Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 216 Enter The Group To Watch The Live Broadcast To Assassinate Zhang Wei

If it were someone else, they would have to be as scared as Zhang Ya and Qiu Xiaolin when they learned that a ghost had come to their house. However, this is Zhang Wei's dormitory for them. Li Junfei is not only not afraid, but curious.

After laughing out loud, Li Junfei couldn't help asking again:

"Brother Wei, how many ghosts have come to our dormitory, male or female? Are they pretty? How old are they? How old are you? Brother Wei, how are you going to deal with the ghosts?"

"Guess." Zhang Wei laughed.

Li Junfei replied:

"I guess Brother Wei will definitely torture the ghost who enters our dormitory. If it is a man, he will punish the evil on behalf of the people. If it is a woman, he will torture and extract a confession, and then punish the rape and eliminate the evil on behalf of the people. "

His words come out.

Although the two are far apart, they tacitly showed the same smile with the same expression pack 'funny face'.

Then Zhang Wei smiled slowly:

"Junfei said it well. To deal with such vicious ghosts, you should teach them a severe lesson. If it is a male ghost, you should use a whip to whip it hard. If it is a female ghost, you should whip it hard. , screaming."

"Yes yes yes, pump harder and harder." Li Junfei echoed.


Zhang Wei replied:

"Stop talking nonsense, Junfei, you have a good party, just remember not to go back to the dormitory, I'll deal with it, I'll hang up first."

"Okay, Brother Wei, come on, then I'll continue drinking. By the way, I almost forgot. Brother Wei, you are in Sichuan Province. How did you know that the ghost is coming from our dormitory?"

Li Junfei asked a question. He is not a ghost exorcist, and unlike Zhang Chao and the others, he doesn't know about mother and son bells.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't hide anything, and replied casually:

"The figurine told me."

His words come out.

Li Junfei: "????"


the other side.

Sanjin City, a road.

at this time.

On the road where vehicles came and went, there was a fat man by the side of the road. He was holding a parasol in one hand and patted a round thing with the other, humming the theme song of Slam Dunk.

When he hummed the climax of the theme song, he took the round thing in his hand like a basketball, shot it, then caught it, and continued to slap it.

That look.

The drivers of the passing vehicles thought it was a fat man who had just played basketball and was walking home.

However, there are also sharp-eyed drivers who look at the round things in their hands. It doesn't seem to be a basketball, because they find that the 'basketball' has long hairs, as long as hair. If you look carefully, it is not a basketball at all, but a basketball. A piercing head... The fat man slapped his head like a basketball.

"Have a nice day, be happy."

The fat man patted the ghost king's head and smiled happily:

"The next step is to find those ghosts who issued a wanted Zhang Wei. Let me see who to look for first. I remember that there seems to be one in this province."

in words.

The fat man picked up his phone and logged into the Haunted Den forum, ready to look at the arrest warrant.

"Huh? This is..."

The fat man stopped in his tracks, his eyes attracted by the latest news of a saved wanted post.

[A ghost took my arrest warrant and announced that Zhang Wei's veterans wanted to join the group to watch the live broadcast and assassinate Zhang Wei]

Seeing this news, the fat man was stunned.

Unexpectedly, there was a ghost who received the arrest warrant faster than himself, and had already started to assassinate Zhang Wei. Suddenly, the fat man didn't dare to neglect, and took advantage of his identity as the founder of the ghost den, and hurriedly joined the group to see the situation.


After checking the ghost chat content in the group, the fat man found out.

This is a 'Wanted Zhang Wei' group formed by the ghosts who posted the wanted Zhang Wei, which is specially used to condemn and denounce Zhang Wei, and release the latest news about Zhang Wei, etc.


Now the group is preparing to live broadcast the assassination of Zhang Wei. There is a powerful ghost who has reached the half-step ghost king. Get all wanted rewards.

can be seen.

At the moment, the chat in the group is in full swing.

[Zhang Wei must die No. 1]: Kill! Kill me hard!

[Zhang Wei must die No. 30]: Hahaha, hurry up, I can't wait to see Zhang Wei's blood splatter three feet.

[Zhang Wei must die No. 90]: Assassin, have you arrived at Zhang Wei's location yet? Reply quickly, wait online, it's urgent!

[Zhang Wei must die No. 99]: +1

Then a group of ghosts swiped the screen with "+1".

Without exception, the group names are [Zhang Wei must die + the sequence number of entering the group], so that it is convenient to distinguish who is the wanted poster in the group and who is the "bounty man" who received the order.

[Assassin]: Bosses, I'm already on my way.

Looking at these group messages, the fat man stopped in his tracks, with a strange expression on his face:

"This shit..."

If he didn't know that Zhang Wei was not in the dormitory, the fat man would have been anxious, and then he hurriedly called Li Junfei. He thought the same as Zhang Wei, and immediately thought of Li Junfei's safety.

Not long.

After talking on the phone with Li Junfei, and knowing that Li Junfei was away, and that Li Junfei said he didn't plan to go back to the dormitory, but would spend the night outside, he felt relieved.

Then the fat man put away his phone and said to himself:

"No, I have to deal with this shitty thing quickly, and dare to live broadcast the assassination of Zhang Wei."

Although he knew that Zhang Wei was not in the dormitory, the assassin would definitely not be able to kill Zhang Wei tonight, but it would be hard to say when Zhang Wei came back, so he had to go back quickly and kill the assassin before Zhang Wei came back.

On the way back.

He did not forget to keep an eye on the group chats to obtain information, and in order to find out the assassin, he sent a message:

【Assassin, have you arrived at Zhang Wei's house yet? Hurry up and start the live broadcast! ! Can't wait to watch it! Agreed deduction 1]

message sent.

The group was swiped by the news of "1".


the other side.

Luxia University, Zhang Wei Dormitory.

at this time.

Since Zhang Wei and Li Junfei were not in the dormitory, the whole dormitory was pitch black, and the only silence was the wind blowing in from the balcony.

With the evening wind blowing in, the towels hanging by the window in the dormitory fluttered with the wind.

However, the next second.

Without any warning, a pale hand suddenly stretched out from the balcony window, grabbed the fluttering towel, and made it stop. Through the moonlight swaying down from the window, you can see that there is no one on the balcony of the dormitory, There was an extra figure.

It seemed to be blown by the wind, appeared on the balcony out of thin air, and entered the dormitory. You must know that Zhang Wei's dormitory is located on the fifth floor of the dormitory building, so how could someone come in from the balcony.

Regardless of whether it came in from the balcony or looked like a human being, it was obvious that it was not a human, but... a ghost.

Looking around the dark dormitory, feeling that there is no human breath here, the ghost murmured:

"It's really time to come, it seems that Zhang Wei hasn't come back yet."

As he spoke, the ghost took out a mobile phone, clicked on a group called 'Wanted Zhang Wei', and sent a message out.

[Assassin]: Bosses, I have arrived at Zhang Wei's address.


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