Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 218 Awei's Eighteen Forms, The First Form...

This look.

The ghost king's expression changed suddenly.

On Zhang Wei's hand-made bookcase in front, the hand-figure of Sister Bao'er is no longer in the shoveling pose he saw, nor is it posing with a V gesture, but staring straight at him.


When the King of Ghosts looked at her, Sister Bao'er raised her hands, put two index fingers on the corners of her mouth, and raised the corners of her mouth to express that she was smiling at him.

same moment.

Sister Baoer spoke with a Sichuan accent and said:

"Zhang Wei, tell me. When you find me, I will smile. He said it's called a thief. Wait a minute, let me think about it."

Sister Bao'er lowered her head, resting her hand on her chin:

"Oh, now that I think about it, he said you'd be shocked."

【Ding! The ghost king changed color in shock, did the toy talk? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

Sister Bao'er didn't speak very loudly, but in this quiet and deserted dormitory, she was very clear.

All the ghosts in the group heard it, and there was a constant stream of news in the group.

[My Cao, there is someone! 】

【 Zhang Wei is back? ! No, it's a female voice. 】

[Who is this woman? There are actually other exorcists in Zhang Wei's family. 】

[Hey, why does this voice sound so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere. 】

【Ok? Zhang Wei must die No. 3, do you know the ghost exorcist in Zhang Wei's family? Tell me who she is, is she amazing? 】

[I've heard it too, wait, I'm Cao! I remembered this voice, isn't this the voice of Sister Bao'er! 】

【what? Miss Baoer? Are you talking about Feng Baobao's figure? 】

[Wori, let me just say how I heard it somewhere, it is really Sister Baoer's voice. 】

All the ghosts in the group are confused, they know what Sister Bao'er is, they have explained before 'Zhang Wei must die No. 3', it is an anime character, but now it seems to be attacking the ghost king.

Although this idea is nonsense, and I really want to refute this idea, but thinking of the 'assassin' shouting 'the toy moved' just now, they fell silent.

at the same time.

In Zhang Wei's dormitory.

Following Sister Bao'er's opening, before the Ghost King could react, he saw the figurine of Sister Bao'er, and jumped out of the bookcase with a shovel.


A hell of a scene happened.

【Ding! The ghost king has changed color again, I am Cao! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +120]


The sister Bao'er who jumped out of the bookcase grew when she saw the wind, and her figure suddenly became bigger. The moment she landed on the ground, Miss Bao'er had already become the size of a normal person.


It was too late to be amazed by the situation in front of him, the ghost king was worthy of being a ghost king, and in an instant, his dark energy surged wildly, and he shot at sister Bao'er.

"It doesn't matter if you are a human being or a magic weapon, die for me!"

The ghost king made a quick move.

Grabbing the weak spot when Sister Bao'er landed, but facing the surprise attack of the ghost king, Sister Bao'er dodged and avoided the attack of the ghost king. roll out.

"Awei's 18th style, the first style, the old man pushes the cart."

Words come out.

The ghost king was pushed by Sister Bao'er's palm, as if hit by a boulder, he was pushed away with a bang.

Immediately afterwards.

Miss Bao'er didn't give the ghost king a chance to counterattack, she jumped up, put all her strength on her lower body, and sat on the ghost king's chest as if sitting cross-legged.


Accompanied by the scream of the ghost king, the ghosts in the group heard a cracking sound... that was the rib of the ghost king was broken.


Followed by Sister Baoer's voice:

"Second form, Avalokitesvara sits on a lotus."

The voice fell.

The group heard Sister Bao'er's voice again and again, and the ghost king's screams again and again.

"The third type, poisonous dragon drill."

sound up.

Faintly, the ghosts in the group heard a sound like a knife being drawn.


"Fourth type, Okamoto zero point zero one."

"Ah!!!——" Ghost King screamed terribly.

"Fifth Form, middle..."

"Ah!!!———" The ghost king continued to scream miserably.

"Sixth style, one shot into the soul"

"Ah!!!" The ghost king continued to scream.

"The seventh form..."

Under Sister Bao'er's pleasant Sichuan accent, the screams in the dormitory continued uninterrupted.

And the other side.

The live broadcast room was deathly silent, and all the ghosts were silent. Although they didn't know what happened, they heard the screams of the 'Assassin', and they knew that the killing of Zhang Wei was not going well this time, and they were also called It was a complete failure.

For a long time.

With the ghost king screaming again.

The ghosts in the group came back to their senses, and there was a constant stream of news in the group.

【What happened, it's too miserable. 】

[The assassin seems to have failed. 】

[...This is more than a failure, the assassin... can he still live. 】

After this message was sent out, the group was silent for another two seconds.


The ghost named 'Zhang Wei must die No. 3' sent a message, breaking the silence.

[Although I don’t know who the female ghost exorcist who has a voice that looks like Sister Bao’er, who even brought Sister Bao’er’s Awei Eighteen Forms directly to reality, and put them into practice, I can be sure that the assassin is now undergoing torture . 】

[Because it hits Awei's Eighteen Styles, there is a high probability that it will fail. 】

Its message is sent.

A ghost sent a message.

【you sure? The sister Baoer you mentioned is an anime character, right? Then the anime moves that this female ghost exorcist has learned and put to use must be very powerful? 】

[I can't say it's very powerful, but if you really apply what you've learned, especially if you can imitate the 'one shot into the soul', you will definitely not die or be disabled. If you don't believe me, go to Baidu to check the move yourself. 】

Afterwards, many ghosts in the group went to investigate what they said about Sister Baoer's "one shot into the soul".

Watch this video.

They were all dumbfounded, and finally understood the meaning of their words.

Also at this time.

The ghost king's screams in the live broadcast stopped, and they couldn't help but startled. They didn't have time to reply, and quickly listened to the live broadcast, not letting go of any sound, and then they heard a rustling sound.

listen carefully.

It seemed to be the sound of something heavy being dragged.

Not long after.

Then they heard the rustling sound, which sounded like they were digging the soil, piles of bang bang bang being dug out by shovels.

Just when the ghosts in the group were wondering what happened to the assassin and what happened to these voices.

Sister Baoer's voice came over:

"If you leave you in the dormitory, you will be found out. Zhang Wei may suffer. We have to eliminate this risk."

As Sister Bao'er was talking, she dragged the ghost king to an unmanned flower garden next to the school dormitory building, and began to dig a hole.

"I'll wait for Ha Zi to dig a hole and bury you, so that Zhang Wei will be fine. I'm so resourceful."

【Ding! The ghost king heard Sister Bao'er's words while he was dying, and regretted it, he shouldn't have accepted this arrest warrant]

[Host obtains system points +100]

【Ding! The ghost king wants to cry before he dies, save me, who will save me, I don’t want to be buried here, I am the ghost king, I don’t want to die so useless]

[Host obtains system points +110]

【Ding! Before his death, the ghost king walked around, recalling that he was beaten to death by Awei's eighteen styles, and couldn't swallow this breath. He used to kill people, but he didn't expect to be beaten to death now. 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

【Ding! The ghost king was unwilling to die, and closed his eyes with a miserable smile before he died. Forget it, it doesn’t matter if I was buried, no one would know that I was killed by Guanyin sitting on a lotus and being pushed by an old man on a cart. 】

[Host obtains system points +130]


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