Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 219 Miss, Can You Please Describe The Suspect's Appearance?

As the reminder sounded, the ghost king finally swallowed a breath, it was hurt too badly.

To this.

Sister Bao'er didn't care, and threw the ghost king's body into the pit.

In her opinion, Zhang Wei hasn't come back yet, if the ghost king's body is in the dormitory, someone will definitely find it, so it's best to find a place to bury it, as long as you mark it here, Zhang Wei will come back to pick up the body.

at the same time.


Accompanied by the corpse of the ghost king being thrown into the dug pit, there was a bang, and news from the ghosts in the live broadcast room continued.

【…The assassin seems to have been buried. 】

[It must have been buried, I'm sorry, this female ghost exorcist imitated Sister Bao'er to the extreme, she even learned how to bury people, there is nothing wrong with that, these sounds are the sound of shoveling and burying people. 】

[Maybe it's not an imitation, maybe this female ghost exorcist is the prototype of Sister Bao'er, the moves can be imitated, the buried person can be imitated, but that voice. 】

[Regardless of whether it is Sister Baoer or not... the assassin should be gone this time. Assassin, are you still alive? If you see it, please call back. 】

When the messages in the group swiped the screen.

the other side.

The fat man on the way was also stunned, staring at the phone with weird eyes.

Originally, he wanted to rush back as soon as possible, and then in front of the live broadcast room, the arrogant and ruthless 'assassin' was killed, which served as a deterrent, killing chickens and monkeys. It's not Zhang Wei, it's...his favorite 'Sister Bao'er'.

"Where did Zhang Wei go to find a ghost exorcist with Sister Bao'er's voice, who knows how to do Awei's 18th style, or is he hiding in the dormitory..."

Think here.

The fat man quickened his pace again.

Although the assassin was killed, it did not prevent him from going to Zhang Wei's dormitory to find out.

But before he could move his feet, he glanced at the live broadcast room of his mobile phone from the corner of his eyes, his pupils dilated, and he exclaimed:

"Fuck?! Sister Bao'er?!"


Luxia City University, in the unmanned flower garden next to the male dormitory.

After Sister Bao'er threw the ghost king's body into the pit, she picked up the shovel and prepared to shovel the soil to bury it, but at this moment, she looked down at the pit.

"What is this?"

There is a long strip of things on the side of the pit that reflects the moonlight. It was not there when I threw the ghost king in before. I think the things of the ghost king accidentally fell out when she threw the ghost king in.


Sister Baoer bent down to pick up the thing:

"cell phone?"

Picking it up, Sister Bao'er found that it was a mobile phone. Thinking that it was something that fell from the ghost king, she broke it and threw it into the pit to return it to its original owner.

However, at the same time, the group exploded. Those ghosts who knew Sister Baoer, and those ghosts who went to Baidu out of curiosity and found out about Sister Baoer, all went crazy.

just now.

When Sister Bao'er picked up the phone, it was not in the dark dormitory. With the help of moonlight, the live broadcast room finally had a picture.

And the screen appears instantly.

All the ghosts in the group saw it. A beautiful face appeared in front of the live broadcast room. She was leaning over to look at the camera. Under the moonlight, her face was reflected, beautiful and moving, but also a little dumb cute.

Then the group exploded in the next second...

[I am Cao! ! ! Sister Baoer! ! 】

[Look, there is a picture in the live broadcast room, huh? A woman's face, this could not be the woman who killed the assassin. 】

【Is it my eyesight? Why does this woman look so much like Feng Baobao. 】

[It's more than just like... This horse is Sister Bao'er, you can't be wrong, this is really Sister Bao'er's face, I can recognize it even when it turns into ashes, it's exactly the same. 】

[Just kidding, isn't Sister Baoer an anime character, but she really looks alike. 】

[This nima is not only Awei's eighteen styles, which can be learned and put into practice, but also has a face like Sister Baoer's. 】

[It's too similar, it's too similar. 】

[Do you think there is a possibility that this is Sister Baoer, or that Sister Baoer's character prototype is her. 】

With the news of 'Zhang Wei must die No. 3'.

