same moment.

Sister Bao'er was burying the ghost king's body, patting the soil tightly, and then left with a shovel.

this night.

Definitely a sleepless night.

A lovelorn girl can't sleep.

A group of ghosts can't sleep at night.


And the ghosts in the entire ghost den forum are confused.

Just after tonight, all the ghosts logged into the Haunted Nest forum. When they checked the wanted notices, they found that all the wanted notices about Zhang Wei had been updated at the same time yesterday.

It was this additional condition that made everyone confused.

[High price reward Zhang Wei, please watch "Under One Man" and have a detailed understanding of the animation character Sister Baoer's moves and other information, you can come to accept the reward, if you haven't watched "Under One Man", I'm sorry, for your safety, please don't accept the reward order! ! 】

This was discussed by the ghosts who posted a reward for Zhang Wei in the group last night.

Sister Baoer is too strong.

Even the assassin who was the ghost king was easily killed. Carefully replaying the video in the live broadcast room, every time he heard the assassin's screams, and the extreme duration of the live broadcast, they made a unanimous decision to add additional conditions.

no way.

After all, if you don’t know that Sister Baoer’s ghost is going to kill Zhang Wei, and Sister Baoer is there, you will definitely be caught off guard, and you can only be buried if you go.

Also for this.

Soon there was news that Zhang Wei was protected by a powerful ghost exorcist called "Sister Baoer", who not only looked like Sister Baoer, but also had the same moves as Sister Baoer. It is said that this is the prototype of Sister Baoer.


There are a lot of posts about "under one person" in the ghost den forum:

[It's so beautiful under one person, sister Bao'er is so beautiful. 】

[I've watched Under One Person overnight, it's beautiful! The rise of Guoman! 】

[Brothers, I finished watching Under One Man, and I decided not to accept the reward order for arresting Zhang Wei. Don’t ask why, the question is that I found that I can’t beat Sister Baoer. 】

[Seeing that everyone is "under one person" in Amway, I also join in the fun and come to Amway]

[About the in-depth analysis of Sister Baoer, if you want to get Zhang Wei rewarded, hurry up! Do not regret it! 】

【If you are buried, how to save yourself】

[Build a building for Sister Baoer, one building every day! 】

[Heavy news, Zhang Wei once signed a "temporary worker" with the Department of Health and Justice. It seems that the one next to him is really Sister Baoer, and both of them are temporary workers! 】

Time flies.

Two days have passed since a ghost entered Zhang Wei's dormitory.

In the past two days, Zhang Wei has not been idle, and has been pulling Zhang Chao to exorcise ghosts and improve the system points. , Zhang Wei swiped 2000 system points.

Now Zhang Wei is still 10,000 system points away from reaching the ghost king in his own strength.

at this time.

In Jinguan City, the "Seven Days Hotel" where the Ministry of Health is based.

"Zhang Wei, thank you for your help these days. Next time you are free, you can continue to work as a temporary worker. I welcome you anytime."

Zhang Mei smiled at Zhang Wei.

His words come out.

Zhang Chao on the side chimed in and said:

"Welcome back Zhang Wei, our strongest temporary worker, I'll wait for you here, I hope you don't know what's good and what's wrong."

When Zhang Wei heard this, he immediately sparred with Zhang Chao:

"Thank you for the compliment, but I didn't do anything. In three days, I helped you kill two ghost kings and wiped out a small ghost force. The total performance is better than Zhang Chao's performance during his tenure."

His words come out.

Zhang Wei turned back to Zhang Mei, pointed at Zhang Wei and said:

"Sister, listen, why Zhang Wei is barking suddenly, can you hear what he is barking, I can't hear clearly."

The two fought for a while, until Zhang Wei looked at the time on his phone and said:

"My flight is almost up, let's not talk nonsense, Zhang Chao, sister Mei, let's go first, see you next time, by the way, if Wu Nian comes back, please say hello to him for me."

Before he came to help Zhang Chao, he signed a three-day temporary labor contract.

Now three days have passed, plus there are still studies and Huahua's affairs, he doesn't plan to stay for a long time, and wants to return to Luxia City as soon as possible.


Zhang Wei said goodbye to Zhang Chao and the others, and flew back with Lu Lianxue.


the other side.

Luxia City, a garden in an old community.

at this time.

The garden was under renovation, and no one came, and the garden was empty.


Until a meow sounded, breaking the silence of the garden.

That's Huahua.

According to the agreement with the man with presbyopic glasses that day, it came to the garden early.

Just looking around in Huahuahuan, ready to wait for the man with presbyopic glasses. After all, he came ahead of time, but before he looked around, there were sparse sounds from the flowers in the corner not far away.

I saw a man with presbyopic glasses walking out from the corner:

"I knew you would come."

Huahua was surprised. She didn't expect the man with presbyopic glasses to arrive earlier than she did. She didn't know if the other party finished his work early, or came here specially to wait.

Immediately afterwards.

The man with presbyopic glasses didn't beat around the bush, instead he smiled for a moment and looked at Huahua:

"I don't know what you are thinking about, do you want to join our Sen Luosi?"

in words.

He smiled the whole time, looking like an amiable young man, but relying on animal instinct, Huahua was sure that as long as she didn't agree, the man with presbyopic glasses would definitely make a move in the next second.

But compared to the first time she met a man with presbyopic glasses, this time Huahua is ready.

After it asked aloud.

Huahua nodded slightly, her meaning was self-evident.

When the man with presbyopic glasses saw it, the smile on his face became even wider, and he said without concealing the excitement in his eyes:

"Okay, okay, I'll just wait for your nod, don't worry, I said before that you will not regret today's decision, so to let you understand this, I plan to give you a big gift in person."

He licked his tongue:

"Your current strength is at the level of the top-level red-clothed ghost. If you put it in other places, it will definitely be alive and nourishing, but it is not enough for Senluosi, but you were introduced to Senluosi by me. You can't be replaced by other Senluosi. Members take it lightly."

"So I decided to take you to improve your strength first and quickly rise to the ghost king level. This way, you will not be underestimated by Sen Luosi, and it will also let me see what your potential is."

He was like a chatterbox, when he took Huahua away, he kept talking along the way:

"By the way, in Senluosi, we don't use our real names, we all use code names. For example, my code name is glasses."

"What code name do you want to use?"

"Orange cat." Huahua glanced at the man with presbyopic glasses and said.

"Good code name, it suits you very well."

The man with presbyopic glasses continued to say:

"By the way, let's talk about the business just now. I want to take you to improve your strength. How do you want to improve? Do you want to kill ghost exorcists and ghosts with me, or I will directly give you the corpse of a ghost king I prepared for you. You absorb."

For its words.

Huahua, who had been helped by Zhang Wei in her espionage homework for a long time, calmly put on a cold cat face, and with an immature female voice, said the words Zhang Wei had prepared for her:

"Meow~ Just give me the corpse of the ghost king you prepared. I am too lazy to kill the ghost exorcist. I have killed a few before. It is boring. It is more interesting to kill the same kind, especially the more ferocious ones, the more I like to kill them. Don't you think Is this exciting?"

The man with presbyopic glasses nodded repeatedly and applauded:

"Hahaha, yes yes yes, very exciting, the more ferocious the ghost, the more enjoyable it is to kill, haha, orange cat, your taste is really great."


(ps: Dear readers, Happy Children’s Day!! Always 18 years old!!)

(ps: Also, readers, allow me to update twice today. I have been under too much pressure recently. It happens to be Children’s Day today. Let me be lazy and thank you.)

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