and said:

"Stop flirting, Junfei. I have something serious to see you. Where are you now? Are other people in the dormitory with you?"

"I'm at the ktv, and other people in the dormitory are also there, haha, because today the class said they want to hang out together, so I suggested to come to sing, drink and eat barbecue, what's the matter, brother Wei."

Knowing that there was something serious to do, Li Junfei hurriedly asked with a serious face.

"They're all singing outside, right? There's no one in the dormitory."


"That's ok, Junfei, don't go back to the dormitory tonight, find a hotel to sleep in, I'll pay for it, remember not to go back to the dormitory, because I found a ghost in our dormitory."

"Ah?! My Cao, is it true? There is a ghost in our dormitory!"

Like Zhang Wei, when Li Junfei learned that there was a ghost in the dormitory, Li Junfei was shocked at first, then his face became weird, and he couldn't help laughing out:

"What kind of idiot is this? It's not good to go to a dormitory, but he actually entered Brother Wei's dormitory."


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