Including Fatty, all the ghosts were stunned.

Think back to what happened before.

Not to mention, it's not impossible.

Thinking of this possibility, the fat man's eyelids twitched wildly, and he felt short of breath. Wo Ri, Zhang Wei is so ruthless, we agreed to collect Sister Baoer's figure together, and you have all the prototypes in your bag? ?


the other side.

Luxia City University, in the female dormitory building opposite Zhang Wei's dormitory.

at this time.

A girl was standing on the balcony of the dormitory on the fourth floor and talking on the phone. She could be heard pleading into the phone:

"Baby, I was wrong, forgive me, don't break up with me, I really have nothing to do with him, he is just my boyfriend, I go out with him because you play games and ignore me, and he just fell out of love .”

"We really have nothing to do. Baby, you have to trust me. How can you do this? We've been together for two years. Do you really not trust me? It's really just a male girlfriend."

Although the girl begged bitterly, the boyfriend only replied, "Then you can spend time with your boyfriend", and hung up the phone.

Listen to the beeping sound from the phone.

The girl squatted on the balcony and cried loudly. Her roommates in the dormitory could only comfort her when she saw this.

at this time.

Maybe it was blown by the night wind, or maybe it was comforted by her roommates, the girl stopped crying and sobbed there, standing on the balcony watching the night, not knowing what she was thinking.

For a long time.

She picked up the phone again.

Just when she was about to make a phone call, she took advantage of the reflection of the moonlight and felt the moonlight reflected on her not far below the building. She subconsciously blocked the reflected moonlight with her hand and looked towards the light source.

Then she stopped crying, her red eyes widened from crying, and she screamed in an instant:


In sight.

The light source came from the flower garden not far from the male dormitory on the opposite floor. Although it was night, she rubbed her eyes again and again to make sure she was right by the moonlight. There was a woman who looked like Feng Baobao shoveling soil and ……people? !


She was stunned, and after a moment of recovery, she panicked and shouted to her roommates in the dormitory:

"Ah!!! Kill, kill, there is Feng Baobao, you look quickly, Feng Baobao is burying people over there."

its shouting.

Her roommates were stupefied, each of them couldn't laugh or cry, Feng Baobao killed someone? Do you think your baby is going crazy, mentally disturbed?

To this.

In view of the girl's broken love, after all, they have been dating for two years, and it is normal for them to be mentally stimulated. They can only nod in response:

"Okay, okay, I see, it's okay, it's just killing people, it's normal for Feng Baobao to bury people, it's a basic operation."

"Xiaoli, I'm just watching under one person. If you want to watch Feng Baobao, come in and watch together."

"You must have read it wrong. It's cold outside, and you're hallucinating from the cold."

How could the girls not know what they were thinking, and shouted:

"Really, I'm not mistaken. I can see that Feng Baobao clearly. He buried someone there."

in words.

The girl also picked up her mobile phone, and calmly dialed the police without choosing to call her boyfriend or girlfriend.

Soon the call will be connected:

"Hey! The police! I, I, I saw the murder. Someone killed someone in our school and buried the body over there. Take a look."

"Huh? Miss, don't worry, speak slowly, kill? Where is your school, and are you sure you read it right..."

Out of professionalism, the police quickly asked.

The girl nodded hurriedly:

"At Luxia University, I was not mistaken. I saw clearly. I saw the suspect's face. It was true that she killed people and buried her body there."

"See the appearance clearly? Can you describe the specific characteristics of the suspect's gender, appearance, clothing, etc., so that I can inform my colleagues to catch the suspect."

"Ok, ok, that suspect is a woman, she looks like Feng Baobao under one person, the ultimate resemblance, really, I'm not lying, it's almost like Feng Baobao appeared, her clothes, what she wears are Swimsuit, that kind of bikini swimsuit with very little fabric, the police, come quickly, Baobao Feng is about to be buried."

Words come out.


Roommates: "..."

I saw the roommates looking at her with weird eyes, and you said you didn't have hallucinations, sister Bao'er in the swimsuit is buried, are you sure it's... not a hallucination?


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